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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

Another year

Well into 2008, and past my birthday again. I have been working hard to get the demo for my next album finished by February 1st, which is the deadline for the Norwegian music fund: "Fond for Lyd og Bilde". The plans now for the production is to get the classical pieces together - with some help from local musicians. More about this later, for now I need to get the rest of the scores together. As I mentioned earlier, 2nd of February I celebrated my 39nth birthday, and my wife in her extrava



Improving Band Pages

i was looking around band web pages on songstuff and other sites and i was shocked at the state of both band pages on music sites and band home pages with their own domain. i've started looking at the standard of web pages in an attempt to improve the quality, and user experience of those page and to try and bring in more traffic. band page review topic if you'd like me to look at your page, read my initial posts in the topic and post up your url. please also review the last site revie



The Big Gig, Et Al...

The Big Gig went really well. Solo Wednesday night (and I was the #2 act), then with Screamin’ Gulch and Don Maddox. Had a good lead player sitting in with us, so I got to play background music. I can do decent bluegrass leads to Don Maddox’s stuff, though—real fast bass runs way up on the frets (where it’s easier to play real fast because things are closer together). Second night, I had Dan (mandolin) and Paul (fiddle) backing me up on the “solo” set, so we were a lot more like a band.



"they Think Its All Over It Is Now"

To say this week has been an interesting one well lets just say thats an understatment now i look at my life as a fairly uncomplicated one but that was untill 2 weeks last thursday There i was lounging in the tub wee bit of lynx shower gel and the usual array of bath toys (keep it clean) few rubber ducks and some nice floating candles watch out for them it dont half sting and as you do going throug my washing routine . shock dismay what the hell is that oh yes a lump bloody hell i



Predators, Et Al.

Is there ever such a thing as a slow week? This one’s got a Southern Oregon Songwriters’ “showcase” next Saturday, and the Wild Goose open mike Sunday. Tuesday, Screamin’ Gulch will practice with Don Maddox, prior to the Rockabilly Shows Wednesday and Thursday. Five nights out of seven ain’t bad. A new song? Maybe: fellow name of Big Jim Merillees from Scotland had posted some lyrics as an exercise to see how well people could put a melody to it, and I kinda went further—it got musi



Another Gig...

ONE WEEK until the Big Rockabilly Night Gig at Johnny B.’s. I’m not ready by any means—haven’t even worked out a setlist. I’ll have to ask at practice Wednesday night how much time I’m allotted. Did meet the lady who does the booking for the Wild Goose in Ashland. Two nights a week, they have performers (as distinct from the long-running open mike on Sundays). She seemed excited I was interested. It’ll be sometime in March. I’ll need to fill three hours… Sounds daunting, but that’s r



Similes, Metaphors And Allegories

Similes, Metaphors and Allegories are essential tools in writing lyrics where the intent is to leave the lyric more open to interpretaion by the listener. So, I thought I'd bring together the descriptions in one place. I've reworded the best I found on the web in the hope that the meanings are clear. Simile a simile states that A is like B A simile is a juxtaposed comparison of two or more subjects to draw attention to their similarities. Similes are typically identified by the use




Been worried about writing lately, because I haven’t written much in recent months. There’s only been: “Hey, Little Chicken,” for Gene Burnett’s album of chicken songs; “No Good Songs About the War,” the protest song; “Dirty Deeds We Done to Sheep,” written from a title somebody else supplied; “Milepost 43,” the ode to Al David’s missing underwear (and that one dates from Pineyfest, beginning of last August) Not exactly one a month—it’s more like 4 in 7 months. I have been busy



Big Gig Coming...

Big Gig coming up February 6 & 7—two full nights of rockabilly music at Johnny B.’s, that will feature (among other artists) Screamin’ Gulch, the legendary fiddler Don Maddox (playing with Screamin’ Gulch), and early rock guitarist Deke Dickerson (also playing with Screamin’ Gulch, I’d expect—I don’t think he’s bringing a band with him). Don and Deke may even play on each other’s sets—I understand they’ve known each other for a long time. Wayne the National Steel player won’t be there—




- the edit by john was originally posted roughly April 8, 2008 Donna contacted me and asked me to add this blog entry. I can't add a new one and the best I can do is edit Donna's last blog entry (John) so... SUBJECT: Safe place BODY: The children and I are in a safe place. We are OK physically - and doing as well as can be expected. One evening last week, I phoned the police to come to my home. Shortly after, we came to safety. I hope for a new day to dawn for us. There are



If You Hold Me Close, This Heartache Will Subside

God, I don’t know what to say about today. Some was bad. Some was good. Some was absolutely nuts. This morning I went to the hospital. I got an ultra sound done on my thyroid. Thyroids are gross looking. After that, I took this iodine pill to get me ready for my OTHER tests tomorrow morning. Then I got two tubes of blood taken. The guy who took my blood was very attractive. I got back to school in Journalism. Finally. All we did was talk. And Paige got her contacts. In ge




THE COMPUTER FILES: I found the “Music Joe Letterhead” on the computer—one less thing to re-create. Did re-create the business cards. Some lyrics are missing—all the ones that weren’t filed in Microsoft’s “My Documents” folder. The “Joe is Great!” brochure (a PageMaker file) is missing for the same reason—the installation of Windows XP erased all document folders that weren’t Microsoft document folders (dang them). And I had WordPerfect, Lotus, and WordStar on the ‘puter. (Microsoft apparen



This Week

Well what a week i have had firstly had an apointment with a consultant at the local hospital seems i need to go for an op sometime in feb that kinda threw me a bit but never the less i have to get on with it and until friday all seemed quite normal untill i went in to work that is and was told by my manager that i was being mooved to another area but again i accepted this as it will give me a new experience sat went out with a friend from Kincaid live to try and find a venue to host



The Sampler Cd...

The Southern Oregon Songwriters Assn. Is putting out another “sampler” CD, and is asking for submissions—one per member, no more than 4 minutes long. Hitch is it’s got to be “radio ready”—the fellow who’s putting it together can only master, not record. It’ll have to be recorded somewhere else. And of course, I want to do mine with a band. I’ve harped repeatedly on how vocalist-with-solo-guitar cuts are not saleable (at least, if it’s me). Could I put together a band of entirely SOSA me



Being A Novice

Now here is where we all find out who i really am and all about , where as i never have said i am very good at much i do own some great qualitys spelling not being one of them incase you hadn't noticed . But one thing that has been in my life from a very young age is music from when i sang in the school choir to now although i do have to say i did kind of loose my way for a while there, i allways wanted to be involved in music in some way and i am very nieve in lots of ways lets take the th



Never Thought That You Could Break Me Apart...

I wanted to committ suicide this morning. And I told a friend how I felt. She's reporting me to the counselor. Guess I'm not dyin' any time soon. Darn. The reasons for these feelings are dumb. I want to die because Shane has a friend who is female in our Geography class. Seems like Geography is turning out to be just this horrible, horrible thing every day that I just can't destroy. I dunno....they were talking. And I don't know if he likes her...or if she likes him...'cause I'll tell you this



Delay... :(

ok, for personal reason there's been a delay in my writing, but I will be taking the 21 in 31 challenge! Aaaargh I was so looking forward to it! oh well, onwards and upwards!



Drown In Your Fake Personality

I think I hate being Shane's friend. Well...I might not hate it, but I sure didn't like it today. When we talked on the phone Saturday, he was sweet, nice, funny, pretty much the same as if we were still together. He just didn't say "I love you" when he hung up. This morning, he was sweet, nice, funny, and the same as if we were going out. Practically let me hang onto his waist telling him how happy I was that we had Geography together, and that we could talk more and stuff. I had a person




Yes, Wayne’s recording of Screamin’ Gulch’s practice was good. The boy does have the gift. Good input for the band, too—tells them (including me) how we sounded, and we got to trade tips on how to make us sound better. Wayne said my guitar was cutting in and out, but that’s not the case—I was simply avoiding notes I wasn’t sure of, so the ones I avoided didn’t record. Practice is the only thing that will cure that. The one song where I was sure what I was doing—a simple jailhouse coun



New Year's Eve At Johnny B.'s...

It’s a fluke, really—the only reason I’ve been able to post more often than weekly lately is I’ve had an extra holiday with nothing to do. (Well, not exactly true. I’ve been avoiding work. And it’s cold outside, so I haven’t wanted to go there. No gigs today, either, and no songs I wanted to work on. But I wanted to keep my hand in writing.) New Year’s Eve was good. I opened with about a half-hour solo set , and then got to sit in later and play electric rhythm guitar (I wouldn’t call



New Year's--and Publicity...

2008 GOALS (New Year’s Resolutions): I suppose I should add one more. A veejay in Canada asked if I could turn “Born Again Barbie” into a music video. I should. I had it scripted out at one time (before I upgraded “Alice” the ‘puter and lost a lot of files), but didn’t have the technology to pull it off. (My daughter has crates of naked Barbies in the garage, though. I think I have a cast.) I gave away the $12 Webcam, too—never did use it—but acquired a real-live video camera. Trick



21 Lyrics In 31 Days

I've set myself a challenge of writing 21 lyrics during the 31 days of January, pretty well 2 lyrics every 3 days. The point isn't to write masterpieces, but to try to get ideas flowing without letting myself get bogged down. I have no idea if it'll work, or if I'll even get close to writing that many lyrics in such a short time, but it will be interesting! If anyone else is interested in such a challenge I've posted a topic here: lyrics writing challenge Please join in and c




i dunno about you but shows like XFactor piss me off. there is some real talent on show, but the format almost cheapens it. i wouldn't go as far as to say that these phone in shows are rigged but i've seen enough to believe the audience is manipulated via clip selection, singing order and a lot of other bits and pieces. that aside, the prizes are contracts. i'd love to see the terms! something along the lines of "we own your ass". maybe that's all there is! only a short moan this



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