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Everything posted by LooknGlass

  1. I'm old enough to know better, but young enough to do it anyway

    1. Gwyneth

      LOL Good to hear.

    2. scotsman89

      as Garth Brooks say's I'm to young to feel this darned old

  2. I usually get inspiration from a line that pops in my head, or a title, and then I'm suddenly off to the races, and figure out the story or subject by the second verse. There are few lyrics where I knew where I wanted to go, from start to finish, but I usually start like you do, having no idea at first. They seem to come easier that way - for me at least.
  3. ...officially disturbed.....lol
  4. I may be a tad beat up, but I'm back!! I have missed my fav site!!

    1. Janeva

      Good to have you back. Hope you're ok. Jan

    2. LooknGlass

      Thanks Jan. I'm doing alright now. I just get tougher with age :)

  5. I'm alive and staying that way. Be back in a couple days!!

    1. scotsman89

      LG. nice to know

    2. Just1L

      Glad to hear it.

  6. I use Photoshop for everything. You can gets scripts and templates made ready for 2 fold or 4 fold CD inserts. You just put the graphics in the squares or across squares, and hit print. I'm gettin old...the less steps, the better.
  7. This is all the Photoshop stuff I have uploaded at the moment. I'm working my way slowly to the intermediate stage..I hope..lol. I can't hold a stick to you guys. Every one of you have awesome stuff. Two pics are for my son. One a event poster the other a CD cover. http://forums.songstuff.com/gallery/image/1270-flowergirl/ http://forums.songstuff.com/gallery/image/1123-cic/ http://forums.songstuff.com/gallery/image/1122-possible-cd-cover/ http://forums.songstuff.com/gallery/image/1121-nephew/ http://forums.songstuff.com/gallery/image/935-times-are-blue/
  8. Wow...such great artwork here. Nice!..I can't draw so I just dabble in Photoshop
  9. LooknGlass


    From the album: Art

    © L. James Tanner

  10. LooknGlass


  11. This is what a 50 year olds first rap turns out like...I may suck, but hey, it was fun I hate rap with a passion, it's all talk and it's trash and crass with no fashion, it's a fad that needs passin Why am I rappin when I'm flappin my gums of this crap then? I'm drunk and I'm bored, this genre abhorred can't be ignored, when I hear it all day Decided to try it, to view it inside it, so I could deride it and go on my way But lo and behold, if the truth is to be told, as it starts to unfold and I'm puttin this down It's startin to take, I'm startin to wake. now this takes the cake I'm comin around I'm Gettn the deal, as I jot down and spiel, the words that I feel, man this is unreal I'm feelin bolder and better, unfettered and free not tethered to whatever was holding back me My friends, they'll cringe, call me unhinged, say it's a sin, that rap is just crap Why dis it, dismiss it, list it as lame If you haven't tried it, to deride it's, a shame It's not all crap, not all rap is the same Some I'll ignore and some I'll be game Hey what can I say, my tune has been changed I love rap with a passion, know why it's in fashion It's time this song ends, I got beats to arrange.
  12. I agree with Justsoulin. I think if we knew more about the cause of the anger, it would help some. Personally because it's rap, and words don't carry the same connotation on certain words that can be taken as racist or offensive in other contexts, I have no problem with the line or word in question, but I could see where some would. I have a gay niece and cousin who use the word all the time when referring to each other or themselves, if they are being jerks, they use this term to refer to a gay who is a jerk. Meanings of words are evolving and changing all the time. Different cultures and those of different societal status, have their own ways, which I may not always get or agree with, but nevertheless I accept it. Yet I would try to, keep it as light in that area as possible, if only for others out of respect, yet still stay true to yourself. Good start on this lyric in my opinion.
  13. I think you have a good rhyme scheme, but I think the story needs more fluency. It seems a tad broken up in sub stories and thoughts, which is good if they pertain in someway to the story as a whole. Don't get me wrong, I think you did good, and I can see you have writing ability, I'm just noticing the lyric as a whole. It's a good first draft and I think if you keep it to one progressing story, it will be very good. Nice job and start.
  14. I can't see well so. I won't be posting or reading a lot, but I will try to throw in something here and there.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Janeva

      Wishing you all the very best

    3. Just1L

      Good luck with this. Man, there's always something!

  15. LooknGlass

    Amateur and Profesional

    From the album: Art

  16. What is the title of the lyrics/song in case I see it somewhere? Also if you have used Kompoz and this is where the problem began. When posting your lyric, what license did you choose for the work in the menu, and did you click "Allow Spinoffs". If you accidentally chose "Public Domain" that could be whats up, and if "Allow Spinoffs" then (on site) they may be able to use your work without repercussions. I am just trying to eliminate all scenarios, in hopes of helping.
  17. Nothing like walking up and standing next to a perfect stranger and then turning to them to say; "You smell different when your awake" and watching their expression.....classic

  18. LooknGlass

    comfort zone

    From the album: Misc

  19. Although most of my lyrics are started with the chorus (which I agree with you on) some of them started with the verse because of a sudden inspiration. A killer line or whole verse just is BAM, there. And what I have found when that happens, is that I have to work a lot harder on the rest of the lyric. It's like penning a book and not knowing what it going to be about after the first chapter. Not only is it best to start with the chorus, it's best to know how the lyric or story is going to end before you start writing it (IMO).....Good blog post Gary.
  20. Thanks Tom. I took a couple weeks to ponder a blog name that hopefully would have some appeal. Glad to get affirmation that this one works.
  21. LooknGlass

    Song Form

    Great post Gary. More people need to read this.
  22. Although this post mainly deals with lyricists, I think musicians can glean some truth. *NOTE*... Most of what I say here is subjective....This is the way I see it. I remember as a young boy, finding a well worn note binder on my mother's dresser, and being curious, I opened it and looked inside. It was filled from front to back with poems she had written; with the time written, day, and year at the bottom of each one. I sat down on her bed and started reading them. I had read about four or so, when my mom came in and caught me; mad as a hen that I invaded her privacy. After getting a lecture about how those were her private thoughts, I asked her why she never read me any poems (she read me books all the time). She said she didn't write them for other people, she wrote them to make her feel better. At the time, I didn't grasp what that really meant. Now I do. Why do we write? What is your core reason to write? There could be many answers to that, from many different people. But the core reason should always be, because you enjoy it. Other reasons might be; "because I want to get famous" or "I want to make money at it" but the core reason is enjoyment. If you don't enjoy it, you're not going to get famous and it's doubtful you will make any money. Yet there's another reason linked to the enjoyment factor (at least for me) and that is; it's therapy. It makes me feel better. I can vent anything through writing. I can let it all out, and in the process, deal with what I'm feeling in a constructive way. So I encourage new writers, don't write in hopes of impressing someone, or for getting a lot of positive reviews. Because the more you write for that reason, the less positive reviews you will probably get. If you really love writing, you WILL get better. Yet, part of getting better, is getting in touch with yourself. Write what pleases YOU and advance in your craft from there. Listen and learn from the seasoned writers, and use their input to express who you are better, in a better way than you did before. When you're feeling depressed and can hardly move; write. When you are feeling frisky; write. When you're content; write. You get the picture. Throw off your apprehension and lack of confidence, and write to feel better, not worrying about other people. And then when you decide to post, and you find you get negative reviews; don't sweat it. The core of you is in the lyric, now just reword it into a polished form that fits a lyric criteria. The more you write and take advice, the easier it gets, not only in writing a good lyric, but also in being able to reach down inside yourself to pull one out. To sum it all up; write what feels good to you, so you can feel better, and be better. Let it be your cheap form of therapy.
  23. Got a question about SongStuff? Ask and you shall receive. :)

    1. LooknGlass

      lol..notice I didn't say what they would receive..lol

    2. LooknGlass

      "You will be famous"

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