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44 minutes ago, John W Selleck said:

When I worked as an auto mechanic one of the best feelings was driving in demolition derbies. Nobody could fix them after I was done with them...

something I've always wanted to do! probably pretty bad on the neck/back though :) 

I've trashed my share of vehicles, but that was more of a buy one for $1-200 for a weekend of fun in the woods :) 

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42 minutes ago, John W Selleck said:

And hell, I even have to put in my teeth! But honestly, where I live, you can go anywhere in flip-flops and commando...


Yeah was a bit of a shock to me going back to work briefly last week....what, work boots? I think it was the first time I'd put on socks in a few months hahah.


@Patchez I used to have this guitar was a Tiesco DelRay I just called it the space ranger..........had 8 pickups and in and out of phase  and an off and on switch for each, like 6 different tone/vol knobs........it was a mess hahaha. took me like 15 minutes to make sure it wasn't just going to blow my amp up when I plugged it in.......well maybe not that long, but sure felt like it when I was ready to play.  Sure did look cool though hahahah.  Traded it for a Mustang with p90s and a jazzmaster  trem bridge, that one I actually miss, and sure got the better end of that bargain, unless the space ranger is just hanging on a wall somewhere being admired.....wtf is that? I dunno but can you believe this whacko that was actually trying to play that thing?" hah.

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37 minutes ago, Cody said:

Yeah was a bit of a shock to me going back to work briefly last week....what, work boots? I think it was the first time I'd put on socks in a few months hahah.

I was retired in 2011 for 5 years, living it up in Thailand, when my brother was hit by a very nasty divorce and asked for my help. I came back to the states and worked for 3 more years, at low wages, to pay off a home for him. He has health issues and couldn't do it himself. Going back to work was a real shock= "Oh crap, I have a boss!" I don't regret doing it but am glad to be away again.


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I’ve discovered that having to work is the drag not actually working. Once you actually pick a retirement day it’s not work anymore. I contract because I like to do the work but I could quit any day (and have on occasion) so it’s not bad at all. When I was mid career and my company had massive layouts that was the worst for me. I took a pay cut but never missed a pay check. With a family to support that would be the absolute worst. I don’t even claim to understand how that would feel. 

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3 hours ago, Patchez said:

If it had been the Tele, or the Les Paul, on hand as my next to work desk guitar, ---- I know my brain would already be thinking a different way to play something, be it chords, or noodling. No, until now... ---- I never really thought, like with U2 it could influence a Bands "sound", but, I think so now. 

My Les Paul with loose wound AV's, or my Special with P90 (I love P90's) or my very special Tele I custome built... soooooo chimmmeeeee so chimey... but those weird looking throw backs in the Guild, -- nice mid's and hi's with great pinch harmonics and clean overdriven sound w/o mudd, hmmmm mmmm gud. 

But, man, that underwear and shoes thing... just really annoys the krappe outta me. :) :dancingstick: 

Not something I'd ever really given much thought to, but even a lot of bands have had their sound based around even one pedal

a lot of the 80s hair stuff........ds-1's    .....90's grunge.......a fuzz with a mid-scoop mostly modded big muffs(I think, until Fuzz Factory came along...95/96? somewhere around there)....still want one of those, or a wooly mammoth,  but really hard to warrant a $200+ fuzz pedal hahah, especially when I essentially have the same circuit in that loomer(still getting lost at times for hours with that thing) I've just now started playing with the order button... what's first....fuzz/modulation.  I'm really trying to cut down my pedal addiction ;), was proud of myself for trading/selling a few last week hahaha even though first thing I did was order a pure analog delay I'd had my eye on for awhile :)......justified it because it was cheap! hah. 


well its bed for me...........underwear and shoes in the morning ;)  

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7 hours ago, Patchez said:


Like a good cowboy I always go to bed with boots and hat on... just say'in. - Always ready to go! (Just the hillbilly in my I guess :) ) 



Yeah never fun to get woke up to some craziness and have to deal with it naked :)


7 hours ago, Patchez said:

So, for me, when I read, or see a story where several friends, like brothers, one for all and all for one build a guitar from "shit"; then buy one a great one, one of the best, ---- for "the band"... well, I won'der how many folks really get that? 


Not many I'd imagine, not a huge fan of there's really either.......I do like a lot of their earlier stufff.  It's even more commendable they've stuck it out through all these years though, probably due to those beginnings.   

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6 hours ago, Patchez said:

What if anything do I know about it? Nothing really, other than another human being alive, presently:
    -- Circa 2013 my Capstone paper (born from bordom for something to do :) ), then, ---- engaged EEOC Law, and "reverse descrimination" (in reverse ;) ) concerning the unregulated EEOC and how EMPLOYEES during bad times, since can with impunity may, then *retaliate against the EMPLOYER. Indeed a thesis never consider previously. Instead of applauded for such a "non-duplicated" Paper, ( a big problem within academia )..., a very original Thesis supposition, statement, -- no. Instead, I then got a Raft of "Shit" for it as "Triggering". Indeed even though I engaged Scholarly Defense, -- made it worse ;) yup, it did. 






Of course you caught shit for it!.  Was probably thought provoking and true, and no one could scream look! I knew my "side" was right :) 


and yeah, not a lot of regurgitated nonsense that does pass for "scholarly academia" .......how dare you not conform ;) 

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Yeah I don't know what all was done to that crazy thing......someone in the probably early 70's probably shouldn't of been handed a soldering iron, my best guess is he took two of them and made one hahaha.  It was the color of that link, but electronics more akin to a mashup of these .......maybe a tad too much free-time and lsd ;) 







Really best served as wall art hahaha.  


I've seen the re-issues, Eastwood? I think.....asking well over 1k for them :) 


Haha yeah I looked at that pic, then looked again.......thought man my head is playing tricks on me :) no more drinks today(had to work this morning)  


Funny! That kit $85, As far as I can tell/feel is an EXACT spec copy of a tele..........good luck with that lawsuit against China haha. 


and speaking of tons of money/time mostly seems a waste, but man it's awesome.......I'm just glad he's an actual player though, and isn't just relying on all these fancy fancy upgrades :) 


Was looking into a cutoff switch and possibly a b-bender(eventually someday, one can dream :) ) stumbled across this.




he better hire a security guard for just that thing if he has any luck like I do :) 





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Yeah I've only been able to get my hands on a guitar with a B bender in it once, other than at a store, and hate playing there..........was setup like his in that video with the strap button as the control. What I loved about that was even if inadvertently triggered it almost still always "worked" ;) 


I've never really went for the drop D hipshots, that's a quick little adjustment anyway, and have done the cutoff with just a regular old switch before, not so fun when that was accidentally hit hahah was actually browsing for a cheap button one like that...... is what brought that video up lol.  I think I'd rather have it where he first did though as well

43 minutes ago, Patchez said:

Yeah, steel pedal... nice. I like his Gretch with the Mic pull out, but, limited application. Thing is, if even for ONE track and makes money, -- so what and paid for anyway. 




Got a good laugh about that humbucker.......stole my brothers guitar and took this pickup out when we were kids hahaha

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9 hours ago, Patchez said:

And, they dink around with the weirdest stuff for like no money -- I was "politely" attemting to get my 6 Lapsteel, Tone Bars for $00.50 cents ;) for like 6 months, shipping included... and, they reshipped it all twice. Then, yes, via Ebay refunded it, and the "Tax" (?) too. YeeHaww... anything now coming is a roll of the dice. I'm gonna miss all those $150 Forgery Guitars... but, would rather pay again, as example "TV's" OMG at Wal-mart paying you to take these 60 inchers... I always said, I'd rather to go back to paying a fair price (?) than the $150 and my neighbors unemployed, -- the socialist strategy... no work, no problem, what you need money for anyway? ;) 

Sooooooo Agreed! One of the things we should have been doing all along, along with equal trade agreements. It's bad enough their workers earn only a few $ a day, giving them tax breaks to bring them into our country is punishing all our manufacturers.

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1 hour ago, Patchez said:

What do you think will occur when, sadly currently sidelined by the Wuhan China Virus... but when "that" gets back on track and all have a chance to build in new divisions in some company somewhere, their legacy project golden parachutes, pending life expectancy and et alia?

To be honest, much of what I was projecting in the mid 70's has been coming true ever since. I went from patriot/enlisting/volunteering for Vietnam to draft resistor, after seeing so many young men die over there for nothing; eventually full circle to conservative values. What is happening right now is not fully conserative, what with the runaway spending. It is an economy, read money, based government. Not that it's a bad thing, someone had to cut the unemployment and get manufacturing back on track, and put our country's interest first; for the first time in 70 years.

I think lots of the bennies for jobs are going to go the way of the wind. Companies, and especially government, local/sttate/federal; simply can't afford them. Remember way back when, when there were people in California actually trying to rein in state spending, instead of throwing money at the homeless to solve "THAT" problem? I think the economy will go back to growing, China is going to be on the most hated govenment list for quite a long time, and isolationist policies are going to become popular again.

Last of all, war, inside America in less than 10 years. (Mic drop here)

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3 hours ago, Patchez said:


I think folks here may reaize it, I don't know, -- any of this stuff I jam into a comment, for me is music related in that it winds up in my music, -- somehow. It is where my music comes from and "is" of, about my life, -- keeps me happy. 


Yeah you're such a ray of sunshine! hahahah


My dad "college educated old white man" did quite alright for himself, with just a pretty low level natural gas job his entire life......never wanted/needed more, turned down many promotion offers into "corporate" Liked his job, was good at it and nobody gave him any shit.  Sadly jobs like that, where you can actually survive off of really don't exist anymore, for various reasons a lot of it is just technology has caused less need for so many hands on deck so to speak, but greed and outsourcing is the majority of it, and as you put it so eloquently nobody gave a damn about the next generation anymore as long as they got theirs.  Way to go hippies.....sure kept up that peace love and understanding huh? ;) 

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16 minutes ago, Patchez said:


Well all I have to say to that is ;) 

And, futhermore, -- 


... so to speak ;) in a manner of speaking. 💃

haha, we're the f*cking band, goes down good in any honkey tonk around here, even if they don't "get" it :)  "candy-dates" very nice!



hahaha hadn't heard that 2nd one, or if I did, it was on while I was doing something else(never hear lyrics then, just shake my butt ;) ) that's a great one, topical and timeless :) 

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Looked for a bit today online while waiting on other fools at work for a b-bender kit...an interior one(don't mind a little routing :) ) Guess no one makes them anymore, hipshot used to, but they were a little pricey, 200ish if I remember right...... everyone wants to just sell you a crap guitar with one already  in it for over 1k......no thanks ;).  Did find this one monstrosity of a thing that just bolted onto the back of a guitar and just had to drill the one hole going to string.  probably weighs more than my tele does now with all the hardware in it.  That Okuome or however spelt wood is super-light, I'm actually quite happy with it.  Works really easy too.  Rail pup for the bridge and interrupter switch I'll probably call it good, got holes drilled for string-thru just havent hammered in eyelets yet, been too busy playing it ;) 

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54 minutes ago, Cody said:

Way to go hippies.....sure kept up that peace love and understanding huh? ;) 

Most hippies, me included, woke up and became part of America. Sadly some did not, but the problem came way before they existed. It started with the American government giving sweetheart import deals to every country in the world and not protecting our businesses and workers at home. Add to that so many greedy Americans who saw they could make tons of money importing cheap goods from all those countries. Add to that all the people who want everything for no effort= the "Me Generation" who don't give a crap about our country and never will until it all comes crashing down and they wake up to find they have killed the golden goose.

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1 hour ago, Patchez said:

  -- Me, I sit listening for the Trumpet blast, -- no kidding; the wife and I keep close watch and keep hoping... not yet? Really? :dancingstick: How about now? Now? ... oh well, not tonight anyway... ... 

One of the reasons I retired out of country, other than I didn't want to be forced to learn Spanish. I'm too old for all that so I'll sit thissun out.

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18 minutes ago, John W Selleck said:

One of the reasons I retired out of country, other than I didn't want to be forced to learn Spanish. I'm too old for all that so I'll sit thissun out.

Nah, the Mexicans prefer to talk behind those pinche pendejo gringos backs ;) I'd be more worried about Mandarin....well I am, my tongue just doesn't work that way....don't think I could learn most asian languages.  


It's actually quite funny, people that learned Spanish in school try to speak to a Mexican.......it's like speaking 16th century queens english to a hillbilly ;) 


I guess it'd be similar in the Phillipines....Tagalog being a mash up of Spanish/Portuguese/and whoever else came along and colonized the place haha. 

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35 minutes ago, Cody said:

It's actually quite funny, people that learned Spanish in school try to speak to a Mexican.......it's like speaking 16th century queens english to a hillbilly ;) 


I guess it'd be similar in the Phillipines....Tagalog being a mash up of Spanish/Portuguese/and whoever else came along and colonized the place haha. 

I don't want to be forced to learn/do anything, and I do know It's a different language but they still call it Spanish most places But maroon noon kung now kontin Tagalog, terrible spelling, equals I know a little Tagalog.

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Front turned out a touch darker than I wanted, maybe just 10minutes on the grill next time ;) still few things going to change(different bridge pickup, have the bone for nut,  just havent done it yet, an interior b-bender, eventually, if I ever find one reasonably priced ..... @Patchez idea, a great one! tooled leather pickguard will be coming,  I usually do the same with frets, just level(sandpaper on a board, , use the strings I intonate with and just rub them hard on both sides of each fret to shape/crown them) I didn't have any leather around unless I was to cut and sew a belt together hahah, might not look too bad,  but will be getting some soon, even if have to wait for deer season, or one to just be in the wrong place at the right time......no not a poacher, but they like to hop in front of vehicles ;)) Not a big fan of deer meat, but could always give that away.  Dog is a hell of a rabbit hunter, but he eats everything but the tail right away.......always a few cotton tails laying around hahah. Coyotes pretty much stay away........enough rambles about me getting some leather free ;) 





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