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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? 

i play guitar  i  am a bad singer but know how i want my songs song i am left handed so my main musical instrument is in my head you only hear it when i play guitar  

When did you start playing? At about 16.

Did you teach yourself  never had a musical lesson most what i know i didnt learn its hard wired .
2. Are you in a band or bands?


What do you play?  i play guitar a shergold custom masqueraider 

3. Do you write songs?

Do you write lyrics, music or both? i do both but can collaborate  

4. Do you record your music
yes but like to get my songs demoed in nashville
5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

6. Are you a tech head? yes and no they have there place but they dont replace good songwriting  and good chord changes

7. What country do you live in? scotland

8. What are your ambition  


write hit song



9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit 
breed  cattle sheep and pet rabbits

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I'm Morticia (my stage name),

 I play no instrument, but I can sing and i'm pretty darn good and if I try really hard I can scream. I don't have a band... I tried putting one together but it was hard so I just want to be a musicians  I write lyrics and I'm great just I can't end its hard to find lyrics to end the song. I would love to collaborate with other musicians. I write short stories, draw and I play softball.


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1.Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?


I sing and play guitar and piano. When I record I also play bass and percussion


2. Are you in a band or bands?


I am a solo artist, but occasionally I have a back up band. I have a Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/dantematasmusic


3. Do you write songs?


All I do is write songs really.... music and lyrics both


4. Do you record your music


Yep! I've recorded 2 cds so far! You can hear them here if you want: http://dantematas.bandcamp.com/


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


I market myself and book shows


6. Are you a tech head?


Not really... I'll only get really technical if the song needs me to. If it's all about technique though, it's no good.


7. What country do you live in?




8. What are your ambitions?


To write music for a living and tour the world play songs that mean something


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?


Well I went to an Art school so I used to do a lot of painting. I also write stories sometimes and I think one day maybe I'll make a movie


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?


Exposure, Info, connections to the music business











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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? I only sing when I'm putting my lyrics to a melody.

What instruments? No instruments.

When did you start playing?

Did you teach yourself?

2. Are you in a band or bands? No Bands

What is the name of the band?

What do you play?

What other instruments are in the band?

Do you have a band website?

3. Do you write songs?

Do you write lyrics, music or both? I write lyrics.

Do you have a writing partner? No

4. Do you record your music? Only for myself.

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?

Do you use a recording studio?

Do you have music available on the web? if so where?

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head?

7. What country do you live in? USA

8. What are your ambitions? Have someone take my lyrics and put them into songs.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

What are your pastimes? Love writing poems and songs.....

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? Someone to use my lyrics..plus to write better lyrics.

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First off, yes I sing. All the time. Just don't ask me to sing a capella out of the shower if you value your ears or artistic sensibility.


Next question, I am not in a band unless you agree that a band equals me singing a capella and my cat yowling at me to shut up.


third question. Yes, I write songs. That is my strong point. I love writing songs.


I have no writing partner.


Do I record my songs? Well... see I can't really commit to an answer on this one because the Army is looking into using my a capella sample tapes as a method of audio warfare. (just kidding)


can't think of any good answers for most of the other questions at this time. But as for the big one, what I want t get out of this site is honest critiques and maybe someone who either will sing what I've written or recommend good singing software.



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Hi guys I' m Dave Nasty,

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

What instruments? Guitar

When did you start playing? 11 years of age

Did you teach yourself? Yes

2. Are you in a band or bands? No

Do you have a band website?


3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Both

Do you have a writing partner? Nope

4. Do you record your music? Yes do what I can

Do you use a home studio? Yes

If so what gear do you use? One USB condenser microphone

Do you use a recording studio? No

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? Yes


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? None other than self promotion

6. Are you a tech head?

I am somewhat of a computer geek but not a tech head about music really.

7. What country do you live in?


8. What are your ambitions?

To fullfill my destiny and not be confused by my dreams.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? Yes stand up comedy amateur

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

Honest feedback on my music

Nice to meet y'all :)

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  • Noob

Hi guys I' m Dave Nasty,

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

What instruments? Guitar

When did you start playing? 11 years of age

Did you teach yourself? Yes

2. Are you in a band or bands? No

Do you have a band website?


3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Both

Do you have a writing partner? Nope

4. Do you record your music? Yes do what I can

Do you use a home studio? Yes

If so what gear do you use? One USB condenser microphone

Do you use a recording studio? No

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? Yes


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? None other than self promotion

6. Are you a tech head?

I am somewhat of a computer geek but not a tech head about music really.

7. What country do you live in?


8. What are your ambitions?

To fullfill my destiny and not be confused by my dreams.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? Yes stand up comedy amateur

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

Honest feedback on my music

Nice to meet y'all

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

What instruments? use digital loops...play very basic piano

When did you start playing? when I was a kid we had a piano and I played around on it...I learned a bunch of songs by ear...I know the basic notes but have a hard time reading music and playing at the same time...also find it challenging to play and sing at the same time...

Did you teach yourself? some

2. Are you in a band or bands? fell into a band ages ago...I had the words, they had the music...together six months, played out twice...had a blast

What is the name of the band? At Cubby Bear we didn't really have a name yet so just called it Glen's Birthday Party cuz it was the drummers birthday and then at the Chicago Marathon Race finish line we called ourselves DNA for the bass players initials Dave N Allard

What do you play? just singer/lyricist

What other instruments are in the band? We had guitar,bass,drums, and sax with me singing my lyrics

Do you have a band website? No

3. Do you write songs? I write lyrics and lots of poetry. I want to learn to write songs.

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Lyrics but playing with digital loops now.

Do you have a writing partner? No.

4. Do you record your music? I have magix and audacity...still playing around with them...posted some stuff on soundcloud for a songwriting class and posted some of my old band stuff...

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? Just computer programs magix and audacity

Do you use a recording studio? No

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? Soundcloud Pam Schwetz or pamschwetz

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? none

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other? lyricist aspiring songwriter

6. Are you a tech head? No

7. What country do you live in? USA

8. What are your ambitions? songwriting, possible collaboration with musicians

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? Write a lot of poetry online over at thestarlitecafe.com pamschwetz

What are your pastimes? Writing poetry/lyrics, like to watch netflix movies, like to listen to music...

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? Ideas, collaboration,critiques...

I think that covers the main musical things!

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?
What instruments?
Piano, vocals

When did you start playing?
Started learning a few months ago, but have been singing for as long as i can remember

Did you teach yourself?
Singing yes, piano no

2. Are you in a band or bands? no

What is the name of the band?
---- I want to be in a girl band like Little Mix

What do you play?
What other instruments are in the band?

Do you have a band website?
3. Do you write songs? yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both?
mainly lyrics, sometimes music
Do you have a writing partner?

4. Do you record your music? no

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? ---

Do you use a recording studio?
Do you have music available on the web? if so where?

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head?
what does that even mean 0.o

7. What country do you live in?
8. What are your ambitions?
To be in a famous girl band like Little Mix
9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?
I draw a lot and write creative stories
What are your pastimes?

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff
As much knowledge about music as possible, and to increase my abilities

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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? 

What instruments? Drums, trumpet, and a little keyboard

When did you start playing? Trumpet - 12 drums and piano - 20

Did you teach yourself? Taught myself drums.  Learned trumpet in school band and piano in college.

2. Are you in a band or bands? Yes

What is the name of the band? Compelled, Wright Now

What do you play? I play drums in Compelled and keyboards, drums and percussion in Wright Now

What other instruments are in the band? Guitars and bass

Do you have a band website? No, but you can hear some of my songs on www.mississippimixing.com.

3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Both

Do you have a writing partner? My wife and anyone else that wants to give suggestions.

4. Do you record your music? Yes

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? I have a home studio that uses MacBook Pro, garageband and logic.  I use a Presonus 18X18 recording interface and Shure and Audio Technica Mics.

Do you use a recording studio? I use my studio.

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? You can find samples of my music at www.mississippimixing.com.

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other? Whatever else I need to do.

6. Are you a tech head? Yes

7. What country do you live in? USA

8. What are your ambitions? 

I have a couple of music projects with Wright Now that I would love to release on CD over the summer and I would love for my new business, Mississippi Mixing, to generate so much business that I can quit my day job and become a full time recording engineer.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

I started drawing with pastels over Christmas.  You can see some of my art at www.mississippi.com.

What are your pastimes? I love reading, drawing, and working outside.

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

Whatever I can.


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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?   Yes.

What instruments?  Bass, lead/rhythm and keyboards (if no alternative!).

When did you start playing?  1974.

Did you teach yourself?  Mostly - bit of help here and there.

2. Are you in a band or bands?  Yes.

What is the name of the band?  Bedrock (The Band In The Sand).

What do you play?  Lead.

What other instruments are in the band?  Bass, keyboards & drums.

Do you have a band website?  www.bedrockband.com

3. Do you write songs?

Do you write lyrics, music or both?  Yes.

Do you have a writing partner?  Sometimes - usually other members of the band.

4. Do you record your music?  Yes.

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?  Home studio.  Roland VS-1680.

Do you use a recording studio?  No.

Do you have music available on the web? if so where?  CDBaby, Jango and Soundcloud.

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?  None.

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head?  No.

7. What country do you live in?  Namibia (in the Namib desert, faraway from venues, audiences, markets, studios, radio & TV stations, technology support and what-have-you!).

8. What are your ambitions?  To become a better songwriter.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?  Yes.

What are your pastimes?  Have always done quite a lot of writing, usually satirical.

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?  To share - learn from others and to share my own knowledge about bands, songwriting, gigging, etc.


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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? I sing, I play several instruments. Some of them I play well.

What instruments?  I play piano, bassoon, saxophone, clarinet, flute . . . I just recently started playing the ukulele, and I'm having a great time learning it! Calloused fingers, and everything.

When did you start playing?  I started piano lessons at age 7.  That was a few years ago.

Did you teach yourself?  I had a teacher.  I taught myself other instruments.

2. Are you in a band or bands? Probably not in the sense that most members are.  I sing in an a cappella ensemble which does some jazz, doo wop, and pop.  I play in the symphonic band, and I sing and play at my church.

What is the name of the band? Third Row Center Singers

What do you play? I sing soprano, alto, and yes, sometimes even tenor.

What other instruments are in the band? None

Do you have a band website? www.thirdrowcentersingers.net

3. Do you write songs? Yes, I do!

Do you write lyrics, music or both? I write both.

Do you have a writing partner?  No. I collaborated with a playwrite before for a children's theater piece.

4. Do you record your music? Just demos. 

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? Well . . . you know the little voice memo app?  That would be it.

Do you use a recording studio? No.

Do you have music available on the web? if so where?

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?  I teach.  Does that count?

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head? Not at all.

7. What country do you live in? God bless the USA.

8. What are your ambitions? I would love to have my music recorded, published, and performed by myself and others.  I would enjoy collaborating, especially in music for shows and theater.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? I enjoy photography. 

What are your pastimes? Bicycling, running, sewing, enjoying family.

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? Making connections with other creative people and getting new ideas from successful songwriters and performers.


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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?
What instruments?
I play the piano, guitar, oboe, and alto saxophone!
When did you start playing?
I started play the piano at age 6, oboe at age 9, guitar at age 13, and saxophone at age 14.
Did you teach yourself?
I teach myself guitar and saxophone.
2. Are you in a band or bands?
No. I really want to start a band over the summer though!
What is the name of the band?

What do you play?

What other instruments are in the band?

Do you have a band website?

3. Do you write songs?
Do you write lyrics, music or both?
I do write both but sometimes it's much easier for me to write lyrics rather than music.
Do you have a writing partner?
Nope just me!
4. Do you record your music?
Unfortunately not!
Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?

Do you use a recording studio?

Do you have music available on the web? if so where?
I post videos on YouTube of covers of songs I do but I haven't actually posted anything yet so... :?

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head?
Technology hates me
7. What country do you live in?
8. What are your ambitions?
To become a famous singer/songwriter who is known for her words and her emotions rather than her scandles and gossip.
9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?
I write stories but those are definitely no good! I also dance but I'm so horrible just no.
What are your pastimes?
10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?
I really want to expand my songwriting skills because that's really where I struggle musically. As a musician I think I am fine, as a performer I just need more experience, but my songwriting is where I need to improve.



Thanks for reading! It really means a lot to me!

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? (I sing, but no well enough to market. I played the Clarinet all through school, but that was 27 yrs ago. I just started taking piano lesson.

What instruments? (I'll just say piano)

When did you start playing? (2 weeks ago)

Did you teach yourself? (No)

2. Are you in a band or bands? (no)

3. Do you write songs? (Yes)

Do you write lyrics, music or both? (Both)

Do you have a writing partner? (No)

4. Do you record your music? (Yes)

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? (Yes, My pc, Fruity Loops, Adobe Audition 3.0, a rodes mic, Mbox 2, and a portable sound booth.

Do you use a recording studio? (no, but I would love to be taught how to work in one.)

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? (yes - www.reverbnation.com/miguelawilder www.migmademedia.com

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? (Producer)

6. Are you a tech head? (I find it very interesting, but hard to understand at times.)

7. What country do you live in? (USA)

8. What are your ambitions? (I would just like to be at a point where I can make great music to share with the world, and be known and respected for being the kind a man people can count on for that. The money would be cool if it comes, but I just want to have the confidence and abilities to deliver great music.)

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? (write stories, and poetry.)

What are your pastimes? Making music, writing

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? (I feel like I have gone as far as I can go with the tools I have. I wish to grow, and learn how to be a better song writer, mixer, producer, composer, and story teller. I also seek new connections to collab with and build new musical allies, as well as sharing what I know, and giving the same.

I think that covers the main musical things! (I think so too)         


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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? Yes

What instruments? Ukulele

When did you start playing? Just recently, so i'm not really that good yet xp

Did you teach yourself? err, YouTube taught me =p

3. Do you write songs? Lyricsss

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? No, sadly, still a student ><

7. What country do you live in? Malaysia <3

8. What are your ambitions? To make a change

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? DANCEEEEEEE (street dance)

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? To get to know more people who shares the same passion ^.^

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Hello: I'm a college professor, but my real passion has always been songwriting (actually, I'll do anything to get away from grading Freshman essays :lol2: ). For me, songwriting is very much like painting and short story writing--blending "note colors" and ideas that fit into a 3-4 minute space-canvas. I mostly play acoustic guitar, but I also play electric quite a bit as well as mandolin...and even banjo when I feel like throwing all caution away. I basically write songs because I have to.

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  • Noob
1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? 

What instruments? Acoustic guitar, lapslide guitar, electric guitar, stompbox, vocals

When did you start playing? at age 14

Did you teach yourself? yes

2. Are you in a band or bands?

What is the name of the band? The NbC

What do you play? Everything its a solo act gets pretty hectic with all my pedals and stompbox :)

What other instruments are in the band? play my lapslide on an ironing board does that count as another instrument ??

Do you have a band website? www.triplejunearthed.com/thenbc

3. Do you write songs?

Do you write lyrics, music or both? yes both

Do you have a writing partner? no

4. Do you record your music?

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? no unfortunately not

Do you use a recording studio? I did for my debut EP Gypsy Blood

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? www.triplejunearthed.com/thenbc its FREE DOWNLOADS as well

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?:  Independent artist so the whole lot :)

6. Are you a tech head?  not really

7. What country do you live in? Australia

8. What are your ambitions? to do conservation works in the marine environment and share some tunes with the world

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? I love drawing and painting

What are your pastimes? Surfing, bushwalking, travelling, guitar, the beach and good times

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? meet other artists and experience new music

I think that covers the main musical things! 


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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

I'm a singer. I currently am a student at a conservatory.

2. Are you in a band or bands?

I have a cover band that is new and we've not done any gigs yet. I'm also doing solo stuff at the moment.

3. Do you write songs?

Yes I write my own songs and sometimes ask for help with the lyrics from a friend of mine. She's good!


4. Do you record your music?

I have hired a professional producer. You can hear my first single 


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


6. Are you a tech head? Nope!


7. What country do you live in?  Finland


8. What are your ambitions? To become as good a singer and songwriter as possible.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? None of these. 

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? To hang out with fellow songwriters, I suppose. :)

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