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lemonstar last won the day on November 26 2019

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Music Background

  • Songwriting Collaboration
  • Musical / Songwriting / Music Biz Skills
    Creative starter, hopeless finisher.
  • Musical Influences
    Real events - from my life or in the lives of my family or charismatic people - usually artists. Other influences, the weather, science, anything I find I am temporarily fascinated with - my attention tends to flit from one small fascination to another. I don't write love or relationship songs.

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  • Interests
    Outside song writing: long distance swimming, writing poetry, reading - almost exclusively non-fiction.
  • Location
    England (UK)
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  1. What file types are these supposed to be - opening the first in a text editor as I am suspicious of any unknown file - the binary does not look an mp3 file when compared to other mp3 files - there is no extension. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/f7cf553f24673dca28375c616051e02e7bb350931a08771ee8f100f80e208343/detection identifies it as an mp4 file - is that right? if so there are known security issues with mp4 files from untrusted sources - what have you uploaded?
  2. I thought I had replied to this but I had posted a reply to a similar question posted not so long ago here:-
  3. I'm also listening to everything by The Rosebuds - mainly because the lead singer sounds a lot a friend of mine - especially on tracks like this - it's ghostly hearing his voice.
  4. Two for one - it's the track Taxi by Blue States but I couldn't find it on its own but its used in this trailer for the terrifying 1966 Truffaut film of Fahrenheit 451 - I was terrified of the future when I read it when I was about 14 but most of Ray Bradbury had that effect on me at that time)
  5. I wasn't sure what the game was. My wife and I are an unusual team when we take part in quizzes because she has an amazing memory for faces - she knows who people are but she is hopeless at recalling names (or in fact most words - I've known her since we were both 11 and we know each other inside out) but my side of the family from my mother's side have unusually good memories and both my girls are the same - one has a good vidualk memory like my wife and one is like me - good with facts and number - so my wife will give me the smallest piece of information about the person and I will remember the name - I am nowhere near as good as she is at recognising faces until she drops me some clues and then I'll recognise them - e.g. the runner who limped out of a final, his dad came on the track to help him cross the finish line, she was in that film where the car caught fire in the desert at the start , etc - weird huh? On our own we'd score nothing but together... different matter.
  6. Kev - I hope you do give it a go.The few private music teachers I know have spent a life in music and are passionate about and skilled in what they do and fun people to spend time with - I hope you find someone great to work with who you can trust and feel confident with who will give you some good feedback and ideas that'll help and inspire you. I'll be interested to hear what happens.
  7. I have to say that I have no interest in anything to do with marketing and promoting anything I do - it's a hobby, relaxation, a creative outlet and something that brings me into contact with like-minded people with a shared interest - that last bit is pretty important and really the only reason I am on the site. Clearly you have a very different idea about what you want the site to be.
  8. OMD - I thought so it's just that it didn't define it explicitly and I'm sure I won't be the only person who will wonder what it stands for. Hmm - so you could or would repost or copy or quote something I post here on some other platform - would that be with my agreement in advance or not? Do I have to copyright everything I type here? Maybe I am creating or using material that I might want to put into my own blog or book - how would you know what I want to do with my work? Are you saying you are assuming intellectual control of anything I post here?
  9. Kev - I think the time has come to think about seeing a vocal coach - I'm sure they will be able to examine in detail the way you sing and be able to identify ways in which you can start making some progress - I really think it would be money well spent. I don't think any amount of feedback from the people on this site is ever going to dampen your enthusiasm - I think people are trying to be constructive but a vocal coach is actually going to work out and know what you can do better. You have a kind of Joe Cocker gravel in your voice which - if you knew how to make the most of it - could be the element that gives you a very distinctive vocal sound BUT you clip or cut short short some of the sounds you're making - it's frustrating because I just don't think you know how to make the most of what you've got with your voice - I think you have jut got into some bad habits (and I know - who the hell am I to say anything!?) but a vocal coach is going to be someone who's opinion you can respect and they're going to be able to quickly work out what you are doing and what and how you should start singing in order to get into good habits and make the most of the voice you have for the style of music you want to do - everyone on the boards who has seen all the effort you've made in the last year knows you're serious about this and I'm saying this because I think it's the advice you need to hear and probably the single most important thing you should start thinking about doing next - forget new gear, new strings, etc - just think about it. I've looked at a few vocal coaching websites around Hull (isn't that where you are) and some of these people look like great people to work with. Wherever you are - dig around - I'm sure you have no problem finding someone who does rock among the many styles they will have worked with. Just do it - don't let your potential slide away!
  10. It staggers me every time I log in just how many new accounts have been created but, and this isn't a criticism at all - it's just that I have a constantly enquiring mind - why is the subsequent participation rate so low? Doesn't anyone ever wonder about why that is? Maybe message them all with a survey to find out? Maybe the site, on closer inspection after signing up turns out for some to not be what they were looking for? Or...what exactly? Aren't there any site usage stats that could be published every week or month to show how active the site is - numbers of private message sent, number of new posts, replies, page impressions, bandwidth used, etc.
  11. Tom Rosenthal - frustratingly inconsistent artist IMHO - sometimes brilliant, sometimes tedious and irritating.
  12. Everyone says the same thing about The Clientele - under-rated! I've been binge listening to everything they've ever done - I could have picked any number of their songs - this is the opening track from their great 2005 Strange Geometry album... it's as good a place as any to start listening to a band I know many of you will wonder why you never heard of them before.
  13. Great attitude to carry around with you - you don't want to be standing around with your hands in your pockets watching someone else on stage while you hang out with your perfectionist musician friends - get rid of them and enjoy life!
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