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Everything posted by tomcollins

  1. The process of letting out an emotion or turning a thought into music is pretty amazing thing. Must have 5-6 books of one line to full lyrics and worse I have the same song a few dozen times .... it's a release it's something drugs relationships etc can't provide cause it's part of you. Good bad or down right ugly it comes from within ..... priceless. Sharing this with others can be intimidating even awkward but that process makes you a better writer musician.... figured I'd chime in .... been in a huge F'ing rut but starting to write....well I wrote two lines lol it's a start
  2. Ha... Im such a slacker. Is this still a thing??
  3. I wanna jump in on this. Anyone needung to colab hit me up. Have a few strong points I can offer Rock on!!
  4. Crossed crossed a few high seas, and slept it off in limousines. Bout as close I've come to driving one😌 So..... Let's make some noise!!
  5. Just seen this... I'm so lame...lol
  6. Stupid did the same thing today he did yesterday!! Don't be like stupid,change your thought process!!

  7. tomcollins

    My Artwork

    Wheres the one of your favorite mod? Think he shoukd be right up there.!! Lol nice bro !! Damn all that talent. Oh snap i should post some of mine!! Think youve seen my self portrait
  8. tomcollins

    My Artwork

    Um something missing?
  9. Happy New Year Songstuffers!!!

    1. snabbu

      Happy new year too you too


  10. Most times I have a phrase or hook come to mind . that has somewhat of a be at or parcial melody . but for me it's emotion. It's a mode in in ,i write most times from an emotion and build from that. Why most of my stuff is raw and simple . but for me it works. Very few times , Hhmm if ever have I had music then put words,to it. For me that feels strainedvand backwards. Tho I wish I could . Or it could be I'm just lazy, and it's what's easiest for me hhhmmm. Rock on
  11. Flagged you as a spammer. 

  12. Damn bro , well done .thanks Rock on !!!!!
  13. Why i mention blog or FB , BUT i can move it , great write up !!!
  14. That's smart business bro, If you know your gonna get pirated, then yea release a single and build off live gigs,smart, Rock on
  15. Teach me. That. Trick !! Time and wise, dont work in my melody! Maybe when i grow up ? Lol Rock on
  16. gary , you should do some vids (lol in your spare time) over the years youve learned some twists that would help many lyricists, me included ! but to really get what you are saying , a vid would really help , like in the stress syllable count , you have mentioned that to me before , and i now see that mistake often in reading , but as you said , you would look funny doing it (cause you was in public) bobbing your head up and down . you have some great things to offer others here , even seasoned writers , just a thought and a thank you !! rock on !!
  17. lol , it is always a challenge , if it clicks at first , give it time , the best thing you can do is know , we all have our way of doing things as do others , no two are alike , now put 3-5 artists together and well , mayhem or bliss, because you end up spending more time with them then friends or whom ever , best thing , keep an open mind and flow with the punches, the fun real begins on a tour bus ,lol good stuff and fun times, keep it simple and try to have fun !! rock on !!
  18. most trade unions will not allow music on job sites , a safety issue , that i happen to agree with , now i do have one ear bub in on very low, and think thats cool , when im not working most times that gives me my time for music , but i do listen to it , a wee bit behind on some new stuff but try to keep up , so 24/7 would describe music i listen to , either others or mine , for me listening to others music inspires me , and find myself scrambling for a pen and paper to write down notes of lines to work on later , which drives ones close to me insane because i have scraps of paper every where and books of lyrics half done , got to love writing , if not it drives ya insane !! rock on
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