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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

Air Guitar

I must be in a minor rant mode. Air Guitar. WTF is that all about? Please tell me they don't think they look cool? I would have thought family and friends would have done the decent thing, slapped them on the back of the head and simply said "MUPPET!". Ok, it started in the 70s/80s with headbanging on the dance floor, but competitions? It's like volunteering to wear a t-shirt saying "Asshole" on it. Why is this in the fun category? Because,a lthough horrified, I can't stop laughi



Hello, Is There Any Body In There?

Just another day on planet earth pondering the ins and outs of life. Today I'm pondering why some women feel driven to pluck their eyebrows, only to either draw them back in, or for the more afflicted tattooed back in. Is it just me or is that seriously whacked? Not content with that, some adherents of this particular path draw them back in up to 1 inch above the top of their natural eyebrows. Why? They look permanently surprized, if not more than a bit stupid. Maybe it is in eager ant



Done A Little Work On My Site

It's been overdue for ages... I've done some refurbishment on my own site, and on my myspace page: John Moxey Home Page John Moxey Myspace Hopefully you'll like what I've done!




I've finally got around to adding a newsletter to my own personal site! Yay! Go on, drop over to http://www.johnmoxey.com and sign up!



Clearing The Decks

I'm busy getting my studio cleared of all the crap that's built up over years. It's amazing how much you can accumulate. Add to that after having some work done in the house (including improving the access to the studio) there's a thisk layer of dust on top of everything! It's important for me to clear it out. I find too much clutter, and too many distractions can often break my creative flow. Instead of giving me ideas, clutter just takes up threads of thought. So, as i can't do it myself



You Are Good, Padre

DAILY There is a man's man of a padre around here restoring a church. This isn't tax money or something which has beautified the churches but common folk sacrificing. The love chile's of the 60's and 70's tore down altars, threw out the gold, tho this one was spared her altar. Such people hate art, color, and the feminine of a really good church which is warm w/ candlelight, rich tapestry, everything finest in nature: gold, marble, stone, stained glass. If thugs came into your home



Good Progress For Dylan

Hi All~ Some good news, which looks like it's holding. * Dylan's def. gaining his strength. For quite a few days now, when he walks, it is HIS walk. Not him obviously struggling or weak. * The kidney function/lab has finally come down into normal levels, for 2 labs in a row (roughly weekly labs). * He is off antibiotics for a week (but we watch him and report if he gets sick). * Dylan has gained 6 lbs in one two-week period He'd lost over 30. Appetite is NORMAL



Dylan On The Who

It was important for me to introduce Dylan to that clip from The Concert For New York. Being 17 he's found many indie bands I'd never heard of - but has also discovered on his own some Velvet Underground, Bowie, punk, etc; Some real quiet things as well. He still likes various classical pieces. I wanted him to see the real deal. Dylan took it in rightly . Shocked and pleased at The Who. But you knew he discerned more than old guys still have it - this was greatness! He was truly amaze



Musical Gear.

I was thinking today about my old gear. I suppose being in a position of relative poverty! has always made me think very carefully about what I buy! Also, the things I have bought in the past, I still have with me today! That goes for my guitars, my 4 track, even my (very) old tape recorder! I am loath to part with any of my aquisitions mainly because they were so hard to come by in the first place. When 4 track tape recorders first appeared on the music scene, everybody I knew rushed out and bo



9-11, The Who & Not God

Freaking out again over The Who. Saw a clip of them, Concert For New York recorded 5 weeks after 9-11. All I could think was this is greatness . Each individual certainly, but the band together: greatness. And the collective unconscious thing, too. How does Townsend get this stuff across? I recall being young and instantly understanding the powerlessness in Won't Get Fooled Again. You can bang up yer verve, can rule the rock world even as he has, but the new boss same as the ol



Back To The Music

Been a while since I've posted here. I've been busy with things other than music. Hopefully that's all dealt with now and I can get back into my songs. I've built up a stack of semi complete lyrics and songs. I now need to sepnd a bit of time devoted to finish them off. I'll probably do that during the recording process. Now I've cleared my feet a bit I can't wait to get back into it!



Triads (read Yer Manual)

Been re-visiting Lesson One: "complete mastery of major scales as applied to your instrument." This author (Dick Grove) really means it. (Squeal!!!!) Understanding has come esp on triads. (Triads and chords are picked not strummed). When 1st dabbling w/ them the exercises came out pretty good, and I wrote or added stuff in songs from this practice. Maybe it was time off - am finding the new level of comprehension delightful. I'm not just playing exercises but thinking them, why



Thank You, Papa

Things have prevented me...belated this is. ........................................................................................................ Benedict XVI issued the Moto Proprio regarding the Latin Mass (1962 Missal, but in many aspects, Missal of St. Pius V, from the 1500's). This Mass, unlawfully and in practice, was suppressed for the past 40 years worldwide. Long tale. It tears the heart of those of good will, that for so long what is good, was called evil. No sm



A & L (plus Me) Won

THE CONTEST & THOUGHTS -------------------------------- We're Idols now in our little locale. I was uncertain what to wear, only because my whole day was spent at the doc (Dylan follow up), school registration, and all these Mom duties, man I didn't have any time to think - and no time to play one note except on the grass, tuning up, while the first contestants were on. Forget warm up singing! I ended up wearing my Songstuff shirt. What else would tune me into the solidar




What I sent round tonight: Dear All, Dylan was discharged from the hospital today! It's hard to add anything to that; except maybe to say that he'll be having follow up as regards both the kidneys (weekly) and pulmonary function (within a month). He couldn't have come this far without you. Gratefully with love, Donna .....................................................................................................................................



Jan's Leg

My inspiration for dieting has been my partner Jan. She has been dieting for 2 years with little to show for it, but she doesn’t lose her resolve at all. For a year (2006) she could take little exercise due to breaking her leg badly. She broke the fibula first (probably) & went to her doctor who diagnosed this as gout. When she complained of the pain she was feeling he prescribed painkillers & told her to carry on walking on it. After weeks of hobbling about on a broken leg, the ad



Getting Old's A Supreme Bitch!

Being on vacation the past 13 days I was planning to add more to this blog, but the joint pain dancing around my fingers is making typing very difficult. Have to go to the doc soon for BP check & PSA Prostate check, so I'm going to inquire about this. It's really getting bothersome. Wish I was 30 again! John B.



Thunderstorm & Cousins

~Written July 22~ The weather blew up the other day, the humidity/heat'd been stiffling. It rocked and rolled, great downpour, tremendous thunder, M & M plus little son D and I out in the street, then in the gutters where the water was ankledeep running so fast and warm. We stayed out in it til the temp dropped and we got cold...the kitchen garden completely flooded over. Then we got dried and warmed...and 3 hours later it was hot and humid again and the sidewalks were drying ni



First Entry

Hello! My name is Oliva Lynn. I'm from Minnesota. I play the piano and keyboard. I write music and lyrics, mostly in the genres of R&B, Pop, and New Age. I've played the piano since I was a young girl but I've only had a year and a half of formal lessons. Music is my life. It helps me escape from the harsh realities of life. It also helps me express myself when there's no one to talk to. My influences are Brian Mcknight, Alicia Keys, and Yanni. I am a member of Just Plain Folks. I also write



A Tiny Studio

Boss Micro Br Digital Recorder It was Steve that pointed me towards one of these. He knows I would love to record. The reason that I haven’t done so far is because I don’t have enough brains to learn anything. I took the plunge and I bought one of these two weeks ago. http://www.roland.com/products/en/MICRO_BR/index.html It’s powered by a pair of AA batteries (included). I turned it on and listened to the demo; it was the predictable heavy rock (yawn) song complete with gaudy (y



Always On My Mind

I've recently added the first (very preliminary) mix to the songwriting critique board. Always On My Mind This is a slower mix, also pitched down a little. I have also started a slightly higher pitched and faster version for comparison, but that is not posted yet. I know there's lots wrong with the actual mix, but I'm trying to get the feel going. This is the first track I've recorded in a while, and I didn't use my usual recording set up. It's nice to be back recording.



Going Global

Hello everyone, I know it's never a good thing to brag, but I have to tell someone. My company Stora Enso, based in Finland, employing just under 50,000 is doing a story about photographers who work for them, in their next magazine. They selected one from Finland, one from Germany, one from China, and one from North America. Well, yours truly was informed today that I will represent North America. Seems that a fellow employee, and all around good egg, Shelly Ghere submitted my name to co



For Dylan's Progress

Dear All, Was given a reminder...to cease for a time thinking about the next step or long road ahead for Dylan; but rather to thank God that he has been brought out of critical condition...brought to this next phase. Trouble with a capital T can force one to have an open mind. "I will take the bread of salvation...what can I render to the Lord for all He has given me? I will take the chalice of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. *Praising*, I will call upon Him and I shall



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