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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

The Writers' Guild & The Puppet Show...

Six folks at the first get-together of the “writers’ guild.” Two came, I think, because of the notice in the paper; one the result of invitation. (And the other three were us who started the whole thing.) We traded backgrounds, and ideas, and what we expected to get out of being in the group, and we’ll meet again in a week—and bring instruments. Ages ranged from a guy still in high school to, well, me. There’s a bass player (who also sings and plays guitar) and a keyboardist/drummer, as



The Mid-Year Reality Check...

Life gets interesting… I’m informed there are now three cities considering me (among other folks) as their interim city manager. I don’t know if any of them will decide on me, of course—perhaps none will—but it does feel good to have somebody consider me worth something. I may know in a week. Preferences? I have no preferences; in this job-hunting game, the rule is whoever gets me first, gets me. I would not have applied for those jobs if I weren’t prepared to take and keep every one of th




Oh, let's pick off where we left off There's coughless calls twirling its way around me. There's nothing but a shadow that slowly remains in one knot I wish those shadows could finally see, just one way that I use to excuse myself, it was just one way to excuse myself. Oh, oh, oh, oh... Please give me one last try, I could make up all the last ways I used to I need an excuse I need an excuse Just to talk to you again... Oh, oh, oh, oh... Did I coward



And The Wheeler Summerfest...

Time to plan for the Wheeler Summerfest. Both the bands I’m in are on the agenda—and on the same day. 1-1/2 hour sets each. Main concern I need to have is both bands are performing some of my material, and in no case should they be playing the same song. So it’s necessary to do a “who plays which” shuffling. DEATHGRASS is easier to script for, because we only need to worry about one singer—me. Not in order, I think we could do: Dead Things in the Shower—fast two-step Tillamook Railr



Willamette Writers Gig Thoughts...

The Willamette Writers gig in late July is a barbecue to benefit the children’s program. So… an hour’s worth of songs about writing (they specifically requested “The Writer’s Block Blues”), songs about food, and songs for kids. I looked through the “catalog,” and yes, I think I can do that. The Rap can talk both about the craft of writing, and about inspiration. I did this some years back—gave a seminar on songwriting at the “Moograss” bluegrass festival, and used my performance later th



The Thirty Second Rule

I don't believe that Wolfgang Mozart could critically analyze a piece of music in thirty seconds. I don't believe that Vincenzo Galilei could critically analyze a piece of music in thirty seconds. I don't believe that Aristoxenus could critically analyze a piece of music in thirty seconds. I don't believe that Pythagoras could crtically analyze a piece of music in thirty seconds. et cetera... I certainly don't believe that an A & R man with a very limited technical



Ilwaco Post-Mortem...

First Big Gig for 45 Degrees North was Saturday night in Ilwaco, at the River City Theater. Nice place, by the way—it’s an old American Legion hall, so it’s got a decent-sized auditorium, stage, kitchen, et al. The Peninsula Players, the TAPA-like community theater troupe that owns the building, are a nice bunch of people, too. They asked us to do two hours instead of three, and we were able to re-arrange the setlist without too much headache. We ended up using our own sound system (good



Puppet Show (And Thirsty Lion) Post-Mortem...

Thirsty Lion: done. Puppet show: done. One more this week—Ilwaco tomorrow (Saturday) with 45 Degrees North—and then… rest? No; another gig with 45 Degrees North Tuesday night. At least that one will be shorter—one hour instead of three. The “Cinderpiggy” puppet show was a hit, I think. We had an audience of about 35, kids and adults, and I think we had humor appealing to both groups. Biggest hit was Chewy, who’s a one-word Wookie—he can only say “Cookie,” though with different infle



Step 1 - Deciding To Decide

I've decided a few things over the last few days. 1 To learn how to create, mix, record and produce with no instrument ability, from the PC 2 To write a blog on my progress that may help people like me I think the first hurdle is trying to learn the techno lingo and what it means as in DAWs and VST's and VSTi's etc. I say this is the first hurdle because when you begin to look at the things you will need to create, mix, record and produce something purely from a pc and screen,



A Local Writers' Group?

I realized about mid-afternoon that this week is a day shorter because of the all-day trip to Portland Tuesday. Had to get the column for the paper done early—and I still have lots of stuff to do before I go. I won’t be back until late Tuesday, but Wednesday morning early I’m following up on a job, then rehearsing (for the first and probably last time) for the puppet show; Thursday morning, we take the stage to City Hall (because I’m anal about performances, and want everything set up in advan



Anatomy Of An Album...

Gene Burnett posted recently the steps involved in getting his latest album to production. Good idea. Here’s mine (which are a little different, but not by much): THE SONGS. I had those picked out a year beforehand. By January 2011, we’d taken just one off the list, and added one. 11 songs, with a mix of musical styles showing off the capabilities of the band, arranged as a sort of mini-concert. Two co-writes this time (which are the band’s normal opening and closing songs at shows).



45 Degrees North Dog Place Post-Mortem...

45 DEGREES NORTH had our “public practice” in the courtyard of the dog grooming place in downtown Nehalem, and people actually showed up to hear us, and seemed to actually enjoy it. (And the dog grooming lady would like to have us back.) That said, we still have work to do. Good things: The material is pretty much okay. We did mostly two of our three Ilwaco setlists, and with a couple of exceptions (amplified below), it’s good. Nobody really flubbed anything (not so the audience would



Knowing Nothing And Understanding Less (Clueless)

K.I.S.S. - keep it short and simple - but make sure simple (and short people) will understand it Do you ever find yourself asking yourself if you're stupid? Imagine if you will, that you've made a choice to take control over your musical future. You don't play any instrument, you can't write sheet music and you've no idea what key or note your song is in (and chords were what your dad wore on Sundays). You've just got the latest Cubase or whatever and you open it up with great a




A day off? Not really; I have a partially-assembled computer upstairs, a partially-pruned fruit tree outside, a dryer and washer full of laundry, and places to caulk on the siding all reminding me that there is in fact plenty to do. I just haven’t done any of it. I’ll get to play music tonight in Garibaldi for the first time in a week, which will be nice; I have managed to play six out of seven nights this past week, and it definitely improves my playing—I noticed at the Tsunami last night I



Songstuff Collaboration Competition 2011

It's time for the Songstuff Collaboration Competition 2011. The rules are published on the SCC 2011 Competition Entries board. This competition is for fun and prestige only. There is no huge prize fund! The SCC 2011 Prizes Winner, 2nd prize and 3rd prize Featured on Songstuff and all of it's portals. Featured in the Songstuff community newsletter, including all of the members who take part The Winner will also be interviewed and the resulting article will be published on



13 Days...

5:30 a.m. and it’s already way too hot—summer has hit the Oregon Coast with a vengeance, much like it used to do back East when I was a kid. It’s little comfort that I predicted that would happen (especially since I managed to be completely unprepared for it). Probably little comfort, too, that if my predictions are right, summer will be short as well as brutal. It’ll still be brutal. 13 days, now, until 45 Degrees North’s Big Gig in Ilwaco. The time for planning is over; all energy fro



Something About It

When rain pours away another day, It's another way to see the sun. When all these days, they end up gay I'm just one shot away from none. You know, you know, I sit here lying under burning violets I think about how I lost you. I think about how much I've lost, I never want to forget It's a steep isle to find, a hard thing to do. I convince myself I never ever lost. [Chrous] There's smething about it There's something about it How could I have found it, when I near



First Blog Entry

Ah there always has to be a first and this is it. I'll be talking on all things musical in this blog, looking at the industry, discussing ideas and concepts, picking at new tech, and examining trends. It will be interesting for me to do and hopefully it will be interesting for you to read! With so much happening in the industry and with so many new items of gear and music tech coming along there will be plenty to write about, then of course there is the star acts who I will no doubt ha



Audio Engineering / Audio Production Courses Starting Soon!

Learn everything you need to be a successful Producer/Recording Engineer at a fraction of the cost and time elsewhere! Courses Include: Engineering 1 and 2, ProTools 1, 2, and 3, Production 1 and 2, Digital Performer, and Reason! Learn Microphones, Monitors, Mixers, Recorders, Mixing, Compressors, EQ, Reverb, Delays, Gates, Digital Recording and Editing, Live Recording, Pro Tools, Computers, and Midi. We also offer PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIPS! Call Jason today for more information, current s



Concert Season...

Right now, Concert Season looks like: TUESDAY, JUNE 14: Solo at the Thirsty Lion Pub in Old Town Portland. Show starts 8:30; I’m on after 9 p.m. 25-minute set. FRIDAY, JUNE 17: The Great Intergalactic Puppet Theatre (Bay City Arts Center) performs “Cinderpiggy” at Garibaldi City Hall, 1 p.m. The play will have my song “My Happily Ever After,” performed by the sock puppet band. (I wrote the script, too.) SATURDAY, JUNE 18: With 45 Degrees North at the River City Theater, Ilw



Free Introductory Voice Lesson In Boston, Ma!

Free Voice Lesson [Learn the TRUE Pop/Rock/R&B/Gospel/Jazz/Blues Vocal Method!] (Boston) Learn the TRUE Pop/Rock/R&B/Gospel/Jazz/Blues Vocal Method! Improve: POWER, RANGE, STAMINA, TONE QUALITY, BREATH CONTROL, PERSONAL STYLE, & PERFORMANCE SKILLS! Already a current voice student? You can earn free lessons too! Bring or send in a friend for a Free Introductory Voice Lesson and when your friend completes their first 4 lessons you get



About Humanity

Grab and wince your crosshair, It's always my fault. If you could have learned the share, maybe this union wouldn't fall. Why's everyone a Insomniac, When the kids all fall, they all attack. [Chorus] I could shave my head if I wanted to, I could walk around nude. Nothing, no matter what, would change my persona. Nothing, no matter what, I'd never have no one. Why can't we judge, any other way. Why do we fall and plunge? Why am I the one to run



Of Plays And Publishers...

Should’ve mentioned last time (but there wasn’t room, and I forgot anyway) I have sent off another song to a publisher. I’m on the mailing lists of a couple of publishers, one in Nashville and one not, and they’ll occasionally send out a call to the mailing list for songs for an artist, or for a film or TV show, if they don’t have something in The Catalog that fits. I try to respond if I can; I want these guys to remember who I am. In this case, they wanted a “not too pop” love song to be



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