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    Grew up with country although I enjoy all music

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  1. Old member JDHarris, mudsy @shaw.ca. 
    can’t sign in, do I need to create a new account?

    1. Peggy

      Hi JDHarris,  for security reasons we changed our log in to the email account that the members used when creating their account.   Do you remember that email account?  If you do use it to log in.  If not, message me and we'll get it straightened out.  Nice to see you back! Peggy

    2. JDHarris

      Thanks, long time for sure.

      I’ll have to find my way around the site.

      is there a board to post new lyrics on, I can’t seem to find where to post them.  Also hoping to find collaborator (s).

    3. Peggy

      Lots of changes, for sure.  I see you've found your way around a bit.  Here is a link to the critique sections



  2. JDHarris


    Here is kudos to you from the other Jan, really nice.
  3. Too cool!!! Love the music. Who did the vocals? Great sound. Bravo.
  4. This is a good example, as to what I was commenting on a few minutes ago. I read the words, then listen to the song, not what I thought I was going to hear. Having said that, I like. By the way, I sing in the car, outside in the yard wherever, I haven't heard neighbors slam windows or door yet, but while sitting at the red light, windows down, grooving, the car on my left rolled his up. Cleaned my closet and pretty well sang about everything I was doing as I went, full with interruptions of dogs, phone calls and kids. I think I have a musical or a good portion of one anyway. Too bad I didn't remember what the heck I was babbling about. enjoy my trip here. Jan
  5. JDHarris

    First Song

    Hi, this is my first time to click the blogs tab (there's a song in there "Blog Tab Virgin" lol. I was surprised to find lyrics here, I was curious to see what people are blogging. Anyway, I'm glad I stopped by, I like and agree with the advice Kel has given. Learned a lot. If you post your lyric in the right forum, you may get further helpful critique from others as I have. I don't know how long you have been a member, but it took me a few human error computer mishaps before I found my way around here. I joined in mid July and have learned so much from others on this site. I feel now that some of my postings I may be going back to edit, or trash. I posted one today was more of a memory than song lyric. told the whole story, which I'm sure reads more like a half baked poem story. Not everyone hears the same music. I have country in my head, that doesn't always come off on paper. Todays posting about MG, though I wanted it to be more soulful slow tempo at times with sax and horns I have no idea how to get it from here to there. I don't know about you, but for me I find not being a musician has it's draw backs when I'm writing lyrics. Sometimes I have a melody as I write. Other times it's just words that are somewhat poetically written. I keep editing until I find something in it that might work as a song. Post it and see what happens, You may be surprised. I have had a lot of really helpful ways to improve them, from a platform so vast. There are so many excellent writers here who, if you're open to and not afraid of honest critics, you will gain so much. I have the time now to see what I can do with the great advice I've been given for each posting, make the changes and go from there. I'll be doing more research on song structure as well. Didn't know what the difference was between a chorus or bridge, didn't know their function or where to use them. Don't be afraid to lose some words or change them. Heck I've thrown out entire verses. keep writing, I did enjoy JDH just don't hurry Jan Ps I never throw out completely what I cut, I'll save it not for a rainy day, but for those dry periods.
  6. I clicked on the links for both the monthly song, as well the lyric contest that said to vote now. I got to the right places but their was an icon saying the site was locked. I also submitted my protest song, but did not see it in the list. Don't know where I sent that. I'll try again next time, if I was too late. Thanks.
  7. I tried to vote, but I was locked out. Was I too late? jan
  8. I have written poems for years also. Some I have rewritten into lyrics like Jingle Bells Are Ringing, I am currently working on two comedic lyrics. One is quite long and reads more like a story. I would like some input on how to shorten it and still keep the message. Jan
  9. Welcome Bryan. Love the lyrics Whispered the Score. JDHarris
  10. Hey I like it very much, still needs something more though, I think to make it flow I made changes in the first verse,only as suggestions. Let me know if it fits with what you were thinking, if not toss it. jdh
  11. Welcome Ty, Good advice, stick to your guns, trust your instincts. I think we are all guilty of second guessing, some people call it being stubborn. Nice to know by the recording artist what it was that they really liked about it and the reason they chose the song. best regards jdh
  12. I don't know, I may have. The three post of the same lyric though, I know I did that, oops! just didn't realize it until it was done. Thanks for the greet. Next I have to master transferring my photo to my profile. jdh
  13. I know, I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining, I get it. I just felt perhaps some people may have thought, who the heck is this, because they didn't have any reference to me, no intro, and here this jdh is giving critique. To tell you the truth, I began to feel like a party crasher, you know the kind; The one no one invited, no friends at the party and no one wants them to be there. But I take full responsibility for my ignorance in not knowing how this site works. What pinned is. Why there are stars and dots in the left column, why some posts are highlighted. I'm slowly getting there. I am enjoying my experience on this site and as I learn more about what the heck I'm doing, where I am posting things etc., and remember to update after I post, things will be fine.
  14. Thanks Tom, I guess with my first introduction going nowhere, and I had not realized that; I thought what's wrong, does no one like my lyrics? They must be so bad no one knows how to respond and remain positive. Then, I was beginning to think I was being snubbed, just who does this JDH think they are anyway, coming onto our site and giving critiques? Not until I looked for my intro post... nowhere to be found. I hope that explains my lack of replies to my posts. I have started to now get feedback and I am finding the critique to be very helpful as I write my lyrics. I am also loving the fact that I can offer what little I know to others looking for the same. Fantastic web site. Thanks for the welcome. JDH
  15. Hi, I am JD Harris, I am not at all a computer whiz. I thought I introduced myself with my first post. Apparently not, as I can't find what I first wrote on the introduction board, don't actually know where that post was sent, sorry. My dad was a musician, played guitar, violin and alto sax. I grew up on country music although I enjoy all genres. My roots are country and that sort of influences my writing. I played the violin at a young age, strummed guitar since my teen years only to put it down, until recently. I have written poems and lyrics all my life and have kept them to myself. My main goal is to improve my writing, hope to get some of my work critiqued so I will at least know where to improve. Perhaps find someone to collaborate with in hopes of completing some lyrics into songs. I am a single parent, my daughter has now grown into a lovely woman. However, I still have many children around me as I am a foster parent. I have had my house full for the past 12 years. JD Harris is my writing name. I look forward to getting to know you all. Best regards to you all. JDH I can be contacted via e-mail: mudsy@shaw.ca ps. Lyric writing influences :Lennon & McCarthy, Carol King, Paul Anka, Keith Urban (love his latest Without You), Elton John, Taylor Swift, James Taylor, and as Yuel Brenner said in the King and I, "Etcetera, etcetera, and etcetera..
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