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1 minute ago, John W Selleck said:

I don't want to be forced to learn/do anything, and I do know It's a different language but they still call it Spanish most places But maroon noon kung now kontin Tagalog, terrible spelling, equals I know a little Tagalog.

I'm the same way :) Love learning things, but just try and force some learning on me and watch how fast I get really stupid ;) Probably why I did so great in school! hahaha


I know less Tagalog than that, I just know it when I hear/see it....I can curse pretty well though ;) ...was just intrigued about it's mashup being so similar to mexicans version of spanish, Filipino girl I used to know actually gave me a lot of their real history that their schools don't/aren't allowed to teach.

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The Philippines have over 800 islands and each has it's own language. Tagalog is a mashup of many. It is fairly easy to learn but all the people say don't bother because we all speak English, or mostly. I have been to places there where they haven't seen a white man in decades. It's a beautiful country with mostly beatiful people. That's why i'm returning, that and the cost of living and great women.

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48 minutes ago, Cody said:

Dog is a hell of a rabbit hunter, but he eats everything but the tail right away

I had a husky that would catch them on the run, snap their necks, never leave a mark on them, and leave them on my doorstep as offerings.First one he left I thought had died there, then I saw him catch the next one. I had lots of free/fresh rabbit meat.

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1 hour ago, Patchez said:


I speak brooklyn, real gud, but if sample it here will just all be * -out ;) 



Ah, just go to Washington, DC or State, there's always a few pounds of flesh, free for the taking floating around. 🤐 






I'm pretty foul-mouthed.......have always gotten gasps and horrified looks around here, it wasn't until being in NYC/Boston I was even shocked a few times hahaha. Wow did you really just call that old lady ()*$&%(*#$ because she was walking too slow? but she gave it right back , all good natured fun, well mostly ;) 

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18 hours ago, Cody said:

I'm pretty foul-mouthed.......have always gotten gasps and horrified looks around here, it wasn't until being in NYC/Boston I was even shocked a few times hahaha. Wow did you really just call that old lady ()*$&%(*#$ because she was walking too slow? but she gave it right back , all good natured fun, well mostly

I've always found my mouth is = to the crowd I'm in. In my advanced age I try not to say anything out loud I wouldn't want to hear a child repeat. Every once in a while I still slip but such is life. 

Making anything with your own 2 hands, or customizing to suit yourself is always so much more fun and satisfying than plain store bought goods. Great to see it! I tell everyone who will listen that if someone else can make or do anything with their own to hands, I will give it a try, except for brain surgery, and I have so many times I've learned to do so many useful, and silly things it's amazing.

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12 hours ago, John W Selleck said:

I had a husky that would catch them on the run, snap their necks, never leave a mark on them, and leave them on my doorstep as offerings.First one he left I thought had died there, then I saw him catch the next one. I had lots of free/fresh rabbit meat.


He's a weird one, rabbits are the only thing he eats, that I know of and only from the tails laying around hahah.    Brought a turkey to the back yard a few months ago, the same way your dog would....if it wasn't still warm and had a floppy neck would thought it just died naturally..... it was tasty hahah.  



1 hour ago, Patchez said:

 How will you tool the Raw Hide? If at all. There is an actual leather "varnish" clear, to seal it, makes it a tad stuffer esp the 9 oz, or belt thickness I am thinking of. 

I've seen, done some elaborate tool/carving, but for me, -- this looks so much like my "walnut" -- now in pieces... just wonder. I have a 1/4 or maybe it's 1/8 hide somewhere..., -- don't have the sealer... maybe there's a substitute -- will have to check... likely clear laquor, used for anything may do it. Dunnnnno, presently 

Can't wait to see and copy what you do :);) 🤣 we'd be twins from another mother, -- Jake and Elwood... what a plucky show that would be. Complementary joints for all who dare to enter, $25 cover and two drink minimum, prior to the show start, -- we get 2% of the Register Drawer ;) ... mmmm gud.

Brains boiled down works ;) doesn't smell too good though hahaha.  Might just pony up some money and buy something, it's all back in pieces again, I need to just wire it straight and leave it alone(fat chance!) ;) Found a little push button kill switch, well it's an old doorbell ;) still debating where to put it..


hahahah yes! maybe even need to fail a breathalyzer prior to entry hahahah

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Remote garage opener push button with receiver switch you just hide inside. I bought them for my gate opener project. Cheap. I can send you the pair bu usps. Message me if you want it. Of course you might lose the remote 

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Would work with some modifications.......needs to be a switch that's always on goes off when pushed.......appreciate it!


but my boss got nosy when I was fiddling with reversing the contacts on the doorbell,  after calling me a cheap bastard bought me the 10 dollar one :), but then wouldn't buy me lunch hahahah

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3 hours ago, Cody said:

He's a weird one, rabbits are the only thing he eats, that I know of and only from the tails laying around hahah.    Brought a turkey to the back yard a few months ago, the same way your dog would....if it wasn't still warm and had a floppy neck would thought it just died naturally..... it was tasty hahah.  

 I never had one bring me a turkey, though turrkeys used to roost on top of one of my tree stands. i did have a beagle with a doctorate in hunting. He knew what I was after and would trial wounded deer from the city slickers that lost them all the time, and never go off on anything else. Then when I wanted rabbits, that's all he would run. He even had 3 easily recognizable calls, one when searching, one when tracking, and one when found. Too bad he also liked to run cars...


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1 hour ago, John W Selleck said:

 I never had one bring me a turkey, though turrkeys used to roost on top of one of my tree stands. i did have a beagle with a doctorate in hunting. He knew what I was after and would trial wounded deer from the city slickers that lost them all the time, and never go off on anything else. Then when I wanted rabbits, that's all he would run. He even had 3 easily recognizable calls, one when searching, one when tracking, and one when found. Too bad he also liked to run cars...


ahh that's a good dog! The good ones like that rarely need any training either, they just seem to know.  Best bird-dog I've known was my uncles she just instantly took to it, but she always took her "cut" would always eat one.  duck/pheasant/quail......but just the one lol.


36 minutes ago, Patchez said:

The conversation always ended there (yes, asked by more than one...). "Abbey", my favorite, a big black lab from some dark corner mountain in NC... she was with me for a looong time. She approved my wife. I'd swear she was hanging on, 'till she found someone to watch over me like she did. 

Remember dog, spelled backward, spells what? ;) 



Probably was hanging on, Had a lab as well that hated everyone, wasn't mean just wouldn't let anyone but me within 10ft.  Really loved one girlfriend, she thought it was no big deal, but that dog had never taken to anyone, but loved to steal her seat as soon as she got up and wanted to snuggle with her in bed, etc...... traitor!  


You have no dog now? you should of taken the little blue puppy that tried to move in! hahah he got dropped off one more time(3rd times the charm?) and didn't make it back....so far, it has only been a few weeks ;) I'll have to keep him if he makes it back again, he wrecked my garden, so had to go :) I know the people whose land I left him on right by their house too ;) ranchers....could always use another cow dog.  Thinking about it, it's probably how he showed up here in the first place, someone doing the same to me hahaha 

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58 minutes ago, Patchez said:

Yes, I remember that brains thing... NC folks some talked of it. I'd rather buy it tanned... that raw hide smell is intoxicating. You'd think with all the burger king burgers, hide would be cheap. If don't use the 9oz, would have to laminate to thin wood backing? You could use Rabbit Fur ;) but, I didn't think with low string action, that'd be to good... on a Lap Steel maybe ... rabbit, hmmm... :)  -- could make a good redneck girl guitar, all furry and all... buzz cut the hair, sparkly studs... gawdy is good too!! I like gawdy. I used to have a florescent fish tank castle thingy on my window... I enjoyed the confusion it caused.

    -- I also, one time, strapped a cheap GI Joe knock off on my old PC screen at work, fully armed over a sign, "technical support"... oh, and there was the time, I kept these odd china knock off Popeye Cartoon Characters on a shelf... my work space confused folks..., oh yeah the original Blues Brother Poster... that bothered some folks but never understood why... hmmm oh well. Memories.... good ones! 

   -- So,  a Fury Guitar... that's got me really thinking hard here... with Flourescent Yellow Highlites... ---- but, man it better SOUND amazing and start with a Face MELTING lick... or dead meat, -- if I know the room... ---- always, know your room! :) 

So, when you play, you want your doorbell to ring? I don't get it 😳 -- kidding, kidding :) I know, you want your garage door to open! ;)  I think I'd like it to start my truck, or have a Bot, bring me a beer... a converted radio control car, preprogrammed... fresh beer, no tipping! 


Oh yes, I like the Breathalyzer requirement... you can't come into the Theatre, until consumed 4 drinks (from our Registered Cash Drawer!, not outside primed)... then once properly lubricated, a nice Blunt in the smoking lounge then all provided a "Walker" (or battery cart/chair?)  ;) hahhh! and guided into the Theatre... yes! the battery cart is the theater chair, (use an outiside drive in as venu), why has no one thought of this previously!?! It's genius!!  Then at the end of the Gig, -- they have to pay again, to leave!! If want guidance to the exits :) -- I think we're onto comething. Lets test it in Seattle WA, or Portland, OR!? A good fit? Maybe? 

I actually kind of want a furry guitar now hahaha, and not how mine usually get furry.......spilled drinks that get sticky and god knows what stuck to that :) When working at a bar once, was a guy in the kitchen always used to empty the bar mats into a glass and drink it, called it a furry buffalo hahahah......crazy fool probably still not with us haha, could of had whatever he wanted, that was his preferred drink.


Yeah genuis idea!  and in either of those cities just take a budweiser keg label it with some fancy home brewed name, call it an IP and extra charge, none would tell the difference :) 


At a drive-in extra charge too if you want the speaker that has pre-recorded other nonsense playing......they'll think they found the new pink floyd/wizard of oz mix :) 

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oh hell..........too fkin funny..........I gotta go hahahaha


that just made my day!  Those are almost as nutty as those soup catchers.........I guess those are more the bird/wildlife catcher beards though hahahah.  They usually do Rockfest here, don't think they've ever brought those with them to my knowledge, that would of been talked about hahah


even furry tuners!   Real men wear pink though hahaha

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Went to look, couldn't find a pic of it, but I saw Frank Zappa playing his "Shitar" live on stage in Long Beach California in the early 70's. He was a real crowd pleaser. there were also at least 10 more top rock bands that night and my ticket cost $10.

PS Edgar and Johnny Winters was one of them.

Edited by John W Selleck
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1 hour ago, John W Selleck said:

Went to look, couldn't find a pic of it, but I saw Frank Zappa playing his "Shitar" live on stage in Long Beach California in the early 70's. He was a real crowd pleaser. there were also at least 10 more top rock bands that night and my ticket cost $10.

PS Edgar and Johnny Winters was one of them.

I have a love/hate kind of respect for Zappa, he definitely embodied the whole fake it 'til you make it mantra :), but I think he may of bought his own hype, bet it would of been a great show to see though!

I did get a chance to see Johnny Winters  he was old but was still rockin' .... 2010? I think at a cool little theatre in the other Portland, the Oregon one ;) was maybe 100 people there, but was a good time.

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49 minutes ago, Cody said:

I did get a chance to see Johnny Winters  he was old but was still rockin' .... 2010? I think at a cool little theatre in the other Portland, the Oregon one ;) was maybe 100 people there, but was a good time.

When I saw them they did a think like "Cuttin", if you understand what I mean. Like deuling banjos but with screaming guitars. it was nuts.

Zappa's shitar was a guitar made from a toilet seat and even had a roll of paper at the top.

Edited by John W Selleck
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Sahara desert starting to blow my way......could see the haze pretty good around sunup this morning.......Also lots of grasshoppers(locusts) this year.....More than I've ever seen around here, not unheard of, just not this many in my lifetime.  I won't talk about a plague(oops) or first-born sons, etc........don't want to speak any of that into existence.

makes one wonder ;) 

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We've been getting the Sahara Desert dust for about a week.  Not nearly as bad as some years when the sky gets kinda orange. Like that Oklahoma dust. No flies this year.. love it, but no flies!!


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4 minutes ago, Peggy said:

We've been getting the Sahara Desert dust for about a week.  Not nearly as bad as some years when the sky gets kinda orange. Like that Oklahoma dust. No flies this year.. love it, but no flies!!




Yeah we like to share our red dirt around :) 


hadn't really even noticed that, but yeah haven't really seen any flies so far.......nothing like usual.

Edited by Cody
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