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Everything posted by john

  1. Hey I just wondered when the last time you were in a pro recording studio was? I was in a studio for the first time in a while at christmas, unfortunately I was just visiting someone else who was recording their 4th album (at least I think it was the 4th!). I was in the same studio about 8 years ago recording. It's not changed much to look at until you notice that it is completely protools based now! I virtually never go to studio these days. Home recording meets most of my needs, though it can be a bit frustrating when you don't have that bit of gear that would do what you need! Anyway, I just wondered... Cheers John
  2. Hey Nigel There are a few cheap entry level software sequencers, and a number of freeware alternatives. I'll see if I can find a list... Cheers John
  3. Hey Marc Interesting stuff. I read up on subliminals a couple of years ago, and if not directly, the results of this research are used in everything from adverts, films etc., music, graphics and ... product placement in yout local shops! Oh yeah, then there's product packaging, colour use and combination... We are manipulated at every opportunity. Most subliminals seem to follow a basic formula: Appetite/Desire + Product = Satisfaction although there are variations involving assosciation with desirable attributes, they are only variations. A common one as an example involves placing a skull image in an ice cube, in a alcohol drinks advert. The assosciation is, funnily enough, danger. There are other subliminals in the same advert (about 40). Why? Being viewed as mildly dangerous is a desirable self-image common for drinkers. Assosciation is the key stone of subliminals. Assosciation is usually made with strong emotive subjects, like food and eating, or even stronger reactions using sexual imagery. For example: Product - Soft Drink. (much simplified) Hidden messages: Thirst equated with hunger equated with sexual desire and frustration. Images of heat, dry, arid, undesirable elements from stuck in traffic on a hot day etc. Hidden images include excessive heat (deserts, etc.), flacid unaroused sexual organs, frustrated facial images etc. Product equated with popular food type, and sexual arousal. Images include drink being poured, face showing anticipation. Hidden images include aroused sexual organs, watering mouth, dilated pupils etc. Drinking the product equated with satisfying your hunger and sexual acts especially penetration. Images of happy faces, and sexual acts are used. Swallowing the product is equated with orgasm. Graphic images of orgasm are used. After drinking the product satisfaction with the product is equated with sated appetite and sexual satisfaction. Images of post coital relaxation are used. Images are displayed by a mixture of inserted whole frames, say a couple of frames every hundred, to percentage mixes between the consciously visible signal, say 95%, and the unconsciously visible subliminal, say 5%. The latter can very easily be done with audio. Ok, so the supermarket/mall version is much diluted, but many of the equations are the same. Cheers John
  4. Feel free to post why you feel one is your favourite.
  5. Hey Nigel Ok, ordered by likelyhood of success, higher to lower -> Idea 1: Win the lottery jackpot. Idea 2: Invent something everybody wants, nobody needs, only you can manufacture, where materials are free, and people will help you make it for you for free just to be assosciated with it. Idea 3: Sell your body. You would need to be patient, but I feel almost sure that eventually you would raise the remainder of the £14.00. (Assuming you are about the £12.00 mark just now). John Cheeky? Me?
  6. Excellent Dider! I missed this when it was posted...
  7. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-supe...-home-headlines Could have been Woeful Wednesday or Not Bad Thursday... :
  8. Hey Finn Nice one. Good blog too.
  9. Hey I have a dangerous singing technique. I sing. It's dangerous. :
  10. Hey Just thought Id see what your next planned musical buys are? And I don't mean a new cd, unless it's a sample cd! Cheers John
  11. Hey Hari Interesting article. Thanks! Cheers John
  12. Hey emptylane Hmm. Obviously there's no simple answer. It depends on the style of music and your playing style. I would start with the basic song with no embelishments. Identify the part(s) of each song where you could embelish, without impacting your vocal performance. Next, try to get variation in the breaks themselves. The big bit to remember is, this is the easiest part to get some form of instrument based dynamic variation. I know you get the chance while you are singing, but at this point you can wholehearted focus on the guitar. Al has it correct to degree, your vocal is the main way to introduce variation. Plan what you want to do. Make it simple. It is better to have a few selected excellent "variations" etc than an overkill of not very good ones. Cheers John
  13. Hey Finn Thanks for letting me know. It's an offsite service for managing the ad banners. Unfortunately if their site goes down, so do the banners. Every one else Cross Link! Cheers John
  14. Hey Finn Go through a manual submit. It should get picked up. You won't have been banned or anything like that. Cheers John
  15. Hey Finn I've added a link to your site on my own artist page: http://www.johnmoxey.com Cheers John
  16. Well bumped Finn! btw, I noticed that your Songstuff page shows as the highest result when you search for Finn Arild! http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navc...en&q=Finn+Arild Cheers John
  17. In the current climate the lion taming might come in handy...
  18. Unfortunately no. It might not be expensive, but I'm pretty broke at the mo. Spending restrictions in place .
  19. Hey Finn Sorry Finn... good luck! I hope you get it sorted soon... Cheers John
  20. You signed up as a label? Where?
  21. Finn Cool. Just give me a shout. We can get it mentioned in the newsletter, and put up a banner, and a feature/interview. Out of interest, how are you doing the release to iTunes? Are you using their service directly or through a third party? It's something I've been thinking about doing with "Awaken". Cheers John
  22. Hey Finn Well what do you lose by trying it with the old style vocals? Nothing. It either works or it doesn't. As far as changing your vocal style goes, like learning any new style it's easy for it to over take your existing style. Over the years I've had to reign in my enthusiasm for new techniques on various occasions. It's difficult to keep your subjectivity on your skills. What are your plans for the single? Is there any way I can help? I'm happy to help if I can. Cheers John
  23. Well you will ask the same question...
  24. Hey An interesting site Hari! Thanks for the link. Cheers John
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