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Blog Comments posted by Mahesh

  1. I totally agree with you @john. In the decade long stint with you on this indie musician thing, every single time I had to go through a whole bunch of learning skills and executing tasks, I felt overwhelmed and sometimes even questioned you about it. This time around when we started working on things, I was pleasantly surprised to have realized a lot of the more rudimentary tasks for the release plan and schedule, I was much faster and comfortable in executing those things. The things that overwhelm me now are relatively more advanced and I guess it is a bittersweet journey. It does set me up every single time to do better and have a more refined baseline for the next release. What a journey!

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Bridget Murphy said:

    Wow. You can emulate a violin with your voice???


    The way I addressed this requirement from me as a singer was by observing the qualities of sound played by a violin - bright tonality of the strings, very clear dynamics of how it swells up and dies down. I then used this information to choose my vocal sound deliberately to match these characteristics. I am grateful to have figured a way to control these specific elements of my voice as needed. Don't get me wrong, my voice surely doesn't sound like a violin. But I could replace the string sections quite effectively by analysing and reinterpreting the violin's playing. Pretty fun!

    • Like 1
  3. Hiya @GregB


    I hope all is well with you brother!


    Thank you for asking. I know it's been a long time coming, but I'm finally opening up students outside India to the Rewire Vocal Approach in the next couple weeks via Songstuff Vocal Coaching Academy! (Probably sooner than that). Dealing with the recent change in rules and policies within payment platforms, figuring Rewire as a business locally & internationally and some other aspects, it has taken a while to get here. 


    It's the first BIG step to many more things though.


    The intention of starting with these limited slots of 1-1 Rewire sessions with singers here at Songstuff and thru our grass roots marketing efforts across the inter-webs is deliberate. 


    This way, I get to introduce this approach of mine to singers to see for themselves hands-on what it could do for them. There is a lot of different "vocal techniques" out there. Many have strong opinions about it too.  


    I'd like to be able to show singers with each session how Rewire is more of a singing lifestyle than a technique. 

    It is to know your voice in the moment in its abilities & disabilities; & to be able to sculpt/control the sound based on muscle memory, ear-training & mindfulness. It's more than a bunch of exercises; but a multi-fold skill with many wide applications across languages, accents & genres.


    I've been doing Rewire for 3 years now, here in India. Working with professional singers, upcoming singer-songwriters & interestingly enough as a vocal supervisor on a few film projects. I'm also moving to Mumbai for the next couple months to teach voice conditioning in a theatre/film environment. Hopefully, these lessons that are soon going to be opened up would serve as a way for me to share that experience while introducing the brands Rewire the Voice and Songstuff Vocal Coaching Academy on good confidence, faith and trust within the singing community! 



    Sorry for the long answer! lol @john, I think we switched places again. 

    • Like 3
  4. 9 hours ago, GregB said:

    Sorry to hear that Mahesh. It's very dispiriting when a) a complete b*stard messes with your stuff for absolutely no reason, and b) you have to expend considerable time and energy rebuilding.



    Thank you, Greg! I do have (like many other artists) a love hate relationship with social media. It's something I don't like having any kind of spotlight on during my days. At the same time, it is something that I understand to be a valuable asset in building an audience base. So it was quite a shock when I first received a message by Youtube that my channel had been permanently banned and my email ID blacklisted. Only after further inspection, I realized that I was hacked and whatever they did led to the ban. 



    9 hours ago, GregB said:

    You can still go out with your acoustic guitar, put your heart and soul into playing/singing your songs, and entertain others.


    You said it bud. I performed at a house concert last weekend. It felt good! 


    Much thanks for your kind words and thoughts. 



  5. On 2/28/2022 at 8:13 PM, Clay Anderson Johnson said:

    @Mahesh This is a very beautiful song.  It has a very Beatles type of melodic structure while still reflecting your Indian roots.   


    Have you ever considered using harmony singers?  You have a great voice for this, with supporting vocals this could be very powerful.


    I wish you well with your upcoming EP.


    Thank you so much for the listen and the kind words Clay! The Beatles' reference is such a huge compliment. Thank you for that. 


    I've taught about having singers backing me up for so long. It's something I should really start working on this year. At least if I can have two more singers for my live sets, it would be such an interesting musical space to perform at. Thanks once again for the love!

  6. Quote

    I have my doubts that my studio will ever be truly tidy


    Based on a full decade of Songstuff meetings with you John, there's more than just yourself with such doubts :P 



    Glad to hear the pace you've been going at this week bud. Looking forward to hearing some demos. :)



    I need to frikkin catch up! This week has been quite all over the place! 


    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, VoiceEx said:


    Actually if your into that sorta thing, allow me to share with you one of the more unorthodox training exercises I use. This is a method whose soul purpose is to force a person out of their creative comfort zone. It is a method I incorporated into music production, which has originates in theater and method acting. A form of structural improvisation, of sorts. It relies on the idea of always accepting the information (as a hindrance), and learning how to adapt accordingly. Here`s how this goes:


    Once a month, I take a song of mine, any song, and re-make it into a different genre. For example, i`ll take a Neo-Classical action sequence, and turn it into a Russian ballad. I`ll take a medieval liturgical piece, and turn it into a jazz song. What`s the catch? there are three major limitations. One - your song has to be culturally appropriate, and you must include instruments and conceptual themes which correspond with the era, genre, and culture which you have picked. Two - you only have 30 minutes per day to work on it. Three - you only have a month to complete the song.


    I know it seems strange, and it is easier said than done. But it gets easier with practice, and it works wonders!



    Oh my, that sounds like an absolutely useful practice! As daunting as it sounds, what a beautiful way to study various genres, cultural interpretations of sound & production techniques. Definitely gonna try this @VoiceEx! Thank you for the suggestion!


    Since it is only for my ears, I'd surely be able to sustain my curiosity & motivation in this pursuit!  😆

    • Like 1
  8. On 8/2/2021 at 9:59 PM, john said:

    Tools, automation, AI, can all help… but only if you actually use them. Tasks, tools, gear you don’t use are just clutter, distractions.


    Absolutely John, you're right about that. With my OCD & being a productivity nut, I think I've had my fair over-indulgence in these distractions you speak of. It just makes it easier to have a note pad & a pen and that's what I've been restricting myself to, at least when I'm brainstorming or planning something. Definitely helps. (Plus I use bullet journaling method to better organise my notes). Reliability in the "methods" you're using to give you results is key. 



    On 9/24/2021 at 7:01 AM, VoiceEx said:

    Why? because by giving myself a daily "window" of opportunity, for the soul purpose of improving my craft, I am keeping myself inside a routine that keeps me sharp and focused. That way when i`m starting to work on a actual project, I am already prepared with ideas, and I can get right into it. And music is just one of the things that I am into. I use the same method for all my other creative endeavours.


    That helps indeed! The Tiny Tunes thing was exactly an attempt in allowing my muse to stay engaged on a daily basis that can seamlessly accommodate itself within my daily practice routine. It's insane yet unsurprising how spontaneity & creativity requires a nuanced sense of discipline & willingness too. Reminds me of the stuff written all across one of my favourite books ever - Victor Wooten's "The Music Lesson".





    • Like 1
  9. Quote

    British Player: "a violin?! oh my dear sweet innocent child. This is not a `violin`. This is a Stradivarius! it was hand crafted, polished, and thoroughly licked by no less than twelve Italian eunuchs, before being presented to me by Antonio Stradivari himself!"


    :D Oh man! I lost it there. lmao 


    But I know exactly what you are talking about when it comes to certain musicians from certain backgrounds. The Indie way can be cumbersome to some people lol


    Thank you for considering me for a future sponsor! I am flattered and look forward to the brand endorsements & the moolah that is gonna come my way! :D




    Clueless businessman & insignificant inventor of silly things. He was genetically modified to only dates blondes, exclusively.

    What the actual f**k! 😆 Your punchlines are stand-up special worthy! 

    • Like 1
  10. Quote

    What`s that? why? WHY!? because I am your inner monologue and I said so! that`s why! pfft. The nerve of this fellow. Asking me questions. You forget your place. Bitch"


    Oh man @VoiceEx, you should totally write a sitcom screenplay cuz you my friend, are hilarious.


    I am totally in for this. Sounds like much fun. And it doesn't hurt to laugh a little more around here. Thank you for the positive energy!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. 17 hours ago, VoiceEx said:

    I would only leave someone a comment about their lyrics if its a person I already know.


    Oh lord, I can totally relate to this! 😄 Lyrics are such a personal thing at least for me & I tend to get very objective when considering critiques with lyrics especially when something is being advised without enough context. But I really don't see it as a bad thing though! It allows me to test my own judgement when any advice comes along (just as with audio production mixes & masters). 


    17 hours ago, VoiceEx said:

    Hey if you have some magic formula for pulling the stick outta certain people`s asses, than by all means! do it!


    • Like 1
  12. Quote

    Gamers - lets see YOU add that one to your resume! ha! RIP: integrity? 😅


    Almost fell off my chair when I read that! 🤣


    It is pretty ironic when it comes to fandom. More numbers simply means being more careful with the boundaries of your free speech lol brand management as the big ones would call it lol. The more important a celebrity you get, the less important the person and their honest opinions is. I do think it's changing though! I heard the label this community owns is pretty chill that way lmao

    • Like 1
  13. 23 hours ago, Peggy said:

    A beautiful Silent Night and much to offer, too. 🙏


    Thanks Peggy! I've actually been feeling quite helpless lately and with all the horrifying stories on the news of how it is on the ground, I've almost been feeling guilty of my fortune and privilege. It helps to use my voice in whatever way I can and bring in some help if it will save a life or two.


    Hope you've been well.

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