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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

Dream Scene (your Part In The Madness)

War breaks out in sunburst Weathers always at its worst Lightning always strikes first It hardly makes you feel secure They always use a dog bone as a lure But lightning always strikes first Bombing for peace is like f*cking for virginity Blowing holes will never cease, a nation of insanity But it aint over 'till your dead and buried It aint started 'till your head feels worried Its not over 'till the sun sets It aint started cause this aint the warmest it gets Watc



Needs And Updates...

I’m registered for school fall term (I have one class to take over the summer, that I can do at the local community college), have another city-manager job to apply for, still have no money, and have some more work to do on the Squirrel House before it’s rentable. We paint today, I think. When you don’t have money, you entertain yourself with lists of what you’d do if you had money. Here’s mine. NEEDS first—all of them major expenses, I think: Registration as publisher and writer (B



A "summer Vacation" Idea...

Got to play with the Friday Night Group Friday night (even though it was the 4th of July, they still got together to play—and an audience still came to hear, and dance). They were trying for mostly patriotic songs, but the closest I could come was “Twenty Saddles for My Chicken,” since it does mention Independence Day (red, white and blue chicken saddles, of course). Neither of the jobs in the Gorge are going to happen. Accordingly, as soon as the Squirrel House is fixed back up, it’ll ge



What Is Art

i see endless debate of what art is. "this is art" art is in the eye or ear (or nose?) of the beholder. we live in such a polarized society of either / or with little room for the maybe. media drives this, opinion making, taste making. fact is, it's generally a lot of crap. it's just someone else's opinion, no better or worse than your opinion. good art? i guess that brings in other subjects like technique, vision etc but still is that not dealing with someone else's opinion? ther



Homegoing (better Off In The City)

Homegoing Home needed leaving Brought my moods right down But mines never to be found Burn in hell with charcoal Lie in heaven with a pure soul But your better off in the city Bet your lifes nice and pretty But homes always been really gritty But you really dont get any pity 'Cause your really better off in the city Fourteen years and candles Homeleaving wishes all lost Every flame burnt at a cost Burnt on a birthday Hopes the last thing you'll say But you k



The Raconteurs 29/06/2008

The Raconteurs 29/06/2008 OK, this gig was immense. Largely helped by the venue, which was the Eden Project in Deepest Darkest Cornwall (actually, it's not too far from Devon, but you're already pretty deep 'n' dark there ). This place, for those that don't know, is a big old quarry which has been turned into a huge garden, with two massive 'bio-domes', the bigger of the two being full of 'properly' foreign plants, from the tropics and the like, that would never usually grow in Cornwall, an



Almost Independence Day...

While July 4 is the “generally accepted” day, it was actually some 13 months earlier that the burgesses in an obscure county in North Carolina voted to declare their independence from Great Britain, using a lot of the same language and phrases that ended up in the Declaration of Independence. July 4, 1776 is really an arbitrary anniversary people generally agreed on. We had to pick something. I haven’t declared my independence yet—I’m still going through the same sort of agonizing about t



Trip Cancelled

hello....whoa....i got admition call cum counselling call today....so i had to cancelled my visit...all though mom and dad has gone but i am here....all alone in my home.... i have counselling on 3rd july 8 am.....for archi. cross your fingers for me....my merit number is 71 among 350.... but i am here....phew....now i won't have to miss you all....



Summer Meeting Cancelled

Due to a variety of reasons we have taken the decision to cancel the site Summer Meeting, scheduled for 22nd to 24th August 2008. There were too few actual Songstuffers who were going to attend and svereal who were uncertain. This on it's own makes the event unviable in the form it was going to take place. We will learn from this experience by consulting with members so that if we consider further events we can take that into account. One possibility that has been suggested is the



Mid-year Reality Check...

I saw the suggestion on one of the writers’ Websites I subscribe to that folks should check their 2008 goals and see how well they’re doing. It is a good idea. We are halfway through the year now, and a reality check is definitely in order. (Had to check the original blog to see what was on the list.) Here’s where we’re at: RECORD THE NEW CD. 8 of 13 songs recorded thus far. Remaining five were going to be done in July, but it may be later. Having CDs to sell by Christmas is still po




hello folks......today i am leaving for Pune to meet my brother....and it would be almost a week....so i am away from here....i'll miss you all....



Hiding Out...

I’ll be going back to the Coast this weekend, to see fambly. “Sternwheeler Days,” Cascade Locks’ big festival, is this weekend, but I won’t be playing at it (I would have to have arranged that months ago). Used to be a regular gig for the Dodson Drifters, years ago when we were all, well, alive, and we always did it for free; it was unthinkable that The Local Band—The Famous Local Band, in fact—wouldn’t play The Local Festival in what had become our home town. (Best compliment I think we



The "star Of Stars" Show...

Played the “Star of Stars” fundraiser for Rogue Community College in Medford (OR) Saturday night with Darrin Wayne. Darrin and I were both contestants (there were 16) and arranged to back each other up—him on harmonica, and me on lead guitar. Gave ‘em “Armadillo on the Interstate,” and we were note-perfect. (It helped that I came down a day early, and we’d practiced both the night and afternoon before the show.) Nice audience (they gave Darrin’s harp solo a separate—and big—ovation); big




current mood : bored current track : beautiful by 10 years two days ago while finishing chat with Neoteric, i got up and went on terese to fresh myself....and it was a gentle breeze....i was listening to "shadow of the day" and it felt like i was in trance.....i almost listened the song for 5 times....and when on stairs i recorded my voice and then put over here....it was late 2:00 am....so i had to sleep....but when in the morning i opened songstuff...i was shocked.....people liked it




hey folks....i am very much excited about this....we both Neoteric and I had lyrics collaboration.....and we are done with the song... the song is about a girl and her comparison with a rose...and wasp and love and her conceitedness....we have worked hard....working with Andrew { A.K.A. Neoteric } was a great experience....he's a guy with some rich ideas with a good vocabulary.........it's joint venture....hope you all would like it... amazing thing is while discussing, Andrew came up



"bad Sock, Good Sock"

Today we pack for the trip to southern Oregon. (Do laundry, too—we’re going to show up with clean clothes on.) Place to stay, people to see, music to play—hopefully, above and beyond the “Star of Stars” fundraiser Darrin Wayne and I will both be in Saturday night. I did an initial recording of “Bad Sock, Good Sock,” Beth Williams’ pun-laden ditty about love and loss among the footwear. I did end up tweaking the lyrics again, ostensibly to make them easier to sing (I did that with her “Sy



Some Video Thoughts...

I suppose it’s time for more updates—not that I’ve done a lot lately. Been fixing a lot of squirrel damage in the Cascade Locks house. (Those critters are as bad as termites—only larger. And people don’t keep termites as pets. Do they?) Got asked to do the lead to Vonee Rose’s “Texas Two-Step Rock,” and to set Beth Williams’ song “Foul Play” (it’s about baseball—sort of) to music. Both are kind of departures from the norm for me, and departures are supposed to be exciting. (Beth’s got



Phew....now Waiting For Admition Call

phew finally my archi. exam is over....it was really tiresome day....sitting constantly for 2 hrs and draw something meaningless....i thought they might would ask something live scatching or object drawing....but they didn't ask anything like that....they just had given one picture and what we had to do was to draw it again on the paper scaled doubled....huh...what the hell is difficult in that....and second part was memory drawing....and i was asked to draw a street juggler.....and i managed we



A Brief History Of The Friday Night Group...

Got to play music with the Friday Night Group in Garibaldi this weekend. I hadn’t been by in close to a year, and it was nice to see not much had changed. Pat, who’s been the group’s sound man and tireless cheerleader, tells the story this way. 6 years ago, he and I and another musician started playing music on Friday nights. Back then, the only live music in Tillamook County was a “jam session” at a local tavern that was dominated by the tavern owner. It was a smoky place, and we knew




today i went to the head office of education board to get reassesed my chemistry paper....so far i got only 70 and i expected 82 min.... but it was a tiresome day.....and full of dissapointment....they didn't agree to increase my marks....



Football Fever And Mom's Angerness....:p

hiya.....dutchs won by scoring 3 goals.....but i was dissapointed with Rudd Van Nistalroy's performance.... but i must be the most unlucky guy in this world that i can't get to see live... coz when it's telecasted it's the time of daily soaps and mom never miss them.....so i have to watch the repeat telecast in the next morning.... but that's okey.... today it was mix kinda day for me....morning full of angerness noon excitement and fear, and evening full of rejoice... t



Almost Father's Day...

JOB SEARCHING gets a little discouraging sometimes. Got one rejection notice almost by return mail of being interviewed; two more are probably coming (one from my hometown), one more to apply for and one that’s too early to tell (but it’s within commuting distance so I wouldn’t have to move). And I’m almost out of money, and still have a lot of things undone. On the good news front, the songs I’ve posted on the Whitby Shores Website that are intended for the new album are getting a lot mo



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