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Everything posted by LayneGreene

  1. I think my favourite thing about Bartok is how he didn't try to modernize the folk songs he borrowed from. I'm partial to his string quartets. This is my favourite, there's a score for it floating around online. It's ridiculous! and I love it!
  2. Just saw this on reddit and thought it warranted a thread over here.... A great musician/composer/poerformer who will be sorely missed.
  3. I've been revisiting music from my childhood, realizing how lucky I was to have been exposed to this stuff by my music teachers. While listening through some of my favourite Bartok pieces i stumbled on this Any one else love Bartok? I think his work is fantastic.
  4. Of course! Nicely done, really dig the guitar sound. The original point of starting this thread was for other people to do one every week too, but no one joined in! not to late though!! I'll probably continue this after new years cause I'm having fun with it, I hope you'll continue to add yours to the thread too!
  5. Noted! I don't plan on going anywhere for a looong time. I'm going to try and make the music thing work after I finish my degree, but if it doesn't work out I'll fall back on an office job somewhere. What's his name? I try and keep track of these up and comings, lot's of connections to be made! Also, it's exam time so no cover this week, should be able to slip one in next week and will do 2 the following week to make up for lost time...
  6. Hey now! We Canadians try to blame the US for him....
  7. It's hard to critique someone else's art, so I definitely can see where you're coming from with that. I think that's part of why I don't comment over there much, just because I might not like something, doesn't mean it's not the author's favourite line.
  8. That's fairly vague though, especially since it's a critique section it's a given that you're looking for feedback, but if there were specific sections that you wanted comments on people might be more likely to look at those parts in depth.
  9. i know i enjoy spending time reading the lyrics in the critique section, but I rarely comment because while I enjoy reading them I find that I never really have much constructive to say. I mean, yeah I could go in and comment on someones lyrics saying"I hate the rhyme scheme in the second verse", but that's not a particularly useful comment. Maybe if you pointed out particular areas in the lyrics you wanted comments on?
  10. The more you play the easier it will get. The only way to get started is to do it, play around until you find what you're looking for, eventually you'll get comfortable with what different chord qualities sound like. Some basic ear training and basic understanding of music theory will help immensely, good luck though, and have fun!
  11. I have a band, but we're all in different provinces for school so it makes gigs/recording/practise very difficult. we have a blast over the summer though See, I agree entirely that the vocals are to loud, but any of the mixes where they're less loud I get all kinds of people complaining that the vocals are to low. Maybe next time I'll just let them deal with it! There is a little compression on it, but I've never really messed with compression before the last few weeks so I'm taking baby steps. any thoughts on how I should approach the compression? I'm trying to get a tripod so I can use my iphone's camera instead of the one on my macbook, I have always forget to check the placement of the computer before I start recording. and thanks! feedback much appreciated
  12. nice! I really liked the strings from 1:50 on
  13. Video to come... I'm actually not really a coldplay fan, but someone suggested this song so I gave it a whirl. *edit video is done* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPp0r6CR3hg
  14. You could get a reverb pedal and run it either in line or as an insert in the mixer.
  15. I'm always inspired by random things, it comes and goes as it pleases. That said, any time I listen to Bartok, or Allan Holdsworth I get inspired to work on stuff.
  16. Haha I come from a screen acting background where I was always told "DONT LOOK AT THE CAMERA!" I'll keep that in mind though and try to for the next one, I never would have even noticed, so thanks for the tip!
  17. LayneGreene


    I tend to approach harmonies more when I'm adding electric guitar tracks, my vocal harmonies are never terribly complex, but when I'm adding guitar tracks I'm trying to think about what sound I want each note to have in relation to the chord structure. I try and build the tension there, but thats just my take on it.
  18. I've been fortunate enough to have had some really amazing voice teachers. I think more important than finding a teacher who can teach you a style, it's best to find a teacher who can give you technique. If you understand good technique you can sing almost anything.
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