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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

Getting In The Flow

Hey For ages I neglected my guitar. It's a sad story. Well not really. I only picked up my guitar for working through chords for a song I was writing, but very little just to play the guitar. Lately I've been doing a lot more playing the guitar for the guitar's sake. If you know what I mean. I was amazed at just how much the fluidity of my playing had been affected. I played "little Wing" a few weeks ago on my acoustic and was really pleased that I managed to remember it, but on l



Stanley The Kitten

I am to visit my son Ben this evening. He has a new kitten. The kitten’s name is Stanley. Apparently Stanley likes to chew cables & wire. This could be a problem. Cats seem to delight in non-cooperation, except for lions. Other creatures benefit from mutual cooperation, ants, wolves, herring, porpoises, bees, sheep. Why couldn’t he have adopted one of those? A budgerigar would have been easier. After all birds inspired the likes of Wilbur & Orville Wright. The chord of an airc



He's Leaving Home

Our oldest is moving out of the house this summer. He's not yet 18. I've every reason to believe that this is truly the end of an era, that he will garner his resourcefulness and make it on his own. I end up, like every parent I've heard before me saying, "it goes so fast." I will miss him, more than I can say. One reason being, in the past few years he has become an artist. I recall ______ and I, after reading some school essay of his when he was 13 or so, telling him one day the writing b



The Image Of A

The point in talking about one's children should be, because they are real people whom you couldn't imagine not having in your life...plus esp. they've been given to you. I am learning, that when one's children seem particularly gifted in whatever area, I as the parent am almost as surprised and delighted as anyone. Not because I didn't think they had it in them...not because I unconsciously denigrate them, being children. But because what they have is the real deal. It beings up so many fe




This is a simple explanation of the children/birth orders: a thick girl sandwich (5 girl filling) with the boys as the two pieces of bread. L (or Elle) is the second girl. SCHOOL MUSIC GUYS I must say that the local schools often knock me out w/ the children's music programs. Especially the younger children's school - what they get 100 or so children to do, in an orderly way. That's not even the music, which often includes challenging mumbers (+ great to hear traditional Americ



Sick World....

How sick are people, what has the world come to? what has happened to us that parents murder their own children? and in such cruel ways. What has this world come to when mothers put their infants in the microwave??? not just one case, but two I heard of. one in 99 and one in 05 that I heard of this am on the news. WHAT THE f*ck IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!!!!!!!! how could you bear a child only to be so cruel to it? I just dont get it. I really am a believer that people should need a license to have k




OK, so, I finally got around to the gallery. Dont expect much more than whats in there now, not for a while at least since my camera is busted LOL.. I added a few icons I made. YES, I really did make them, they say coolbuddy.com because I submitted them to msnicon.com and all icons must have coolbuddy.com on them in order to be accepted. yes i know they suck and yes I stole the bgs of the cat and pina colada ones.. only the background image. not the text or saying.. im not a complete thief.. no



Practicing Tonight :) Bar Chord Song; Baby Song

Haven't played much lately... it had to stop, practcing those late nights. Too hard elsewise during the day and even evening. I can take a great deal of children and household needs coming to me or at me, but not during practice. I'm sure something can be worked out, including going to a park or something w/ the good weather. Tonight was nice. As usual, the time escaped. No metronome and no scales. Instead I worked on a few passages. When I'm away from playing a couple/few days, or if



Long Week....

Well well, its been an interesting week to say the least. Stayed late every night until Thursday as usual. Wednesday, I was even the only QC person. Friggin crazy, thats what it was. CRAZY, but hey, its my job. Wendnesday morning I had to go in early for a meeting. Figures, as if I didn't already have enough to deal with at work, starting Monday, QC will be in charge of tooling. When an assembler needs a tool for an order ( other than those in their tool boxes, screw drivers, various wire and ja



Open Mic Not

I won't be open mic-ing this week. And I was set to. They cancelled the show due to lack of...talent, literally. Yeah I'm mad. Later I'll have something else - like trying to record again! whatever! What eh vah What eh vah Pass me a beer And your feh thah We'll tickle each other Under the chin Then launch thee 2 B's Onto the white skin Of the drum heads Then all will be beh tah What eh vah What eh vah



An Encouraging Experience

I'm gearing up for my first open-mic sort of, this week. Lots of firsts: doing an original, playing solo, playing guitar. Recently I brought the axe to the home of a couple I know, to play this song for them. I am eager to maximize comfort level in this new endeavor. Playing to two and their children seemed a good warm up for staff talent show (aka, open-mic sort of). I did it cold, no warm up whatsoever. The man of the couple is a vetran with a capital V. Drummer forever, soundma



Backround (toy Drumset As A Child; Lessons; Separation)

Mon Capitaine, thank you for inviting us and me to blog ............................................................................... TOY DRUMSET and FIRST SONG I began drumming when I was a little child, not much older than six, if memory serves. Began on a toy drumset which included a snare-like-drum, with a little cymbal attached to an L-shaped metal dowel, which affixed on drum's rim. The drumsticks were a deep red (brushes also included). I remember learning I'll Be Ther



Writing More Lyrics

Hey I've been getting back to writing some lyrics. At the moment I have about twenty songs with incomplete or no lyrics yet. I'm really happy with the musical direction of the songs but getting the lyrics written takes a deliberate effort for me. Music always comes naturally. So now I have melodies and chords and rhythm, and a few ideas and concepts, occasional lines and one or two verse/chorus combos. I know what to do, and how I will do it. Now I just need to get to it My pet h



Bye Bye Flip Flops....

Thats right. no more flip flops. We are no longer allowed to wear flip flops (or any kind of sandal) at work anymore. In addition to that, we must have a seperate pair of shoes which we wear ONLY inside the building. WHAT THE Fu@%!!!!!! Ok. I LIVE IN THONG FLIP FLOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Deb and Jeff but this is rediculous. Its not like we have the most upstanding dress code and yet now we cant wear damn sandals in 90 degree weather? Yes, I seriously am pissed off over flip flops..... so y



Never Good Enough....

why is it that no matter how hard some people try, theyre never good enough? I try so hard, I work my ass off all week. I even stayed more than 3 hours overtime on friday to get an order out. Every day I go above and beyond and yet still Im not worthy of anyones respect. I try so hard to prove myself but then I have these people who spend THIER time trying to sabatage me. Then. the man I love dosnt even respect me. Tells me he will give me anything I ask for, Do anything I ask. All I asked was t



The Future Is In Good Hands.

Now that the school year is nearing it's end, I felt I needed to give my opinion of the students I have watched grow another year older, and also some who are moving on in life. I have attended all types of sporting events throughout the year, and also attended music, acting, singing, and just about any other event the school had. I can say this. I love those kids and couldn't be any prouder of their academic, athletic, and overall acheivements. These kids are fantastic. I think back



Hate Work Sometimes (pointless Rant)

well. I tried getting to sleep , but to no avail, so I figured Id come back online for a bit. Its been a long day. Rough morning at work. what good is any system if people dont follow it? I had a perfect set up for the line at work but it wasnt working.. why? people dont know how to f-ing read? this shelf that sais for FIRST TEST, is where you put things for FIRST TEST.... just like the one that sais FINAL TEST is for final test. ERROR REPAIRS FIRST.. for errors from first test that need to be r



Price Of Gas, And Other Pisser-offers.

Good morning Tom! Well good morning to you Blog! I have a couple of "loves" in my life that aren't flesh and blood. One is golfing, which where I live only lasts about 4.5 months due to the climate. The other is photography, a year round thing providing I can keep the equipment warm enough. (Sorry folks, but recording doesn't make the top two) This brings me to the price of gas. Where I live it has gone up about 40 cents in a very short time, and that really cuts into the amount of t



Spilled Guts In Aisle 3

Hello TV Land, I am starting my usual day (as of late) by making coffee, pouring a cup or 7, and firing up the ol' laptop, read all the shit that is happening on this friendly planet of ours, my e-mail and so on, which brings me to this point. I was debating whether or not to write a blog today, which got me thinking. What good is a Blog? Hmmm, "What good is a Blog" Truthfully, I doubt that "this" blog serves any real purpose in life, and that anyone really reads the damn things th




Well, I finally did it, Made meself a blog here... Wasnt going to but John kept nagging me . So I guess next stop is a gallery.. oh the agony. So Anyways, well.. I dunno, I cant promise I'll be writing regularly but Ill try. For those who dont know I work full time in quality control at a company that manufactures communications cables for goverment and industry. Yes, thats right boys, you can feel safe knowing that I inspect and test the cables that go to the department of defence But seriou



Cameras And Fingers!

I was feeling pretty pissed off yesterday when I dropped my Digital snapshot camera in a stream! Fortunately, it seems to be OK now that it's dried out, although I do appear to be missing a few shots I'd taken. Today, I stabbed myself on the tip of my finger! Which is pretty painfull and is stopping me from playing my guitar! I cleaned all my guitars yesterday with a view to getting in some practice and hopefully working up a song! Well that's that plan scuppered for a few days. I am fin



An Odd Sunday, Thank To The World Economy.

First, an update. I still haven't found my answer to my last entry. Good days, bad days. Oh well. This brings me to my less than exiting Sunday. As of late, or at least the past month or so since I bought my camera, I have looked forward to filling up the gas tank and heading out for part both known and unknown on my free weekends. I had some very exiting places to go this weekend, and I'm sure I would have found something to catch my camera's eye. (Update, I have taken over 1650 pics



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