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Posts posted by Steve

  1. In some ways I agree with the sentiments of this article. But the fact remains that copyrighted material is being freely distributed on a vast scale. I personly think that the RIAA is in no way representing the artists it claims to. It is representing RIAA. The fines (or settlements) that have been imposed would never reach any of the artists, it goes into the RIAA coffers. I think the days of the big 5 may be numbered. The playing field has become vast and the profits of the 5 are shrinking exponentialy. This is a fact of the present climate. The music buying public are buying less music. Maybe it's because we don't believe the hype anymore! Maybe it's because we can hear music everywhere, including TV ads. The abundance of radio stations now broadcasting has made every type of music accessible FREE and easy to everybody. We don't see the idolisation of artists like we used to. All factors in the changing world of music!

  2. Hmmm, Sounds like an interesting idea!

    Scion does not take any profit from the releases, and it allows the artists to own their own master recordings

    This is a great idea!

    The only downside I can see, is the longevity of the project! While it lasts, it may be a good thing. But I suspect it won't last long...

    (I'm getting to be very pessimistic in my old age!) ;)

  3. I think it's a state of mind. Lead vocalists are usualy pretty upfront people with a very assured approach to their singing capabilities. I have sang backing vocals in every band I've played in. I've also sang a few songs as lead vocalist, but I've never had the conviction or presence to be a lead singer!

  4. Three copies eh? I suppose that is reasonable! Whats to stop you ripping the CD to a computer and making thousands of copies?

    I still think this is a waste of time! Those bent on making copies as a comercial venture will find a way to crack this. It doesn't matter how clever Sony and the others are, there is always a pirate out there waiting for the challenge! ;)

  5. But i would never disrepsect someone from using it if for instance you have no singer and it really is the only way. But i think the outcome would be pretty stale


    I guess like any instrument, practice is the key!If you become proficient enough with the program, then there is no reason it shouldn't sound pretty good!

    I still think that having an 'auto tune' is worse than this. Alistair pointed out that a British Girl band 'Girls Aloud' (?) sound OK on a recording, but out of tune and crap on TOTPs. I think if you are going to call yourself a singer, one of the requirements should be an ability to sing!

  6. I think this could be a useful tool for those of us that aren't Dan of Pilfa confession box. :) As a songwriter that can't really sing, I am continually frustrated with myself. If I could get this software to do it for me, I would be quite happy. Having said that! I think it has a long long way to go before that becomes a reality! At the moment, I see this as a useful tool for backing vocals.

  7. hi john

    i find running through some scales with some resonant 'oow's and 'aaahs' does it for me - all the better if a lady friend is about to help you.

    drink plenty of water beforehand and during and repeat for the gig as necessary.



    Thank you Dr. Dan.. ;D Ahhhhhhhhh two, two, One two...Grglllrrgrrllgrrll..

  8. Steve

    I haven't downloaded the zip, but have you looked for an install.htm or txt file in the tutorial files?

    Assuming you know how to do the flash bit (it looks pretty straight forward and the instructions are step by step) you will upload your php file(s) to your web site, upload your swf file with the alterations, including the path to the sendmail.php file.

    For security reasons place the sendmail php files in an off web directory if you can. This means the send mail function cannot be accessed by anyone unless they go through your flash form. I say if you can, because it depends on several things. I'm guessing that this has to be in an on-web directory as the flash movie will probably use a url to access the sendmail (I don't know much about flash) as it is executed on the client machine, not the server.

    I'll look into it a bit more to makew sure the security aspect is ok.




    Haha... ??? I didn't understand a word of that!...?

  9. Hey Steve


    What exactly are you trying to do?




    I am rebuilding my Flash website and I want to include a form for feedback. The form will have input text fields for Name, Email address and comment. I have found a tutorial on this very subject a few minutes agao so I may be able to sort it out myself now! I'll keep you posted. The thing that confused me was where to put the script? When I ftp my site I have a cgi-bin So I guess Didier is on the ball here.

    Thanks guys I'll let you know how I get on... ???

  10. I have approached JohnTheBank (John Coughlan) for a lyric which he has provided for me. The song is written and recorded and I will upload it as soon as I've finished tweaking it! I don't know if John would like to upload the lyric meanwhile?

  11. Lazz!

    You are so eloquent in your postings, it feels like you are one of the most prolific contributors here on songstuff. Glancing at your post count is a surprise! Only 156?

    I think we should award you an honourary 1000 post count for being the most prolific minimalist!

    Back to the topic:

    I agree to an extent about Punk. It was indeed a corner turned, but some carried straight on and didn't turn the corner. As stated in an earlier post, pop music of today is generaly bland and lifeless. Is this the result of turning the corner or travelingstraight on? I remember at the time of the punk revolution, I was utterly devoid of any feeling for this 'Music'. I always considered myself to be a bit of a rebel, but I could NOT connect with punk untill years later when it was all over bar the shouting. The Sex Pistols were a bunch of morons as far as I was concerned and I still feel that way about them now. Although I do think they were 'of their time'. My tastes in music have grown considerably since then, and I will quite happily listen to anything! And I hope that I would give it a fair assesment.

  12. Funny to see but i did a google search the other day on the word pilfa and i noticed that our manager had left this exact type messages on guestbooks and forum.....I dont think it generates any interest...... they are as effective as pop up banners... which you click in the cross everytime without reading.


    Interestingly! I did the same and got this......

    ..:: pilfa confesion box ::..

    Official site for the UK rock band Pilfa Confession Box with news,

    mp3s, gig dates, profiles, live photos & reviews.

    www.pilfa.co.uk/ - 2k - Cached - Similar pages

    ..:: pilfa confession box ::..

    pilfa confession box are a five piece band from Northampton, England. ... For

    any other requests please [ Email: band@pilfa.co.uk ].

    www.pilfa.co.uk/band/item_default.htm - 2k - Cached - Similar pages

    [ More results from www.pilfa.co.uk ]

    Shemales In Bondage

    SHEMALES IN BONDAGE. Shemales In Bondage. liberation route focus harder

    constantly Valis s hope NC hall said, sprawling the with sale ...

    Is this you Tim? Or Dan on his days off....? :P

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