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Posts posted by Steve

  1. Although an axeman at heart you enjoy a bit of black and white as well?

    Ha ha ha Shhh. Truth to tell... My preference in music is piano based! I have more piano music than guitar music. I only wish my parents had been able to afford to send me for piano lessons. I love George Shearing, Oscar Peterson, Jules Holland, Beethoven. I really wish I could play the piano...... I quite like synths as well, but I would never say that in an open thread........

  2. What did it cost? Can you upload a sample of what it can do?

    When I was looking for a new soundcard, I bought an Omni studio 66, it came with Gigastudio and the piano on that was quite superb! That played quite comfortably on my old 1ghz athlon machine. Does the grand really need a dual processor machine to be of any use?


  3. I once helped some friends set up a small studio over a car repair shop. The biggest problem was stopping the noise coming through the floor. We solved this by laying down a layer of Tredaire (rubber carpet underlay) then a layer of 20mm chipboard, then layed  carpet on top of that. The walls were were fitted with a cheap layer of carpet stuck all the way from floor to ceiling, except for the control room wall which was left 'live'  The ceiling was draped with some aquired fishing nets but later removed in favour of a 'live' ceiling. A drum booth was constructed from some partitioning found in a skip that had been parked outside a nearby office refurbisment. these were about 5' high by 3' wide. Four of these were lugged up to the studio and made quite a good booth.

    The biggest problem we had was isolating the control room. We finaly built a four inch stud wall and filled it with kiln dried sand! The control room side had carpet fitted to it and the window (which was about 6' x 3') was made in-situ and was triple glazed with the 2 cavities having a good sprinling of silicon crystals. The actual studio was 15' square and the control room was  about 10'x12'.

    There were some good bands recorded here. The studio lasted about 18 months before moving to bigger premises just up the road.

    Sam studios, Bristol.

    I know not if they are still going? They were there about five years ago as far as I recall.

  4. Hehehe...well it's not Mia...she'll NEVER be a guitarist! NEVER I TELL YOU!!!!

    Ahh yes... I remeber my dad (R. Wakeman) used to say the same to me...  ;D  ;D  ;D

    The rebelious youth will out and baffle you into buying that first guitar....

    If you need some advice on which one to get? you'll have lots of help and support from these boards. (And sniggering and "I told you so")  :P

  5. Yes... And No...

    My latest track (which is taking an age to record) is shaping up quite nicely. I am taking much more time to listen to what Im recording, something I have neglected to do in the past. My usual tack is write it, record it, upload it. Usualy in the shortest time possible! I once did three songs in the space of about 8 days. I have had to force myself to listen to what I've recorded, then listen again the next day just to make sure what I thought it sounded like, really does sound like it should! I think one of my major problems is I dont have any monitors! Just headphones. and I tend to sit for hours at the computer.

    Ah well! you live and learn (Or is that live and die?)

  6. OK

    Having been critisised for my mix's I want some serious answers here!

    I have a Yamaha sw1000xg card, and I use the midi sounds on this card. I have tried softsynth stuff but it all sounds a bit crap frankly! ( I cant afford expensive kit )

    The question is... Should I convert my midi to audio? and tweak it?

    Or is it OK to use the midi until it's time to output as a wav file...


  7. I have some professional bassists as friends and they all say picks are for EX - guitarists not willing to learn a new style in playing..

    H. You're a misinformed heathanistic old fart! I know a few professional bass players capable of playing with or without a pick. To play with a pick is just another style!

    Mark Knopfler doesn't use a pick to play guitar, does that make him a crap guitar player?  8)

  8. I've got a Dimarzio on the bridge and an original Gibson pickup on the neck. Thats not what the problem is. What I want is the air movement that the speaker cone makes when I whack the crap out of a chord or two. THATS what is missing....  :(

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