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  • Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

Lyrical Motivation

I am churning out music I am happy with, a lot quicker than I am currently managing to produce lyrics. It's not a wuestion of ideas, it's motivation. I thinked I've sussed out what's wrong (again). Motivation. (still) I just don't spend enough time writing. When I sit down with an instrument I can simply express myself. My inner feelings are given a voice and it's good just to let that out. With lyrics, I tend to put a lot of myself into them. They are about me, my life, or someth


A Song Is Like A Good Lover..........?

I’ll tell you my analogy for a good song A song is like a really good attentive, interesting lover! It MUST have the initial attraction – which happens in the first 20 seconds or so, (maybe even less), of the song, so obviously that includes the intro….. and very importantly the opening lyrical lines! Imagine a bad pick up line- turns a person RIGHT off from the word go . Weak opening lines in my opinion are things like “I woke up this morning........”. (Just one loose example a


The Penis Enlarger.

One of my daughters came home from school and told me that her teacher had a penis enlarger in his storeroom. Actually, her and her little friend BOTH told me this with big wide solemn eyes that only nine year olds possess when they're trying to tell you something VERY important. My first stunned question was "How do you KNOW it was a penis enlarger?" And with eyes growing wider by the second they explained, "Because it had it WRITTEN on it....Pee-NIS En LARGE- ER" Well, that did


The "castle"

According to the description the real estate site gave on the net we now live in a "medieval-like castle" built in 1919. Of course, it's not REALLY a castle. Doesn't look a bit like a castle from the outside - most of it is covered in ivy so you can't see much, but all the interior walls are made out of rough stone that's been limewashed and there are enough arches to drive a person crazy! The owner wanted to rent it furnished and he did have a lot of really chunky dark wood medieval type


The Inspiriations Of A Sweet Potato

I was standing in front of the stove cooking dinner when my eleven year old daughter, reading a form that needed to be filled in for school, asked... "What do I write for mums occupation?" "Nothing....mum doesn't do anything." said my sixteen year old. Whirling around with a wooden spoon in my hand I snapped.... "That's right, I sit on my backside on the couch all day eating bon bons watching days of our lives! Yup, that's me - she who doesn't do ANYTHING." "I didn't mean THAT mum!"


Air Guitar (again!)

i've just seen some more on the TV. these dudes are nutters, and to be honest so are the people who cheer them on from the crowd, tho i'm guessing they are probably just the same people waiting their turn lol. I just DON'T GET IT! Maybe if they called it "Look Like A Twat".....


Euromerica-a Cyber Duo

In the past two months my music has taken a turn in a slightly different direction. Sometime in mid September, a guy from Paris France named Guy Debreilly who plays guitar (in many different genres) posted a link to a song on the 2090 forum he had recently completed which he called "Green Prairies" and asked if anybody thought lyrics would be appropriate. He said himself that he didn't hear a lyric/vocal line in it but wanted some other opinions on the matter. I was the first to respond and



Guardian Angel?

Over the years I seem to meet more and more people who believe in "angels". Now the sceptical side of me completely pooh poohs the whole idea as to me it conjures up a far too fluffy image of etherial, half naked cherubs playing fiddles in the sky and since I don't believe in heaven or God then it's only natural that these kinds of "angels" don't really fit into my realm of thinking either. But....... I have to say that at least ONCE in my lifetime thus far, I have had an experience that I


Appeal Versus Commercial Writing

Songwriters often shun the idea of being "commercial" in their writing, without pausing to think about the what they are throwing away under the heading "commercial". I've seen so many songwriters that don't edit, or are only open to editing certain parts of songs purely on the grounds that writing in a way that makes their lyrics more appealing is equated with selling out to commercialism. One of the points of writing a song is to communicate. One of the reasons can be to make a point. In


Excuse Addicts

Musicians are excuse addicts. Why do I say that? simple. get your average musician, get them to play for you, or play one of their songs. what do you hear? generally a long explanation prefacing their performance explaining that their fingers don't work right on Tuedsays, the fact that the song isn't complete yet, how they are emotionally traumatized by the death of their pet worm... then the first muttering of some music. quickly followed by an indepth discussion of how this isn't their in


Which Way Should The Camper Trailer Face?

Over the years, one of THE most frustrating aspects of camping has been the moment that we arrive at a campsite for one of our rare two or three night stopovers and deciding which way the camper trailer should be positioned. It's very important to me that the trailer should be adequately positioned in order to maximise our comfort for the duration of such a stay, particularly in regards to where the sun will set as there is nothing worse than having the afternoon sun glaring in on where you ar


Our Camping Trip To The Gold Fields Of Wa

Our most recent (and first camping trip in Western Australia) took us 2777km to complete in a week exploring many of the old gold mining ghost towns North East and East of Perth that sprung up in the late 1900's when people came from all over the country, and overseas, in their quest to find gold. It didn't take long, a mere 100 km or so before we reached the town of New Norcia and began to be plagued by thousands of annoying bush flies even though the temperatures were still quite pleasant at


I Was Thinking

which is a most dangerous pastime for me! I was listening to a news item regarding obesity!The general concensus is that we are all becoming obese, and in another 40 years, a huge percentage of the population will be clinically obese! The government is worried! The strain this would place on the, already stretched health service could be critical! It could cost millions of pounds to treat this 'new age' condition. The news item included expert testimony from er, 'experts', who concluded that our


I Saw You.

I saw you there.....at the sports carnival.... Heard the kids shouting at you "Run! Run will ya!" And your reply........"I AM running!" I saw the way you sat with your head down, your cheeks burning furiously. I know that you wanted the earth to swallow you up at that moment. I know how you felt, and how you feel. Different. Awkward. Clumsy in your changed and ever changing body. So much more developed than the other girls your age. You're not "cool".....not "pretty enough


Fish Diary Part 1

OK. So, I have started my own personal diary of sorts to keep track of my fishy business! It was suggested I post it as a blog! OK, so first of all, Since my diary did not start until I started cycling my tank I will give some BG info.. 10 gal tank (to be used for quarantine/hospital tank) 2 inch gravel (1 inch sand colored fine substrate for plants, 1 inch colored substrate for looks) 6 fake plants 2 live plants 1 large cave ornament 1 med sized pink/whiteish rock (real)


Who Are We Really?

people are all actors. they play a role whenever they are with someone. what do I mean? ok, for a start we have an inner and outer self. we are who we are between our own ears (generally), but all we ever present to the outside world is a facet of ourselves. that which we want someone else to see. that can change from person to person, situation to situation. we play a role in work, we play a role at home, we play a role with friends. we all have our deep dark secrets, we all have flee


The Goat Story.

I thought I would start my first blog with my most favourite true story....and because today, my husband finally mowed the lawn with an electric lawn mower that he got from freecycle, because he is too damned stingy to go and buy a NEW one! It cut out several times due to overheating and I had to dutifully follow behind holding the cord so he wouldn't electrocute himself by mowing over it, but I must concede that it DID do the job. Better than the goat did anyway. My husband has nev


Writing A Song

it's weird how creativity flows. I have absolutely no problem coming up with musical ideas at all. Prick me with a pin and a new tune will come out, complete with chord structure. Music just seems to happen. I have no problem rewriting (except melody once I have words), changing direction, coming up with alternatives etc. Lyrics are different. I don't know if it is the quality of original ideas, and enhanced sensitivity to perfectionism? Somehow the words convey something definate, so


Record Labels

I've seen lots of bands waste time waiting for labels to find them. I think you are doing the right thing in trying to meet them to make contact, but I would recommend a couple of things: Get with the schmooz crowd. Great getting contacts at expos, but you need to get invited to industry events, launches and parties. that's where a lot of initial business is done. Best way to get invites is to become part of their social crowd. that means getting to know them, most likely through the gigs o


When The Music Stops

I remember the fun and excitement, when as an young teenager I followed bands, stunned by their sheer vibrancy. I was taken places I would never have anticipated and shown things I didn't know existed. Above all I was given an identity of sorts, and I found that I was comfortable with who i could be. The bands seemed to exist on another level entirely, living a somehow gifted life, charmed. Untouchable. I believed every word I was fed. I worshiped those bands, and I felt inspired. I had bee


Writing Lyrics

I've been doing lots of writing and I'm really enjoying it. I think it's because I've got lots of ideas flowing, both melodically and lyrically, and that is helping to keep my creative juices flowing. I'm almost ready to start using my collaboration space. First time I'll have used it in anger, so to speak. It's been a while since I've recorded with other musicians and I'm really looking forward to hearing the little unexpected twists and ideas you get when working with others. Onwards


Air Guitar

I must be in a minor rant mode. Air Guitar. WTF is that all about? Please tell me they don't think they look cool? I would have thought family and friends would have done the decent thing, slapped them on the back of the head and simply said "MUPPET!". Ok, it started in the 70s/80s with headbanging on the dance floor, but competitions? It's like volunteering to wear a t-shirt saying "Asshole" on it. Why is this in the fun category? Because,a lthough horrified, I can't stop laughi


Hello, Is There Any Body In There?

Just another day on planet earth pondering the ins and outs of life. Today I'm pondering why some women feel driven to pluck their eyebrows, only to either draw them back in, or for the more afflicted tattooed back in. Is it just me or is that seriously whacked? Not content with that, some adherents of this particular path draw them back in up to 1 inch above the top of their natural eyebrows. Why? They look permanently surprized, if not more than a bit stupid. Maybe it is in eager ant


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