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Blog Comments posted by Just1L

  1. Congrats on finishing that tune Rudi. It was a long time in the works. I will say however, you could possibly use an asterisks next to "completed". Considering there's that one instrument you want to use but ended up not … the Camps. 


    Disruptive work shifts do make a person feel like they're living in another world sometimes. But like you said you now have more time to record and play. I'm no smart guy but I'd gather you'll still fiddle with that Camps to the point where you feel comfortably satisfied with how it's going and then your song will be 101% complete. :)


    Interesting about your gain comment. I'm heading that direction as well. Shit, how old are we?!?!?

  2. Ah, I see. Different opinion then, as I do see them as reality shows, just a different form as the people in both types of shows aren't "characters" or "actors" so much as just people. I guess that still leaves me with the big question of What has music done to up the game?

  3. You may be underestimating the effect that American Idol and the likes have had on the music business. To me, that's the biggest thing music has done that I would consider positive (even though I personally don't really think it's all that positive.)

  4. Good post Rudi. You've pointed out some pretty good negative aspects of the internet. It used to be, if you were reading something, watching it on TV, or hearing someone "important" in person, you were actually seeing someone that was worthy of being there. They had to actually be good at what they did to get where they got. Now, with the internet, anyone can do anything. It most definitely doesn't bring them "up" to the level of excellence we were used to. It actually does the opposite and brings everyone down to a lower level of excellence … or lack thereof. Lowering the overall quality of our culture at the same time. But, I believe this too shall pass eventually. 

  5. Great article John. Google (YouTube) really sucks and especially if you have a problem. I had a monetization problem with them that took 6 months to fix and it was all because I logged into my Google Adsense account and updated my payment method. 6 months later, I'm finally monetized again. Nothing will ever change as long as artists continue to let their music be streamed and take a fraction of what they used to get selling CDs… which nobody buys anymore… because it's all on streaming services or online for free… but the fear of "would you rather be heard, or make money" tactic keeps anyone from doing anything. It will take a major fight by all music labels to ever put an end to the theft of music that is today's norm. And whenever an artists tries to say anything negative about the internet it rarely works in their favor. But at least some are trying and hopefully more will. There really needs to be an organization for all artists to join that would be the base for fighting for their rights. I'm sure some have sprung up but it's in the artists hands to get together and decide to fight it. I'll bet they won't.


    While it does suck (kind of, but not really), seeing more online ventures making people pay subscriptions and doing away with the FREE-ness of the internet is in all honesty a good thing. But try telling that to any young person that has lived their whole life getting things for free. It's opened up a can of worms that is setting up generations of kids feeling "entitled" to everything being free. But see, now I just sound like an old curmudgeon that wants to put an end to the internet. Sure, that's not really the case, but try telling anyone 20 and under that… and that's the age group all record labels/producers aim for. There's so many factors and caveats to it all that it's just a complete mess.


    I like the internet, but I'll probably be long gone before I ever see a good version of it.

  6. I haven't had a chance to get home and try this yet but I do have a question as I've looked at the low cut filter before. How did you come up with 28 Hz. 


    I'm a complete greenhorn at this so please bear with me. :) When I look at that low cut image, I've always thought that the yellow line filled with green showed where the music was "sitting". So I have been thinking that if I was to put it to the left of that (28hz in your example) it wouldn't cut out anything because it isn't within that green area. The same would go for the decibal setting being at around -10. How did you get that? Obviously I'm wrong so any insight into that would be of tremendous help.

  7. It just seems like every time I see a documentary or movie about musicians there's always one person who really stands out as being a big help to the start. A manager, producer, dj, just someone who hears the music and believes in it enough to talk about them to the right people.


    I re-read my post and wanted to add to that last sentence in first paragraph. I wasn't saying YOU in particular are going to need luck, I was speaking of musicians/songwriters in general.

  8. Whew! That sounds like a long meeting! After reading and then listening to your personal music I'd think song-wise I don't see why you wouldn't have the chops to do it. I think that of a lot of songs I hear on here. I do think there's quite a few members who, given the chance, could be right up there with any of the songs currently on the radio. But, from here to there is a long path. Keep working hard at it and just keep pushing forward. In my small mind all it really takes is one person in the business to appreciate and like what you do and also like you as an individual. If they like your music, and like your work ethic then you'd be on your way. But finding that one person is the trick and doing that involves so many different aspects it makes my head spin! Well, and then there's luck. I do think you need a little bit of that.


    Great post. I appreciate what I've read from you and heck, I didn't have to get up early!!! :)

  9. Nice post Kel. Lucky for me I don't get enough time to write or play music to ever fall into a slump. I'm usually thinking about playing for a week or so before I actually get to. So maybe that's another method that may help if the writing methods you suggested don't work. Stop writing, force yourself to write nothing and only THINK about things for a week or two. Even if the urge comes to write something down, don't do it. Get your mind itching to want to do it but don't let it. After you've suffered for a week, let 'er rip!! It's the Tough Love method.


    I've also found that different times of the day can result in different results when playing/recording. I've waited all day before for 7 p.m. to get here so I could start recording or playing and then when it came "poof", I just didn't have it going on. Suckville. Which would fall into your "substandard quality of work" category. 


    Thanks again for the post Kel. I enjoyed it.

  10. Great post Kel. How true it is. Just about anything that happens could be inspirational. I always think it's those "where'd that come from" songs that are always so interesting. Sometimes I think trying too hard to write about a topic just opens the door for what they call "writers block." But unless there is a very specific reason you HAVE to write about a particular topic, I see no reason why a person wouldn't "just let it flow" with whatever is on their mind.


    Great blogs you have. I've enjoyed them.



  11. Thanks a lot. You are a 100% correct about blogging. I've never done it and just typed while I was thinking. It's kind of nice to type them out however random they kind of are. No worries on not having anything profound to add, I didn't really have anything profound to say! LOL Just being honest I guess.


    Thanks for the encouragement and the best to you as well.

  12. Wow. That is some journey to say the least. I'm going to guess that the pot you smoked had to be laced with something (PCP, Angel Dust, Crystal). I've smoked quite a bit in my time and have never even came close to that kind of experience... except for once. And I did find out it was laced later on. It was back in '88 and I can't remember what it was exactly but it wasn't good. Good for you on taking your life back. Very good!

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