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Everything posted by ATom2

  1. ATom2

    From The Weekend

    Sorry, but I am having a hell of a hard time concentrating with that 1984 Ghostbusters picture of Sigourney Weaver as Zuuuuul laying next to me! Ouch! Anyway, as weekends go they couldn't have been better. Sunny, near 80degrees, lots of backroads, my camera, and a crap load of tunes! The truth is, I can't think of anything to piss and moan about. Oh wait, one thing. Way too much garbage out in the wilderness. So, I do have a topic that concerns music and in all likelyhood it will be my next entry. I just need time to think it all together. Remember, it will be MY point of view. Soon, T
  2. ATom2

    Bass Amp

    First I will say I was totally against my friend buying anything from this company. However, I am still biting my tongue as I was wrong with it's performance. Not only does it work well in the studio, it's semi-wedge design makes it great to monitor on stage. My friend has the 12" model to get better quickness at close range. Take a look. Hope the link continues to work. http://www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7/compar...base_pid=481099 Tom
  3. Haven't made a recording for a long time and I always had plenty of reasons not to, or so I thought. Actually the real reason I haven't started anything new for years is because I always hated putting the damn drum tracks down electronically. Just one big pain in the ass. I had thought of contacting the many drummers I know to come in and do it for me acoustically, but I doubt I could screw up my timing enough to play along. Nix that idea. I'll keep thinking. Send your hate mail to 1&2&3&5.drums.com
  4. Well, finally a topic I am gaining some knowledge on. About January 8th I decided to pitch the cigarettes and although it was hard it was well worth it....., I think! The reason I am not sure goes as follows. Problem #1 -Seems like during the entire quiting process I found myself not knowing what to do with myself other than going to bed. Problem #2 - Unable to fall asleep. You see, well before I ever got to this point I used beer to help me fall asleep...we're talking years people...decades even. Problem #3 - I found out it takes quite a bit more beer to knock out an ex-calm-ex-smoker. Lot's more. Problem #4 - Felt like shit in the morning, but felt better in the evening when the beer would kick in, then felt like shit in the morning, but felt.....you get the picture. But hey, still no smoking!!! Well, let's just say this extremely buff and hansom man was getting a tad bit scared. I hear that livers don't take kindly to beer by the truckload. Anyway, I went to the Doc, I talked, he listened. I don't smoke and I don't drink at the moment (about a week and a half so far) Is this all worth it? Am I happy? Is it worth living clean but feeling miserable? All of these questions can not be answered. Only time will tell. (The little pills help, I'll say that) Word to the young, be careful, shitty lifestyles have a way of sneaking up on you. From the GUT T
  5. So much for a title. Hell don't ever expect much from me. I am not a trained writer, just potty trained. I now spend most of my days wondering, just where in the hell did the country I knew and loved disappear to. Beats me, but I'm looking toward others further up the food chain than I!?! Now we have another "very important front page news item". Bombing In Green Zone?" nope! Mr. Imus did nothing different from his daily broadcast of trash except this time someone of self-proclaimed opposite importants hears about it. Next thing you know Jessy, Al and another fist full of so called "religious" people came out to call "foul...foul!" Here's my beef. Not that he said it, (he's an idiot) not that Jessy and Al jumped on it (I think that is their job listing on their W-2's. What bugs the hell out of me, is whenever these two come to someones defense, they have like a 1000 people with them, and this is during mid-day at a split second notice. Don't these people work? Don't they have to pay bills? The only thing I can figure out is they are Hollywood extra's on stand-by to hit the road whenever these bleecher preachers beckon. From the Gut T
  6. ATom2


    That is true, but when his mum took Steve, she repeatedly slapped the doctor wiff Steve's head!
  7. ATom2

    The Start.

    Hello all, I plan to not plan any of my entry's. There may be days with multiple hits and others with nothing. Shoot from the hip as they say. Also, I should warn that in this blog I may not come across as the ATom2 from the forums. If I did, what would be the purpose of doing this? Anyway, sleep well and I'll see you, well, when I see you. T
  8. ATom2


    This just isn't right!
  9. ATom2


    Somewhere, somehow, I gotta meet this guy!
  10. ATom2

    My studio

    Couldn't you just hug this guy!
  11. 26+yrs of playing, never had one. Never saww the need for one. Couldn't rationalize playing someone to do what we could do ourselves. Unless you are playing 4-5 time per week on at least regional scale, I don't see the need. JMO
  12. Sorry I gotta break with the crowd on this one. Didn't see anything that I would find particularly ear catching. I would say the base dude had some nice riffs, other than that it is timed noise Fgliidddydip
  13. http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/internet/03/2...c.ap/index.html
  14. I agree with john. It is related to something with your sound card settings. I use optical / fiber optics on my system, however only in the connection from my recorder to my monitors. To tell you the truth, from a playback standpoint I don't hear a difference vs. cable. However, with your connection I believe you would notice or at least be safer from a noise standpoint.
  15. Yeah, go ahead and run.....run da boat of yaz. I'll get yaz, and your dog toto too!
  16. You mean this address right here? HMMMMMMMMMMM?
  17. I was talking about Rudi! Just kidding/
  18. Say what? That person should be hung from the highest tree in the land!
  19. Well, it looks like I'll be spending at least a month looking for my guitar because I didn't know i had one. Do I? Now I'm all screwed up.
  20. Not only did I miss something, I am very confused and may now need therapy.
  21. Group: Moderators Posts: 1,666 Joined: 10-May 03 From: Wisconsin - The land of......um....cows? Member No.: 86 Main Musical Instrument:Keyboards Uh, you might want to ignore everything I said! What the... ow..ow..ow...ow..
  22. Hello there Mud. I played in local / sub-regional bands pretty much all of my adult life. I started in '78 and finally stopped in '03. I can tell you what worked well for us, and what was a waste of time. Waste of time. Live video recording. Free stuff...to an extent. Studio CD's Bars What works. Live CD's Business cards / Smallish posters. Forget the large gaudy ones. No one wants them and they cost a fortune. Free stuff, but only t-shirts during summer festivals. Get into as many festivals as possible. For some reason, these are extra special times and people tend to remember who you are and the added benefit is, the better bands remember you, invite you to other events, and the snowball starts. I can not emphasize summer festivals enough. Did I mention summer festivals? This is just a quick answer for a not so easy question. Tom
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