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Eyes closed - I woke up

Earthbound and feeling stuck
Dead silence calls to ME
I can't do nothin' but look up - And wonder;

Are YOU real? And will YOU heal; this hole in MY heart?
Show ME how to love
Help ME fight this evil
Tell ME where to start...

Then from within came a voice
Rang out "YOU have a choice"
Said "YOU can hang your damned head
Or stand up and rejoice!"

"For YOU've been blessed; MY SON
But this battle's just begun;
I need YOU on the front lines
If this war's to be won..."

"The Fate of ALL Creation
Depends on ONE Great Nation
For YE, by YE

Now I'm dressed in this armor
I'm growing stronger and stronger
Use The Word and MY wits
Drop TRUTH on YOU like a bomber

Hell No, WE wont back down
Hell No, WE won't roll over
Storm through the gates of Hell
And I'll post up like a soldier

Shadrach, Meshach; I'M colder

Don't Tread On Me; Done told ya
Yeah, Ya better repent now
Or THEE gon witness Jehovah

He said He's counting to three
Gon' eradicate the disease
Have ALL these greedy godless fools fall
Down upon on their knees

The Fate of ALL creation
Depends on ONE Great Nation
For WE, by WE

Now they gon say that last verse was violent
But don't get it twisted
My Mama said 'be a Simple Man'
Love; Understand; Experience

Yea, I'll let vengeance be His
And therefore mine's by extension
He's The Shepherd, YOU a sheep
'Shhhhhhhhhhhh' now, just listen...

There ain't nowhere YOU can go
Run and try as YOU might
GOD's gon' be there to judge
Weigh your wrongs and your rights...

So which side are YOU on?
Is it the Dark or the Light?
What's your purpose?
What's the point to this thing WE call Life?

Can YOU be humbled; and will YOU believe?
Will YOU proclaim to be a keeper of LOVE and PEACE?
If not, then I pray that THEE sets YOU free.
That a Light comes on, so YOU will look up and see...

The Fate of ALL creation
Depends on ONE Great Nation
For WE, by WE

Edited by TodaysTomSawy3r
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Is this going to be a rap? Kinda flows that way to me. You touch on a couple subjects. this may pull away from the All Mighty subject. I mean you seem to get into politics or patriotism instead of staying on topic about the conversation you're having with God. Just my opinion though.


2 hours ago, TodaysTomSawy3r said:

I'll let vengeance be His           
And therefore mine by extension           
He's the shepard, YOU a sheep           
'Shhhhhhhhhhhh' now, just listen

I'm not following the second line on this verse. the rest of the lines are VERY powerful.


chat soon,


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Hi @TodaysTomSawy3r,


I like what you're doing here but I think the cursing is working against you. Or perhaps the word you chose, it's uncharacteristically harsh for a spiritual message imo. Maybe "hell" would be more appropriate, a little softer and has the same syllabic structure. The f bomb was very distracting to me. 

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I read it again, yes definitely I think your message comes across much better if you just remove f*cking altogether, and replace f*ck with hell! There are other ways to develop intensity, this doesn't work for me it almost neutralizes what's great about it!

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59 minutes ago, Lisa Gates said:

Is this going to be a rap? Kinda flows that way to me. You touch on a couple subjects. this may pull away from the All Mighty subject. I mean you seem to get into politics or patriotism instead of staying on topic about the conversation you're having with God. Just my opinion though.


I'm not following the second line on this verse. the rest of the lines are VERY powerful.


chat soon,


It's definitely hip hop/rap.

I started the piece kinda narrating my own personal wake up call and then it progresses to spreading the words I recieved. The overall message here is that you gotta wake up as an idividual and align yourself with the good in the universe and fight back against the evil and corruption in the world. For me, this means turning to God and Jesus Christ. But you cant get carried away and be some vigilante. When I say "I'll let vengeance be 'His' and therefore mine by extension" I'm referring to God working things out on behalf of all of us.

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8 minutes ago, Capo3tanya said:

I read it again, yes definitely I think your message comes across much better if you just remove f*cking altogether, and replace f*ck with hell! There are other ways to develop intensity, this doesn't work for me it almost neutralizes what's great about it!

I'm glad you like the message, cursing aside, and I appreciate the critique;

Thank You!

I know the f bombs are a bit startling but I kinda intended them to be; its supposed to wake you up! And I wrote this piece as a hip hop/rap track, so I feel like this level of cursing would be nothinggg to that audience lol

I kinda got a potty mouth myself too :P

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8 hours ago, TodaysTomSawy3r said:

I feel like it has elements of both the Old and New Testaments. But if you think a vengeful God is only an Old Testament archetype then you gotta go read Revelations lol



I don't think this reflects the Beatitudes or the rest of the red words in the Bible. "Revelations" was a dream.

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Just have to say, I love your zeal.  It would be my guess that yours is a fresh conversion in the way of your careless abandon.  Hey, I'm excited for you.  That zeal is a good thing.  However, take it from a somewhat seasoned convert.  You may later wish you had chosen some alternate wording for your song, especially if it goes anywhere.  I "get" that you are reaching a particular audience and feel compelled to share the language that speaks to them, but why limit yourself to that audience?  Remember, they all have extensions of themselves--family, friends, children and some who will immediately hear the expletives more than your message.  It is a bit off-putting and simply feels contrary to the message.  You could do something original as I did notice your starting rhyme somewhat relies on the expletive.  Perhaps why you may be reluctant to change the word.  It is as though the song was built to include those words.  

Why not use some silliness and catch your listeners off guard.  Rather than use f*ck, you could say, "What the Frank"?, " You can hang your (use some imagery here, get creative--What else looks droopy and sad in nature or in your kitchen or your garage or something"...
"You can hang your pickled pouter" or something of your imagination.

Here's the deal as to why I think it's distasteful to mix the two.  If you read scripture, you'll see parallels made between the relationship between Christ and the church and the relationship between a husband and his wife.  The word "f*ck"?  Well... we all know what it represents and it doesn't carry with it any sort of intimacy.  Its implication is quite detached from relationship and more about personal satisfaction.  THAT is so contrary a term AND contrary an idea to a Biblical view of a sanctified, sacred union as viewed by God.  He would NEVER attach a term like that to His message as it demeans what He considers a sacred act.

One other thing you might consider:  THEE basically would be second person, YOU, so however you use it, it should be interchangeable with the word, "You".  THEE, THOU--both are basically, YOU.

In the end, its your song, your choice.  Just consider the feedback of many here and use some wisdom in your final decision.  It might seem right to you for right now, but once its published and shared, 10 years down the road, even 5 years, your perspective might change, but the song won't.


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5 hours ago, John C Sargent said:



I don't think this reflects the Beatitudes or the rest of the red words in the Bible. "Revelations" was a dream.

I was just pointing out that Revelations is part of the New Testament. Also, dreams are used throughout the bible to convey God's will to his people AND there are plenty of red words in Revelations. 


As far as my work reflecting Jesus words, I have to disagree; 

"Can YOU be humbled and will YOU believe?
Will YOU proclaim to be a keeper of love and peace? 
If not, then I pray that THEE sets YOU free. 
That a light comes on, so YOU will look up and see..."

This is specifically referring to the path of redemption offered through Jesus Christ. It's true that the Beatitudes were spoken to cover all peoples under the new covenant, but as the red text states: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." [Matthew 5:17] 


I believe that once you understand God's word and you KNOW good from evil, you have a responsibility to make a choice between the two, or you will suffer the consequences. Thats the bottom line and thats what these lyrics are about. This doesn't mean you should be persecuted by men; "I believe in forgiveness" but one should understand that God isn't going to let you off the hook in eternity, should you choose to ignore His message.

Edited by TodaysTomSawy3r
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2 hours ago, Kristiana Azariah said:

Just have to say, I love your zeal.  It would be my guess that yours is a fresh conversion in the way of your careless abandon.  Hey, I'm excited for you.  That zeal is a good thing.  However, take it from a somewhat seasoned convert.  You may later wish you had chosen some alternate wording for your song, especially if it goes anywhere.  I "get" that you are reaching a particular audience and feel compelled to share the language that speaks to them, but why limit yourself to that audience?  Remember, they all have extensions of themselves--family, friends, children and some who will immediately hear the expletives more than your message.  It is a bit off-putting and simply feels contrary to the message.  You could do something original as I did notice your starting rhyme somewhat relies on the expletive.  Perhaps why you may be reluctant to change the word.  It is as though the song was built to include those words.  

Why not use some silliness and catch your listeners off guard.  Rather than use f*ck, you could say, "What the Frank"?, " You can hang your (use some imagery here, get creative--What else looks droopy and sad in nature or in your kitchen or your garage or something"...
"You can hang your pickled pouter" or something of your imagination.

Here's the deal as to why I think it's distasteful to mix the two.  If you read scripture, you'll see parallels made between the relationship between Christ and the church and the relationship between a husband and his wife.  The word "f*ck"?  Well... we all know what it represents and it doesn't carry with it any sort of intimacy.  Its implication is quite detached from relationship and more about personal satisfaction.  THAT is so contrary a term AND contrary an idea to a Biblical view of a sanctified, sacred union as viewed by God.  He would NEVER attach a term like that to His message as it demeans what He considers a sacred act.

One other thing you might consider:  THEE basically would be second person, YOU, so however you use it, it should be interchangeable with the word, "You".  THEE, THOU--both are basically, YOU.

In the end, its your song, your choice.  Just consider the feedback of many here and use some wisdom in your final decision.  It might seem right to you for right now, but once its published and shared, 10 years down the road, even 5 years, your perspective might change, but the song won't.


Thanks for the feedback! Idk if I want to change it, though I understand the conflict you're pointing out. Perhaps it can be watered down a little for presentation to other audiences (or quoted without the cursing, like you would when singing a song with cursing around your parents lol) but the RAWNESS that comes from strong language is hard to replace. I wrote this at a very low point in my life and that opening verse is literally how the words were given to me.

I hear what youre saying; but these days F*ck is used for strong emphais as much as it is for sex (definitely not a sexual connotation here). I feel like everyone has their own temperament and their own personal relationship with God and this is how he spoke to me. lol Idk, I guess God just has to get raw on me sometimes so I really pay attention...

Also, the use of THEE is intenentional. The statement effectively reads "...I pray that you set yourself free" (through belief in God/Jesus) and I'm using both ancient and modern language (THEE...YOU) to display a continuum.

Each chorus line sounds exactly the same but is actually progessing. 1st I recieved the words directly, so the quoted text is God speaking: "Under ME, ALMIGHTY"; 2nd its me telling the listener/reader God's message and I'm referring to God as "THE ALMIGHTY"; 3rd, the listener/reader has heard the message and is reminded that they have freewill and the power of self determination, so it ends with "Under THEE" and the spelling of "ALMIGHTY" is changed to "ALL*MIGHTY"; Make sense? 

This all ties into America and it's Christian foundation. "For WE, By WE"

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On 7/7/2018 at 9:20 PM, Kristiana Azariah said:

Just have to say, I love your zeal.  It would be my guess that yours is a fresh conversion in the way of your careless abandon.  Hey, I'm excited for you.  That zeal is a good thing.  However, take it from a somewhat seasoned convert.  You may later wish you had chosen some alternate wording for your song, especially if it goes anywhere.  I "get" that you are reaching a particular audience and feel compelled to share the language that speaks to them, but why limit yourself to that audience?  Remember, they all have extensions of themselves--family, friends, children and some who will immediately hear the expletives more than your message.  It is a bit off-putting and simply feels contrary to the message.  You could do something original as I did notice your starting rhyme somewhat relies on the expletive.  Perhaps why you may be reluctant to change the word.  It is as though the song was built to include those words. 


@Kristiana Azariah, after some serious thought I've decided to heed your advice and remove the cursing from the very 1st verse. I too think that hearing harsh language right off the bat would be off putting to many listeners. The rest of the song, however, will remain as is (at least for the time being), as I still feel some cursing is integral to the aggressive nature of the piece. Thanks again for your input!

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On 7/7/2018 at 9:35 AM, Capo3tanya said:

Hi @TodaysTomSawy3r,


I like what you're doing here but I think the cursing is working against you. Or perhaps the word you chose, it's uncharacteristically harsh for a spiritual message imo. Maybe "hell" would be more appropriate, a little softer and has the same syllabic structure. The f bomb was very distracting to me. 

@Capo3tanya, thanks again to you for your criticism as well. As i just stated in the above comment to Kristiana; I think that by not opening the song with cursing I will have a better chance of capturing someone's attention. Hopefully if they like how it starts (softer), they will be more inclined to stick around and listen to the full message when it ramps up in intensity.

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On 7/12/2018 at 11:39 AM, TodaysTomSawy3r said:

@Kristiana Azariah, after some serious thought I've decided to heed your advice and remove the cursing from the very 1st verse. I too think that hearing harsh language right off the bat would be off putting to many listeners. The rest of the song, however, will remain as is (at least for the time being), as I still feel some cursing is integral to the aggressive nature of the piece. Thanks again for your input!

Acknowledged!  I would still urge you to consider, does a Holy God use such a term that is contrary to what He considers sacred?  Perhaps you in your thinking or in your response or intermingled with a realization, you might, but God?  Stay cool and carry on....

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On 7/7/2018 at 6:27 AM, TodaysTomSawy3r said:



Eyes closed - I woke up           
Earthbound; I'm feeling stuck  
Dead silence calling to me           
I cant do nothing but look up - And wonder;


Are YOU real? And will YOU heal; the pain in our hearts?           
Show us how to love           
Help us fight this evil           
Tell me where to start...           
Then from within came a voice           
Rang out "YOU have a choice"           
Said "YOU can hang your f*cking head

Or stand up and rejoice!"           
"For you've been blessed my son           
But this battle's just begun           
I need YOU on the front lines           
If this fight's to be won."

"Declare to ALL creation           
This is still ONE nation           
For THEE, by THEE           

Under ME, ALMIGHTY."           
Now I'm dressed in this armor           
I'm growing stronger and stronger           
Use The Word and my wits           
Drop TRUTH on YOU like a bomber           
F*ck no, WE wont back down           
F*ck no, WE won't roll over           
Storm through the gates of hell           
And I'll post up like a soldier           
Ain't never scared, I told ya           
WE catch YOU slippin, It's over           
Better repent NOW           
Or Ye gon' witness Je-hova           
He said He's counting to three           
Gon' eradicate the disease           
Bring all these greedy politicians           
Down to their f*cking knees           
Declare to ALL creation           
This is still ONE nation           
For WE, by WE           
Under THE, ALMIGHTY           
Now I know that last verse was violent

But don't get it twisted           
Ya see, I be a 'simple man'           
I believe in forgiveness           
Yea, I'll let vengeance be His           
And therefore mine by extension           
He's The Shepherd, YOU a sheep           
'Shhhhhhhhhhhh' now, just listen           
Which f*cking side are YOU on?           
Is it the dark or the light?           
What's your purpose?           
What the f*ck are YOU doing with your life?
Can YOU be humbled and will YOU believe?
Will YOU proclaim to be a keeper of love and peace? 
If not, then I pray that THEE sets YOU free. 
That a light comes on, so YOU will look up and see...       
Declare to ALL creation.       
This is still ONE nation.       
For WE, by WE.       


Just suggestions for how you can stay with your intensity.. as examples:


Then from within came a voice           
Rang out "YOU have a choice"           
Said "YOU can hang your wretched head

Or stand up and rejoice!"           




Hell no, WE wont back down          
Hell no, WE won't roll over          
Storm through the gates of fire        
And I'll post up like a soldier          


And maybe

He said He's counting on you         
Gotta expose the disease          
Teach all these greedy politicians          
To bow down on repenting knees     


And then


Which worldly side are YOU on?           
Is it the dark or the light?           
What's your purpose?           
What the hell are YOU doing with your life?




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On 7/13/2018 at 1:06 PM, Kristiana Azariah said:

Acknowledged!  I would still urge you to consider, does a Holy God use such a term that is contrary to what He considers sacred?  Perhaps you in your thinking or in your response or intermingled with a realization, you might, but God?  Stay cool and carry on....


I hear you. (I swear; lol pun intended) But i still disagree. Here's why:

Lamentations 3:38 asks: "Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good?" 

Job 2:10 states: "What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?"

In Philippians 3:8, The Apostle Paul wrote: "...I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ..." The actual word used here that was translated later to "dung" was "skybalon" which is a Greek slang word meaning "shit". It was clearly purposefully used vulgarity and yet it remains part of the Gospel. 

So it would seem to me that God has the authority and the capacity to curse as much as he wants lol He cannot be put in some Puritan box. He is ALL things. I'm not trying to give a pass to all cursing and heathenous speech but in certain spots I think it's ok and I think Paul would have agreed. 

And again, I wrote this at a very low point where I'm not sure my spirit would have responded the way it has without such a direct, albeit harsh, call out. When I wrote "You can hang your f*cking head Or stand up and rejoice" it wasn't interpretation, THAT IS WHAT WAS SAID TO ME.

Deuteronomy 28:15 says: "...if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee..."

And they did. God Almighty cursed me the f*ck out! LOL with both words and afflictions.

I hope I'm not coming off as overly combative, I just believe strongly in what I have molded here and I can't let it be taken apart and changed without a fight.
So again, and again; thank you very much for your helpful critiques and God Bless.
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Well, that lamentations quote was more to the idea of both good and evil forecast, not expletives.  Similarly, you only have to read Job to realize that that reference to evil was in reference to calamity that comes upon a person.  

I concede that there are some pretty shocking illustrations that God uses to compare man's behavior, to open his eyes.  He had Ezekiel bake his bread over human dung before the people as a way to symbolize how the Israelites would eat defiled bread among the nations to which He banishes them.  He had to use that word, dung or its counterpart because it was appropriate for the illustration.  Words mean what they mean.

In Ezekiel, He also compares Israel to a harlot who lavished her favors on every passerby (the more tamed version of that comment).

He had Hosea marry a prostitute to illustrate Israel's idolatry. Hosea was an illustration of God's faithfulness and Gomer was an illustration of an unfaithful people.  Yet despite the ugliness in the content of the story, it is a beautiful story of God's grace and redemption of His people.

In any event, its my opinion that sh*t and dam* and its relatives are not of the same calibre as f***.

Oh, and in Deuteronomy, curses were not cuss words, they were actual calamity that were to befall the Israelites for their disobedience and you can see those unfolding throughout the Bible where they did not listen.

While I agree that there are methods of shock which He uses, I don't think the use of THAT particular word ever comes up in the Bible.  If it did, it would likely be in the passages of Ezekiel or Hosea. 

My opinion.  It is your song.  I hear what you are trying to do with it.  I'm just hoping to help you out and maybe help you to consider that later you might think differently on it.

Edited by Kristiana Azariah
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