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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?


What instruments? I am an average player in guitar and beginner in piano/keyboard.


When did you start playing? Guitar: around 8 years old but I stopped cause my guitar broke|piano/keyboard: March 2016


Did you teach yourself? Someone showed me a couple of chords and how to strum guitar then I taught myself after| Piano/keyboard: self-taught


2. Are you in a band or bands?


What is the name of the band?


What do you play?


What other instruments are in the band?


Do you have a band website?


3. Do you write songs?


Do you write lyrics, music or both? Just lyrics, I plan to compose music in the future.


Do you have a writing partner? None.


4. Do you record your music?


Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?


Do you use a recording studio?


Do you have music available on the web? if so where?


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?


6. Are you a tech head?


7. What country do you live in? United States


8. What are your ambitions? Too many to mention


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? Yes


What are your pastimes? I sing, dance, draw, write stories and poems, act and voice act, and play basketball/tennis (does this count :))


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? Advice, a couple of friends, and increase in knowledge. ^_^

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

Singer, Guitarist


2. Are you in a band or bands?



3. Do you write songs?



4. Do you record your music?



5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?



6. Are you a tech head?


7. What country do you live in?



8. What are your ambitions?


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?



10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

... just started today


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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?



I play guitar for 3 to 4 years now and I sing for 2 years now. Both I first tried to learn all by myself but then I changed my mind and learned from more experienced persons and found teachers for both.


2. Are you in a band or bands?


Currently I go solo but I had a band called "Black.Box"


3. Do you write songs?


Yes I write songs, both music and lyrics and I had a writing partner once but that didn't worked out.


4. Do you record your music?


Yes, I have a small home studio. I'm mainly using a Scarlett 2i2 audio interface and a RODE NT2-A microphone, as well as a SHURE SM58. My DAW of choice is Reaper.

You can listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/user/JasonINero


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


I used to 'manage' my old band and right now I study audiovisual media in Stuttgart.


6. Are you a tech head?


Workin on it :D


7. What country do you live in?




8. What are your ambitions?


The moment when a person has tears in the eyes because of something I wrote, play and sang - that's what I'm living for!

I want to find my place in the music business complex, preferably as artist of course :)


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?


I started drawing a few weeks ago and I hope that will help me to discipline myself.

Also I dance when no one's watching, does that count? :D


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?


I'd like to improve myself in every given way, get feedback on songs/lyrics and become part of this great creative community :)

Also I'd like to discover some new great artists.

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Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?  

Singing is my main thing, but I play guitar and piano as well.  I started singing formally and playing guitar in 2000, and playing piano in 1992.  My mom taught me to play piano, but I took voice lessons from a teacher starting in 2002.


Are you in a band or bands?  

I’m not currently in a band, but I would like to start one in the future.


Do you write songs? 

 I write both music and lyrics.  I am writing a song with someone right now, but I don’t typically write with a partner, though co-writing with people is something I would like to do more.


Do you record your music?   I’m recording in a studio right now.  I’d like to get some recording equipment though.  What I have recorded right now can be found at www.sonicbids.com/teresamae.


What other roles do you perform in the music business?

For the moment I’m a performing artist.  I would like to eventually teach and record as well.


Are you a tech head? 

I wouldn’t consider myself one, but I’m learning more and more every day!


 What country do you live in?

 The US of A J


What are your ambitions?

 My goal is to inspire people with music, and tour nationally as a performer.


Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

I like to make fun meals, and have dance parties in my apartment J


What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

I want to learn about song exercises and things to spark creativity.  I’m excited to meet other artists and learn from each other J


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Noob
On 8/1/2009 at 0:45 AM, john said:



thought this might be an interesting exercise:




1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?


What instruments?


When did you start playing?


Did you teach yourself?


2. Are you in a band or bands?


What is the name of the band?


What do you play?


What other instruments are in the band?


Do you have a band website?


3. Do you write songs?


Do you write lyrics, music or both?


Do you have a writing partner?


4. Do you record your music?


Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?


Do you use a recording studio?


Do you have music available on the web? if so where?


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?


6. Are you a tech head?


7. What country do you live in?


8. What are your ambitions?


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?


What are your pastimes?


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?


I think that covers the main musical things!

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?


What instruments- Clarinet and a little bit of the keyboard 


When did you start playing - the clarinet when I was 10 the keyboard just this year 


Did you teach yourself - no to the clarinet yes to the keyboard 


2. Are you in a band or bands?




3. Do you write songs?


I write lyrics, it's been my passion ever since I was little 



4. Do you record your music?


Yes I record my own music in my home studio. It's not very professional but it get's the job done 


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


I am currently working on starting my own label 


6. Are you a tech head



7. What country do you live in?



8. What are your ambitions?

To write music for a living 


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?


I write poetry 


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

Constructive criticism and to meet people with the same passion


I think that covers the main musical things!

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9 hours ago, ladi lollypop said:

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?


What instruments- Clarinet and a little bit of the keyboard 


When did you start playing - the clarinet when I was 10 the keyboard just this year 


Did you teach yourself - no to the clarinet yes to the keyboard 


2. Are you in a band or bands?




3. Do you write songs?


I write lyrics, it's been my passion ever since I was little 



4. Do you record your music?


Yes I record my own music in my home studio. It's not very professional but it get's the job done 


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


I am currently working on starting my own label 


6. Are you a tech head



7. What country do you live in?



8. What are your ambitions?

To write music for a living 


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?


I write poetry 


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

Constructive criticism and to meet people with the same passion


I think that covers the main musical things!


Ambitious of you to start your own label!  I'm excited to see some of your lyrics.  Best of luck with your endeavors :)

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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? Sing, yes. Instruments- sketchy.


What instruments?  I sing, play a little guitar


When did you start playing? a while, just never focused to be what I would considered "proficient"


Did you teach yourself? Yes. I would never throw a teacher under the bus for my lack of skill. :D


2. Are you in a band or bands? Not currently.


What is the name of the band?


What do you play?


What other instruments are in the band?


Do you have a band website?


3. Do you write songs? Starting


Do you write lyrics, music or both? Lyrics, work on the vocal melodies.


Do you have a writing partner? negative


4. Do you record your music? No


Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?


Do you use a recording studio?


Do you have music available on the web? if so where?


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? None


Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?


6. Are you a tech head? No


7. What country do you live in? USA, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.


8. What are your ambitions? I want to enjoy the heck out of music. No visions of grandeur. I just like music and like the written word.


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? I do write stories. I'm not much with visual art.


What are your pastimes? I love to write, debate, love sports especially football and baseball. I have a family, so love spending time with them.


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? Just looking for some honest critiques on my writing. If someone who shares my musical vision can put my lyrics to music, a long distance relationship with someone to write the music would be an added bonus!


I think that covers the main musical things!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Noob


1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? Yes to all.


What instruments? Sing, Piano, Keyboard, Drums, Guitar and Trumpet.


When did you start playing? Piano - when I was like eight. Guitar- when I was ten. I did trumpet when I was 13/14 and drums when I was 14. And I started singing when I was like five, cause my mum used to sing like old songs from operas so that's where I started.


Did you teach yourself? Only on most of the piano, I had lessons for grades 1 and two but I self taught everything else and wait, I did on guitar as well.


2. Are you in a band or bands? band.


What is the name of the band? Panda-monium. I know its bad, we're still working on it.


What do you play? I sing actually.


What other instruments are in the band? Guitar, Bass Guitar, Keyboard and Drums.


Do you have a band website? Not as of yet.


3. Do you write songs? Yes. Love it.


Do you write lyrics, music or both? Both, music is the hard bit though.


Do you have a writing partner? No I don't, I could probably use one though. haha.


4. Do you record your music? No I play live mostly.


Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? Nope.


Do you use a recording studio? My uncle has one actually but i'm a little opposed to the idea.


Do you have music available on the web? if so where? Not yet.


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? Don't really have any other role yet.


Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other? Here's to hoping.


6. Are you a tech head? Not particularly.


7. What country do you live in? England.


8. What are your ambitions? I want to be a writer, for books, songs, scripts or maybe direct because even though I love music film takes a close second.


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? I draw, paint, write stories , dance and write poetry.


What are your pastimes? Golf and hiking. I love the walking. Theres just so much time to take things in.


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? I hope to improve on my songwriting and hopefully help others.

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  • Noob

Hey everyone, I'm the new kid. I guess everyone's doing this so here goes:




1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? 


What instruments?

Guitar, Drums, Singing


When did you start playing?

I started drums when I was 12 and left it behind for singing and the guitar - for the sole purpose of getting women, but ended up loving it.


Did you teach yourself?

YouTube taught me ;)

2. Are you in a band or bands?


What is the name of the band?

the dipshits

What do you play?


What other instruments are in the band?


Do you have a band website?


3. Do you write songs?


Do you write lyrics, music or both?

Yes and yes

Do you have a writing partner?

Sadly no

4. Do you record your music?


Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?

A friend of mine has a home studio and I record at his.

Do you use a recording studio?

A different friend of mine has a recording studio and I bum off him too 


Do you have music available on the web? if so where?

on iTunes and YouTube -


The One You Want (feat. Lucian) by Paul Christopher 


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other? nothing at all 


6. Are you a tech head?

I wish.. I play a lot of counter strike does that count?

7. What country do you live in?

Vienna, Austria

8. What are your ambitions?

I wanna make music without worrying about money and gig at low key events for people that love my music.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?


What are your pastimes?

scuba diving, basketball, fishing, swimming, and gaming

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?


I just need a group that knows their shit well - that can make sure that the music I make is quality and not garbage.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?


What instruments? 


When did you start playing?


Did you teach yourself?

mostly but did participate in school orchestras

2. Are you in a band or bands?


3. Do you write songs?


Do you write lyrics, music or both?

lyrics but just started

Do you have a writing partner?


4. Do you record your music?


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

sing but mostly in the car

6. Are you a tech head?


7. What country do you live in?


8. What are your ambitions?

to let the world critique my lyrics and poems and hopefully find someone who will have an interest in performing them

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

i draw in my free time mostly different word fonts, i write lots of poetry, i have played the cello for many years and i got into writing for a school newspaper

What are your pastimes?


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

to introduce my lyrics and poetry and hopefully i can get some creative criticism back don´t be afraid to speak the truth rather hear the truth than not be told.

I think that covers the main musical things!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

A: No I don't. :( I like to sing but am not good at it. I just write.


2. Are you in a band or bands?

A: No. I tried to form bands in the past, singing back-up and writing. It didn't work out.


3. Do you write songs?

A: Yes! All the time.


Do you write lyrics, music or both?

A: Both. I don't write on sheet music, I just sing the melody or play it in FL Studio.


Do you have a writing partner?

A: Nope! All me.


4. Do you record your music?

A: Yes. Well, rough demos. I'm not good enough for actual professional-sounding recordings.


Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?

A: Just a computer headset and Audacity, as well as FL Studio.


Do you use a recording studio?

A: Not usually, no. Once or twice I did.


Do you have music available on the web? if so where?

A: Ask me, I may show you. >.<


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

A: None, at the moment.


6. Are you a tech head?
A; No.


7. What country do you live in?



8. What are your ambitions?

A: To get my music heard and my songs to other artists!


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?
A: Not lately, I'm not good at them.


What are your pastimes?

A: I like going for walks, chatting, sometimes I play video games.


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

A: Some collab partners to help with my songs, and I can help others too.


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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?


Yes. I consider voice to be the first instrument.


What instruments?


Drums/Percussion, Bass, Guitar (acoustic), mandolin, accordion, voice.


When did you start playing?


Drums/percussion - 1984

Guitar - 2008

Bass - 2014

Mandolin - 2010

Accordion - 2009

Voice - 2008


Did you teach yourself?


I would say I'm about 75% self-taught on most of the instruments I play. 


2. Are you in a band or bands?


I've been in and out of bands since age 17.


What is the name of the band?


Too many to list. My most recent band was "The Possums".


What do you play?


In my most recent band, "The Possums" I was the drummer.


What other instruments are in the band?






Do you have a band website?


No. I'm not even sure if that band is still together.


3. Do you write songs?




Do you write lyrics, music or both?




Do you have a writing partner?




4. Do you record your music?




Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?


At first I was recording with a Tascam DR1 (field recorder). Now I record with either my computer (through the built in mic), or on my phone. I do it this way so that I can get the song idea down quick before I lose it.


Do you use a recording studio?


I have gone into local studios in the past to get a few of my songs done. But, to do it right it can be costly.


Do you have music available on the web? if so where?


No. I don't believe in offering my music for free. If I ever get to the point where I can publish my music, I will.


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


In the past I've done many different things, such as; graphic design, social media, roadie (lol), audio technician, coffee fetcher, booking, driver, PR, payroll/finances... 


6. Are you a tech head?


I am a bit technologically inclined. I can do basic things, but I haven't yet grasped home recording, which is my next hurdle.


7. What country do you live in?




8. What are your ambitions?


I would enjoy recording my material. And, I think this is a necessity because I spend most days with one of my songs running through my head so that I don't forget it. If I could record my songs then I could move forward. 


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?


At one point in my life I wanted to be a graphic designer. I studied fine art from a very young age and I have always been a "doodler". 


What are your pastimes?


Outside of music, I spend time with my daughter (including homework help), and the occasional sightseeing or hiking trip.


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?


I would like to get some honest feedback from others who don't know me so that I can find out if I really have an ability for lyric writing.

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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

A. I do sing, and I play the acoustic guitar and like to dabble on the keyboard.


When did you start playing?

A. I started playing when I was 15 years old


Did you teach yourself?

A. I did not teach myself my Dad plays the guitar, and both my uncles played guitar

they showed me a few chords and a couple of songs.


2. Are you in a band or bands?

A.  Never been in a band, I have been in a rap group though.


3. Do you write songs?

A. I do write songs for the guitar and for rapping.

Do you write lyrics, music or both?

A. I write the lyrics to literally write music is not my thing.


Do you have a writing partner?

A. I write by myself for guitar but yes I do have a writing partne


4. Do you record your music?



Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?

A. No but I would like to get one. Right now I'm just using a camera.


Do you use a recording studio?

A. yes for rapping.


Do you have music available on the web? if so where?

A. YouTube, and Soundcloud.

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

A. none


Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

A. N/A


6. Are you a tech head?

A. No


7. What country do you live in?

United States of America


8. What are your ambitions?

A. To live the dream :)


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

A. I have doodled from time to time. I have written poems, I do not dance. I play pool

and tennis, and I like to dabble in chess, and magic.


What are your pastimes?

A. It's all about the future.


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

A. To meet creative new people.

































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  • 2 months later...
  • Noob

HI Leroy Here from Costa Rica to the world!


happy to be here, and to hear about all of you!


1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? Yes

What instruments? guitar and sing

When did you start playing? 1995

Did you teach yourself? Yes

2. Are you in a band or bands? Play with other musicians for writing purposes only

What do you play? SongWriter / Producer

What other instruments are in the band?vocals and electronics

Do you have a band website? https://www.facebook.com/PlayOmusic/

3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? lyrcs

Do you have a writing partner? Yes

4. Do you record your music? Yes

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? Yes very basic by this time, some studio mics, and and synt 

Do you use a recording studio? not yet

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? soundcloud.com/playo-music/blue-eyes

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? promotor 

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head? No

7. What country do you live in? Costa Rica

8. What are your ambitions? This started for seriously fun, let see where we can go 

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? theater

What are your pastimes? read, music, theater

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

Networking, learn and help

Edited by PlayOBand
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  • Noob
On 7/31/2009 at 11:45 PM, john said:



thought this might be an interesting exercise:




1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?


I sing poorly and play half-ass guitar.


2. Are you in a band or bands?


No band(s) for me.


3. Do you write songs?


I write mostly lyrics and compose poorly.


4. Do you record your music?


I haven't had a song recorded in about five years.


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


I have my own publishing company (whoopee). ;)


6. Are you a tech head?




7. What country do you live in?


USA - Tennessee


8. What are your ambitions?


Keep enjoying my retirement.


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?


I write a little fiction and do a little internet marketing.


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?


Fun from writing/interacting with fellow Songstuffians.  :)


I think that covers the main musical things!


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  • 3 months later...
  • Noob

Hey :) I'm new to the site 


1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? Yeah 

What instruments? Bass guitar

When did you start playing? For about 6 years 

Did you teach yourself? Yeah pretty much 

2. Are you in a band or bands? Maybe 

What is the name of the band? Terminal Fear

What do you play? Bass 

What other instruments are in the band? Guitar, Drums 

Do you have a band website? terminalfear.com 

3. Do you write songs? Yeah i do 

4. Do you record your music? Yeah 

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? Just my home set up

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? Youtube and social media 

5. What country do you live in? UK

6. What are your ambitions? Many things - having fun playing and writing music

7. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? Fun

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Sure, why don't give this one a try?


Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

I play instruments, and my singing ability is absolutely abysmal. I play piano/keyboard, and I started that crap roughly four years ago. Yes, I taught myself.

2. Are you in a band or bands?

I am in a band called Seismosphere with my friend John. We're primarily a studio band, so we use our keyboards for all instrumentation. Our website is a makeshift Blogger thing that can be located at seismosphere.blogspot.com

3. Do you write songs?

I write all of my compositions, mostly on my own. I collaborate with John, and while we mostly write our stuff separately, we of course run each track by each other and contribute our own ideas to the final product.

4. Do you record your music?
At home, yes. I have a very informal studio. It consists of my Yamaha keyboard and a tambourine, and anything I record is done through the keyboard's drives and is transferred to Audacity on my computer via flashdrive. Seismosphere's music is available on Soundcloud and YouTube.

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

I mean, we're an independent band, so if that counts as publishing and labeling, I have more useless crap to put on my resume now!


6. Are you a tech head?

No, I'm a flesh and blood head, thanks. 

7. What country do you live in?

The States of United America.

8. What are your ambitions?

To have my own Real Housewives reality TV series.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

I design cover art for Seismosphere's endeavors except for the times when I don't. 

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?
I'd like to gain a following, some critique, musical insight, and a place to discuss music, 'cause I didn't have any of that before.


Am I one of the cool kids now?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Noob
On 10/20/2015 at 9:23 PM, Mihan said:

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

I sing, and would like lessons to improve on what's already there. 

I play guitar at the border of beginner/intermediate level currently.


2. Are you in a band or bands?



3. Do you write songs?

I'm just beginning in the craft.


4. Do you record your music?

Not yet. My guitar teacher thinks I have a nice voice, would be good at writing lyrics, and wants to try and make something with one of the songs I wrote. He would like to see me start performing.


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?



6. Are you a tech head?



7. What country do you live in?



8. What are your ambitions?

To write some good music that people can connect to and maybe perform it live in front of an audience. 


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?



10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

A community to share my original work and get some honest, constructive feedback and to gain exposure to other original works. <-Not my answer, but exactly what I'm after as well.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?  Sing and Play piano, and also production


What instruments? Piano


When did you start playing? 2 years ago


Did you teach yourself? Sort of


2. Are you in a band or bands? No


What is the name of the band? N/A


What do you play? Experimental, Alternative, electronic


What other instruments are in the band? N/A


Do you have a band website? N/A


3. Do you write songs? Yes


Do you write lyrics, music or both? Both


Do you have a writing partner? Varies depending on person. Open to working with others. 


4. Do you record your music? Yes


Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? Yes I use a home studio


Do you use a recording studio? Rarely


Do you have music available on the web? if so where? Not Yet will be releasing first track within a month.


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? Producer, Composer, Arranger


Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?


6. Are you a tech head? Yes


7. What country do you live in? US


8. What are your ambitions? To create the music that I love to speak not only to myself but to others with one impact at a time. Don't judge me as a person judge my music with a open thoughtful ear and mind


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? N/A


What are your pastimes? N/A


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? Community and support.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?- yes


What instruments?  - Keys


When did you start playing? - A while ago


Did you teach yourself? -  yes


2. Are you in a band or bands? - No


3. Do you write songs?-yes


Do you write lyrics, music or both? - Music


Do you have a writing partner?  - No


4. Do you record your music?- yes


Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? - Home,  A PC, MIDI Keyboard, DAW, VST instruments


Do you use a recording studio? - No


Do you have music available on the web? if so where?:  Soundcloud


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? - No


6. Are you a tech head?- No


7. What country do you live in? - Sri Lanka


8. What are your ambitions?- To be a professional music composer


9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?- No


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? - Community and Collaborators


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