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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

Facing The Truth

To anyone who bothers to read this stuff, I am finally admitting something to myself. I am no longer a songwriter. Admitting something that I've pretty much known for over a year is not something that is all that hard. I haven't written and recorded anything from start to finish since 2004. It's gone, and I know it. I no longer wish something would "come to me" nor do I care whether I find time in my studio. If I do anything involving music from here on out it will be to help the younger f




Hi Everyone, Very good news: Dylan's breathing tube was removed today. So far so good, he's strong enough breathing on his own. The lung Xray of today showed marked improvement from yesterday's (saw it with my own eyes). The nutrition tube remains. Allowed one or two sips of water about every hour. It was something to walk into the room, him awake and greeting me. One thing I did was to show him the date of today's newspaper, slowly pointing out that he'd been asleep since Ju



A Treatise On Abraham Lincoln, The Noted North American Biped Of Yesteryear.

A lifelong omnivore, Abraham Lincoln fed on cows, chickens, fish and pigs for protein, and on grains, pulses and vegetables for fibre and starch. Abraham was lucky in that he didn’t have to catch and kill any meat. He lived in a society where it was normal to confine animals and vegetables within fences. The animals were frequently segregated from the vegetables to ensure the former did not consume the later. This arrangement also made the animals far easier to catch than wandering about t



Address For Dylan

Dear All, Cards or letters would be most appreciated by Dylan, I'm sure! He's 17 years old. It's safe to say he should be in hospital another 2 weeks. As some of you are overseas, or should others delays prevent you, no worries because whatever is sent will be forwarded to him. Whatever is in any of your hearts to do - or not do - is surely the right thing to do. ~Children's Hospital c/o Dylan Fellows - PICU St. Paul, MN, 55102 USA Those who haven



Banking Hell

So fed up with taking leave to sort out problems with my mothers bank (Barclays) I opened up similar accounts in RBS and transferred the money over after I closed the Barclays ones. Should have solved the problem, but the hitherto exemplary RBS have now out Barclay’d Barclays. I spent 90 minutes talking to Anna Marie of RBS as she set up the accounts, ordered the cheque books and cards, copied & registered my Enduring Power of Attorney document etc. Explained in detail that mother



Dylan Picu - July 7 And 8

Dear Friends and Family, We appreciate your understanding of not being able to reply much, esp. by phone right now. We remain very grateful for your support and prayers. After this update, our expectation is that updates will be less frequent...in a word, yes, he's getting a little better generally each day. Yet it is slow. Moving foward by the favor of your kindness, Donna and ____ ......................... SATURDAY JULY 7 ~8:30 am~ Dylan "woke up" for the



I Am Sorry (icu Update)

I am sorry for having no word but for our Dylan. I find myself doing things that (were I not going thru this) I'd consider outrageous. I began taking pictures of him...he's already lost three days, I think. What if he needed to know what had happened? Well, there was a way for him to know (the thought came)...I just asked the nurse for a camera, and the camera appeared. Today I found out that for PICU families there is internet and food, and digital cameras + all sorts of media available g



Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Dylan is recovering from surgery due to pleurisy and the empyema. He is fully unconscious and sedated, with a breathing tube. Hell, with many tubes. The Children's Hospital have given us parents a key to an apartment onsite where we can sleep, cook, shower, even do laundry. This is available until he's out of intensive care. Please pray for him, as he's a very sick boy.




He'll be OK (or should be), but Dylan was taken by ambulance yesterday back to the ER. The fevers have been spiking past 104 and all symptoms even worse then before. Which I didn't know, as he'd gone back to the flat (they've no phone, only the phone of certain friends). To their great credit, his friends'd been working to get his fevers down, and no one leaving him alone. It sounds like he worsened quickly and progressively in a 24 hour or so period. I don't know how one of his friends got




Not sure why, but two events today led me to think about lifes regrets. Those events were brushing my teeth and watching the History Channel....uh....not at the same time though. Anyway, regret number juan is; I didn't take care of my teeth when I was a kid. Now that I'm in my mid-to-late 40's my train wreck of a mouth is bothering / costing me a lot. Granted the pain pills are fun at times, but wrecking my liver and stomach at the same time is hardly worth it. Anyway, that is regret numbe




....an exhausting time. Dylan has returned to his life and new home. He def. is in much better shape, tho not recovered (unless I am mistaken). He was well enough to balk at being overcared for - we shall see how things go. It's a miracle, really, these antibiotics (in particular). For days you're too weak to get out of bed, and then you're not. Now I am the one who needs recovering! Never had a child that sick - it has drained me, which I feel + deal with, mostly after the fac



Recording A New Song...

It's been a while since I worked on a recording, well at least a serious recording anyway. At the moment I've started by laying down a guide guitar track, bass drums and some strings. I sometimes block in a track to act as frame for working up the parts, and other times I already have a clear view of the full arrangement. I find varying how I approach the recording, arrangement or writing helps keep me in a creative mood. Anyway, on this track I started with bass, strings, drums then guitar




Photography. Been taking a keen interest in what cameras are out there. Is there such a thing as an Ideal solution? Large Format. A Large Format Digital back for my field camera. They don’t exist. The betterlight co. make some, but they are essentially studio bound (for monorail cameras). In any case it runs into some serious money. At 416 million pixels I suppose it’s to be expected. http://www.betterlight.com/ So I’m stuck with film for that baby, and I would use it if I could fin




Dylan was the best yet yesterday. But cautious about it, seems to alternate between improvement and the sickness, probably the nature of things. Or, that the good days too much is done and so back into the hole somewhat the day following. But I'm so glad for yesterday! We were even getting on each other's nerves. A good sign! No doubt the strong antibiotic is taking hold. He's also been being given the Xango juice 1 0z, 3 x's daily. Plus excellent food, electrolytes. Gotta wonder



Sunburn (sequel To "not A Cloud In The Sky")

Ow, owie, and double ouch! Since when did 20 minutes in the sun do more damage than 2 hours in Chernobyl?. Anyway, I am finding that even though I love summer and hate winter with a passion, (then why do you live in Wisconsin stupid?) my tollerence to pain has left me in my mid to late 40's. So, my wife gives me this little packet of goo that has the word Hemp on it to calm my red skin. I got all excited until I read the fine print and found it had little to do with what I was thinkin'



St. John Baptizer Feast (musical Entry)

I stumbled into the little chapel - where the other choir is, led by Mr. (not Dr.) K. Oh joy, High Mass! Often it is suspened for the summer for its length + the seasonal heat. I welcomed it thirstily. I'd never seen the propers. We did everything acapella and I required no warm up. I was wishing so bad I knew the chant inflections perfectly. I tried to recall the monks...how they carry song beautifully but indistinctly, no one voice standing out. It won't work here, tho. I try anyway to c



Not A Cloud In The Sky.

I'm doing something I have never done before. It all has to do with my taking care of my "Granddaughter" <---dog. Her name is Bella and she is a Black Lab. Great dog albeit a bit on the hyper side. I like to think of her as Steve with a fur coat. She is only a year and a half old which explains a lot. Anyway, she likes to lay outdoors, so I grabbed my lawnchair, my coffee cup, and of course my laptop and parked it out in my yard. I love wireless!! This is proving somewhat difficult as th




Dylan has been sick with mono(nucleosis) and pneumonia.



40mg Of Citropan

http://www.spinnakertower.co.uk/ The Spinnaker Tower was built to commemorate the Millennium. That is so important isn’t it? We have a large round number appearing on the calendar. Lets spend £35 million quid so we don’t forget that big number later on. The thing dominates the skyline. Its like a big middle finger rising out of the harbour saying “ha ha, you just paid for this, up yours ” to everybody in the city. Now lack of money is blamed for Care Home closure, bus service cutbacks etc etc



Coo Koo Cats

A lovely summer evening, it'd cooled a bit from the 90+ high humidity. ______ and I sat outside w/ tobbacco's, O doul's and dark chocolates. I listened to _____ speak about the Am. Civil War and asked questions. I played outside after chat. A. (12) and M. (eight) were at the table with me. I put the axe away for awhile and we laughed about the other eve, when M. came up to me, very late: I hissed, "What?!" (I begin hissing after about 10:00 pm when they want me - 14 hours is enough I think!



Chapter 6 Mentors, Legends And Just Good People

No discussion of my musical life would be complete without a mention of all the incredible people who were either an inspiration to me or actually passed their knowledge to me in one form or another. I'll start with my very first music instructor Roland "Saxie" Schollenberger. The man who revealed to me the awful truth about sax playing and forever ruined my fantasy that my ol pal Denny (see Chapter 1) started in me. I'll never forget that little basement studio in Charelli Brothers music



My Music Technology Articles

Enjoy... Midi Message Format The Midi Interface Compression Equalisation (EQ) Noise Gates and Expanders Reverb Standard Filter Types EQ Frequencies or not!



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